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The Clarion Herald

    Our present salvation from the guilt and consequence of sin is "by grace, through faith", (Eph. 2:8). And the spiritual life imparted to us, by divine grace, is manifested through faith, (Rom. 1:17). But, as regards the future FULLNESS OF SALVATION in the Kingdom of God, we are "saved by hope", (Rom. 8:24). We do NOT hope for that which we already possess; "for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for"?
    Hope involves more than wishful thinking; it is faith's expectation of good things to come. Christian hope involves an unwavering expectation of all that God has promised in His Word. This hope may be clearly distinguished from worldly hope by: the eternal excellency of its object, (Col. 1:5); the stability of its foundation -- God IS eternal truth, unchangeable love and almighty power, (2 Tim. 1:12); and by its purifying nature, (I Jn. 3:3). Hope awaits, patiently and expectantly, the glory that shall be ours at the appearing of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, (I Cor. 15:19; Rom. 8:17-18).
    As an incomparable companion in life, hope lifts our spirits in the midst of suffering; brings us safely

through difficult passages and ever points onward to the end of our pilgrim journey -- assuring us that immortal pleasures and eternal joys await us at God's right hand, (Tit. 1:2). Faith and Hope are inseparable companions -- always conversing about "things not seen", (Heb. 11:1). Anchored to the promises of God, hope joins hands with faith to claim the blessings, (Rom. 5:1-2).
    So long as we are in this world it is the appointed lot of God's own people to: suffer, labor, watch, pray and await the day wherein we may share the glory of His triumph. In the meantime, hope gives comfort and strength by pointing to that eternal realm from whence sorrow, pain and death are forever banished (Rev. 21:4). The Christian secret to such present peace is "Christ IN YOU, the hope of glory", (Col. 1:27).
    If YOU are one who tends to continually dwell in the valley of disappointment, discouragement and despair, CHEER UP! "Hope in God", and you will find ample reason for praising Him, (Psalm 42:11). Learn to live with the consciousness that GOD IS NEAR. LAY hold upon His faithful promises; cleave to the truth -- holding fast to the Word

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

of God that is forever settled in heaven. HOPE IN GOD and you will have an anchor for your soul that is both sure and stedfast, (Hebrews 6:19).


    No other foundation is so secure as that on which the child of God rests his faith -- the sure Word of God. "Heaven and earth shall pass away"; affirmed the Lord Jesus, (Matt. 24:35). The mountains may be hurled from their places and cast into the depths of the sea, (Psa. 46:1-3). The pillars of heaven may tremble and crash, but the Word of God remains the same -- utterly trustworthy, (Isaiah 40:8).
    "Heaven and earth shall pass away"; for God has ordained that they shall be changed, (Psalm 102:25-27). But the word of the Lord, forever settled in heaven and faithfully proclaimed on earth, shall

NOT pass away, (Psa. 119:89). Wherever one may turn in life, he is constantly surrounded by God's mercies. Tracing His providences one will, find abundant cause for trusting Him wholly.     Has that truth ever deceived you? Then what more can you want? What further evidence will you demand? Is not eternal veracity sufficient? Is He not your Lover, your Rock, your Refuge, Redeemer and Strength, (Psalm 61:3; Isa. 32:2)? Has He not graciously called you to Himself, wrapped the cords of His love around your wandering heart and drawn you to Himself, (Jer. 31:3; John 6:44)? Has not His blood sealed a new and everlasting covenant that cannot be broken -- assuring the redemption of all whose lives are abandoned to His lordship? And has He not bequeathed unto you His PEACE, (John 14:27)?
    Trust in God's promises will banish fear and sorrow. Faithful and kind as He walked among men 1900 years ago. He is still the same, (Heb. 13:8). The ancient testimony of Joshua still holds good: "Ye know in all your hearts, and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed, of all the good things which the Lord your God spoke concerning you; ALL ARE COME TO PASS UNTO YOU, and not one thing hath failed thereof, (Josh. 23:14; I K. 8:56).
    The eternal "Logos" (word ) made flesh, the Maker of all things, declares that His word will not pass away, (Jn. 1:1-3; Matt 24:35). And, faithfully proclaimed, it will not return void, (Isa. 55:11; Rom. 15:4).


