

By Eugene Garner


Scripture Lesson: James 5:19-20: "Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins".

        This refers to church members - dispersed, or scattered abroad through persecution that has come upon them because of their Christian profession. As pastor of the Jerusalem church, from which they were driven, James yearns over them with a deep, brotherly love. Here he urges them to manifest such as active, watchful, spiritual and loving care over each other.

"If any of you do err from the truth":
  1. To "err" is to depart, turn aside or go astray.

  2. James is specifically concerned about their erring "from the truth". But, we need to know what he means by "the truth".

  3. Therefore, before we go further in our attempt to understand James' meaning, it is necessary to find how this expression is used in the Scriptures. It is never safe to assume what a Biblical term means, simply because it is an expression that "we have always used". It is possible that we have not used it as it is used in the Word of God!

    1. "Truth" is used in the sense of faithfulness", or "trustworthiness", (Gen. 32:10; I Sam. 12:24; Ps. 57:10; 89:49; 91:4; 100:5; 117:21).

    2. It is closely associated with sincerity, (Josh. 24:14; Ps. 145:18).

    3. It is used of divine guidance, (Ps. 43:3).

    4. The "Way of Truth" describes the path that God has appointed for His people, (I Kings 2:1-4; II Chron. 31:20; Ps. 25:5, 10; 26:3; 86:11; 119:30; Is. 26:2).

    5. God's Word is "truth", (John 18:37; Ps. 119:151; John 7:17; I Tim. 2:4).

    6. To Jeremiah, it appears that truth is an "endangered species", (Jer. 9:1-3; 5:1-4; 7:28; contrast: Dan. 9:13-14). It is sometimes "perverted", (Rom. 1:25).

    7. Truth is personified in the person of Jesus Christ, (John 14:6).

    8. Love "rejoices in the truth", (I Cor. 13:6).

    9. Thus, we may conclude that when a person "errs from the truth", it is because he has permitted his "love for truth" to become cold. (Matt. 24:12).
        William Barclay has suggested that "Christian truth is always moral truth: it is truth which issues in action; it is a way of life". (I John 1:6). It is God's revealed will - to which the loyalty of one's heart must be given, (James 3:14; Gal. 5:7).

        Having examined the Scriptural usage of "the truth", we may now consider what is involved when one "errs from the truth", (II Peter 2:15; Heb. 5:2; Rev. 13:23; comp. Heb. 6:4-13; 10:26).
  1. It may suggest his erring from true doctrine - from the teachings of the Scriptures, (John 8:32).

    1. A person may turn away [from the truth] to speculative theories.

    2. He may turn away to teachings that clearly contradict the Word of God.

  2. It may suggest that he has "erred" in the sense of becoming messed up on the inside; for truth must control the very center of man's being if he is to walk acceptably in God's sight, (Ps. 51:6).

  3. It may refer to "erring" in one's walk - the way he lives; he may have fallen into sinful practices and be walking contrary to what the truth requires, (John 3:19; I John 1:5-7).

  4. A person may also "err from the truth" in failing to keep his own word, (Prov. 12:19).

  5. To "err from the truth" is not looked upon as a "mere triviality"; it is here viewed as sin - for James speaks of converting a sinner "from the error of his way!"

    1. He sins against the church of which he is a member, and whose faith he has professed.

    2. He sins against the truth as it is revealed and proclaimed in the Gospel.

    3. He sins against the Lord Jesus Christ, who is truth incarnate; and Whom he has confessed as Savior and Lord! (John 14:6).
"And one convert him":
  1. What does this mean, to "convert" such a person?

    1. It does not mean to "convert", in the sense of "saving" or "regenerating" him; rather, it speaks of turning him BACK from "the error of his way" so as to re-establish him in a walk of uprightness before God and men.

  2. Who should be concerned about this?

    1. Here is a work that any member of the church may perform, and has the direct and immediate responsibility to perform, whenever he sees a fellow-body-member falling, or lapsing, into sinful practices.

    2. James uses a person pronoun: "and some ONE convert him" [or brings him back].

    3. It is a responsibility that rests upon ANYONE and EVERYONE - to be his brother's keeper.

    4. The thing that James envisions is a PERSONAL MINISTRY to the erring church member.

  3. Who ought to take the initiative in dealing with such an erring one? (Matt. 18:15)

  4. The whole church has a role to fill, in prayer, concern and influence; but, so very often, it is by a word from a single, caring individual that the erring one is convinced of his error, reproved of his sin, and restored to fellowship and usefulness, through repentance and confession.
"Let him know, that He which converteth the sinner from the error of his way.":

        The expression: "converteth the sinner" is arresting, and underlines how serious a matter such erring is - since a word of grace comparable in initial conversion is needed. It is the same word that Jesus used when He said to Simon Peter, "When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren". The restoration of one who errs also involves repentance, and renunciation of error; coming to the Lord in consciousness of need, and trusting in His saving, forgiving and restoring grace. In relation to this, James enunciates a glorious truth: that, as Christian people are co-workers with God, in preaching the Gospel to the unconverted, so also He uses them in the restoration of backsliders. Against the background of the gravity of error, shines forth more gloriously the possibility of human participation in the ministry of reconciliation. (comp. II Cor. 5:17-20).

        What a privileged ministry this is; and how many erring folk have been lost to the church for lack of those able, and ready to exercise it. But, only those who are walking very close to the Lord can fulfill such a ministry; only those manifesting the grace of God himself by the Spirit: it needs one who truly CARES!

        To be privileged with such sevice will also bring rich reward: "if any of you do err from the truth and one convert him, let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his WAY shall save a soul from death, and shall hide [or cover] a multitude of sins".

        Let us not fail to note that "the error of his way" has a very close connection with "Shall save a SOUL from death". (Romans 8:6, 12-13; 11:14; I Cor. 9:22; I Tim. 2:4; I Cor. 1:21).

        Shall hide (cover) a multitude of sins. (Romans 11:14; I Peter 4:8).