In considering the work of the Holy Spirit in the church one must not overlook the essentiality of His role in the fulfillment of the Great Commission, (Matt. 28:18-20). The Commission is the MARCHING ORDERS of the Lord's church in this age -- involving a three-fold responsibility:
1) TO TEACH (literally, "disciple") ALL NATIONS. This involves the proclamation of Christ's death for man's sin, and whatever other word is necessary to bring men to the place where they are filling to yield themselves fully to the lordship of Jesus, the Saviour -- an impossible task apart from the convicting and wooing power of the Holy Spirit.
2) TO BAPTIZE DISCIPLES, with divine authorization and according to the order set forth in the Word. But only the Holy Spirit can so open the hearts and understanding of men as enables them to discern the divine order for Christian living.
3) TO TEACH (a different word) THOSE BAPTIZED DISCIPLES all that the Lord has commanded. But, once again, this is accomplished ONLY in