During the past decade the so-called "Charismatic Revival" has made tremendous strides toward destroying any semblance of "order" in so-called Christian churches. It is high time that the people of God BEWARE OF THEIR DISTORTION! There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that this movement is of the Holy Spirit. Rather, it appears that many sincere Christian believers have been "duped", or self-deceived. They are taking an "ego trip" on a manufactured religious "high" that can lead ONLY to spiritual RUIN.
When one looks closely he may observe some definite characteristics in this movement -- wherever it is found.
Charismatic's TALK of PRAISING GOD, while extolling a pseudo-spiritual EXPERIENCE that has left them with a spiritual (?) superiority complex, a know-it-all attitude and a contempt for such as have not yet received the exhilarating "filling" or "baptism" of the Holy Spirit -- evidenced (they say) by speaking in "tongues". But, in reality, God is NEVER actually PRAISED, honored, adored or worshipped!
Charismatic's ARE UNTEACHABLE -- having an extremely limited