By Eugene Garner
Isaiah, known as "chief of the 16 writing prophets," is
believed to have written this book, about 760 B.C. and 698
B.C. It was addressed to Judah and Jerusalem, though his
prophecies often concerned other nations, Isa. 1:1.
His message was fIrst, one of coming judgment captivities
upon Judah and Jersualem because of their sins, chapters
1-39; Part of the book, chapters 40-66, look beyond the
captivities to an hour of Redemption for Judah, Jerusalem,
and the believing of the Gentile nations who would accept the
coming Redeemer as Messiah, the Righteous Branch of David.
About the Writer of This Commentary
The material of this commentary of Isaiah was written and
compiled by Elder Eugene Garner, pastor of Landmark Baptist
Church of Rockford, Illinois for the past 33 years. It is
believed that it's content and presentation will be widely
acclaimed as a special contribution of handy and helpful
material for diligent Bible students, teachers, and
Eugene Garner is the younger brother of Albert Garner,
founder of the Blessed Hope Commentary Foundation, which was
founded to publish a verse by verse commentary on all the
Bible. They have been joined by Dr. Jerry Crumley, who will
soon complete a large volume covering the entire
The writer of this volume has also agreed to do a
commentary of one volume, covering Jeremiah and Lamentations,
expected to be released in about two years. Dr. Albert
Garner, Editor and Publisher of the commentary, expects to
release the Minor Prophets in a single volume in late 1984.