    I was astounded; for once in my life I had little to say. A very black African boy had brought his primitive carvings to the little town of Livingstone, at the bottom tip of Northern Rhodesia, and having spread these in the sunshine, was sitting cross-legged awaiting the trade which tourists brought. My wife and I had been to see the magnificent splendor of the Victoria Falls, and had returned to our hotel in Livingstone. We parked our car and walked along the street; where we found the curio-seller. He had, spread out before him, small wooden hippopotami, beautifully carved antelopes, small ivory knives and forks, and many intricately woven baskets. They were all most attractive, but one item was outstanding. I saw a wooden crocodile in the boy's hands, and immediately I wanted it. It had been made from a piece of wood about 18 inches long, and was most life-like. It was grotesque, and yet its design was perfect.
    As I watched, the boy rubbed a cloth on top of an open tin of boot polish, and slowly proceeded to blacken the brown wood. Half the crocodile was jet black -- with boot polish; the other half was auburn, the natural color of the wood. I wanted to purchase that crocodile, although I didn't like the polish.
    "Boy, how much do you want for the crocodile?" Expectantly he looked into my face, and stated his price. His answer staggered me, and I immediately told him he was over-charging. He grinned, and

shrugging his shoulders, relied, "Ah, Baas (Boss), it is worth that much. IT'S HAIF EBONY!" His fingers indicated the part which had just been blackened by the polish. I am unable to say whether he had ever seen real ebony. Possibly he had heard that there was a valuable black wood of that name, and this was his imitation of the real thing. He was an expert salesman. He could blend words of varying types! I could have the head, or the tail, or the stomach of the crocodile made of ebony; but if the master were too fussy, I could return in five minutes and all the ebony would be gone!
    Alas, I have known people to be equally as changeable. They are half-saint and half-sinner, but at short notice they can be either one or the other. If the need arises, they can add a little more veneer (outward covering) of blackness and become a most popular man in the midst of a crowd of sinners. If the occasion demands, the polish can be removed, and he appears to be the most sanctified citizen in the community.
    Such people remind me of John Bunyan's Mr. Talkative -- the fellow who could be all things to all men. To some degree they remind me of the message sent to the church of the Laodiceans: "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou were cold or hot. So, then because thou art neither cold nor hot (lukewarm), I will spew thee out of my mouth".
    Veneers are always deceptive; that is why God always looks at the heart. -- Ivor Powell


    Since the editor will be out of town for most of the next three weeks, there will be only one issue of The CLARION HERALD in July.
    Lord willing we expect to attend the Fellowship Meeting at Arvada, Colorado next week. Then, from July 24 through August 2, I will be in a revival effort with the First Missionary Baptist Church of Anchorage, Alaska.
    Even though I will be working with the church in Salinas, California during the week of August 7-3, we should be back on our regular schedule with the August 9 issue. -- E.G.

    In the service last Sunday Morning brother Danny Wade came publicly professing his faith in Jesus Christ. He also requested baptism at the hands of the church -- that he might devote his life to walk in the path of God's appointment. He will be baptized following the morning service next Sunday.
    Welcome, brother Danny! May the Lord strengthen your heart and so enrich your life that we may have many years of joyful fellowship together in His service. E.G.

Day of Judgment, day of wonders
   Hark! the trumpet's awful sound,
Louder than a thousand thunders,
   Shakes the vast creation round:
      How the summons
   Will the sinner's heart confound!

See the Judge, our nature wearing,
   Clothed in majesty divine;
You who long for His appearing
   Then shall say, "This God is
      Gracious Saviour,
   Own me in that day for thine.

At His call the dead awaken,
   Rise to life from earth and sea;
All the powers of nature shaken
   By His looks, prepare to flee
      Careless sinner,
   What will then become of thee?

But to those who have confessed,
   Loved and served the Lord below,
He will say, "Come near, ye blessed,
   See the kingdom I bestow;
      You forever
   Shall my love and glory know".