Tuning forks are valuable in the field of music because they are largely free from harmonics, secondary or partial tones. They are independent to the ordinary changes of temperature. When used properly they ring out a true tone -- regardless of surrounding conditions.
The Master Musician has presented to us a spiritual tuning fork so that our lives may be maintained at "concert pitch". Provided our ears catch its clear note, our lives may be filled with harmony. We may easily detect any discordant note or confusing noise that surrounds us.
To produce this most excellent instrument, the prophets, apostles and Jesus Himself secured the most precious of materials. These materials have been fully tested by faithful men whose praise to God has been acceptable. Attentive to its true, full tone, their lives have been brought into perfect harmony with it.
Flats and discords may be excusable, on natural grounds, from our none-too-musical voices. But he who holds God's Tuning Fork in his hand has no excuse. Discord is one of the seven abominations that God