Identifying A New Testament Assembly
Compiled by Lonnie Ford for the Nepali Brethren
- In this age, a scriptural New Testament Assembly is that house or dwelling place of God.
- We established from scripture in the first three or four lessons that the assembly was in the heart of God before the foundation of the world. That Jesus built this house (dwelling place), the New Testament assembly, during His personal ministry. That this house, just like God's house of the Old Covenant, is both local and visible. The assembly was established upon Christ and the Apostles as the foundation, fully functioning and commissioned before the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Also we discussed the important question of Authority. Not every assembly has authority to assemble in the Name of the Lord or to carry out His commission. However, the assembly that Jesus built was built from material prepared by John, who came with authority from God to prepare the way for Messiah. In identifying the Assembly that Jesus built, we must discern that the Assembly we identify with is the one that was authorized by God and built by Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus said the way was narrow and difficult, few there be would find it. The way of religion today, even Christian religion, is broad, offering many beliefs along with many opposing paths on just about any subject of the bible. They call upon you to choose a church that feels good and best fits your belief system. On the other hand Christ calls you to search out the truth of His Word, to conform your heart, your life to the Straight and Narrow way that leads to a true life of fellowship with God in His blessed Kingdom.
- In this study we face yet another important issue that we need to consider. In that God has an authorized house that was built by Jesus; where is it, and how can we find it so that we might be part of it? Is the assembly that Jesus built still in the world today, or did it go out of existence along the way? Thus we come to this study of the Perpetuity of the Assembly, and in later issues we will study identifying signs of the Lord's Assembly.