Identifying A New Testament Assembly
Compiled by Lonnie Ford for the Nepali Brethren
- This is not intended as an exhaustive study on the subject of the Lord's Assembly.
- It is designed to encourage the heart of every student of the Bible in hope that this treatise will be sufficient to:
- Give assurance regarding the identity of God's 'peculiar people' on earth today.
- Instill in each heart a deeper appreciation of the assembly so highly valued by our Lord.
So highly did Jesus Christ value 'the church' that He gave His all; purchasing it with His own precious blood, (Acts 20:28).
He loves her, as His own espoused "bride" -- sanctifying and cleansing her "with the washing of water by the Word, (so) that He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish," (Eph. 5:26-27).
- Another purpose of this study, is to challenge each of us to a deeper commitment of our lives toward giving Him -- "glory in the church in Christ Jesus" -- until the hour of His glorious appearing.
- Also, as we study, it should become clear that the assembly is called the 'house of God,' and is regarded as being the 'pillar and ground of the truth'.
- Under the Holy Spirit's direction, the Lord's assembly is the custodian, guardian, preserver and divinely authorized TEACHER of the Divine Word, that is able to make us "wise unto salvation" which is 'in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory', (2 Tim. 3:15; 2:10).