That bought a Bible for young
Sing Lee;
And young Sing Lee, when he'd read
Proceeded to turn his back on sin.
Then he rested neither night or day
Till his brother walked in the
narrow way.
And his brother worked till he had
Away from the gods his wife & son.
The woman told of her new found joy,
And Christ was preached by the
happy boy.
Some of the folks who heard him
Decided the one true God to seek.
It wasn't long till half the town
Had left its idols of wood & stone.
And the work's not ended yet, my
YOU started something that ne'er
shall end.
When you sent the money across the
That bought a Bible for young Sing
-- Amelia Price Ayres
A true missionary is God's man in God's place, doing God's work in God's way for God's glory.