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The Clarion Herald

    Evidencing faith in God and expectation of His blessing on the undertaking, Landmark Church has authorized the expansion of our Christian Education program. Conscious of the need of special training for those in our membership who have been called to the Gospel Ministry, as of others who would serve God more effectively, the pastor has been authorized to begin classes two nights each week that are designed to meet this need.
    Brethren Rick Wade and Perry Ferris are eager to better prepare themselves for the Lord's service. And it is their desire, at least for the present, to pursue their studies under the ministry and in the spiritual atmosphere that they recognize and appreciate here at Landmark. This mutuality of respect strengthens the bonds of love among us and will, doubtless, be a vital factor in the effectiveness of this endeavor to: the glory of God, the salvation of souls and the growth of the church.
    But these studies will not be for our PREACHERS ONLY. Others, both within our membership and without, will be WELCOME to study with us. It should be understood, however,

that we have no desire to engage in the "proselyting" business, and that these classes are NOT begun in opposition to, or competition with, any other teaching program. They are designed as a positive endeavor to meet a definite need. And we desire the prayers of our brethren that they will prove a blessing and help to many.
    There are three specific ways in which YOU may assist us in this VENTURE OF FAITH.
    1. First, and foremost, you may PRAY -- for the church, the teacher and the students.
    2. If you have basic reference materials that are not in use, you may donate them to Landmark Church for the use of those who study with us.
    3. Or, you may help with FINANCES (we could easily use $3,000) needed to acquire such books and other resources as will be necessary to the adequate training of those whom God, in His providence, permits us to love and assist in serving Him more effectively.
    (My own personal library will be placed at the disposal of the students, but this is far from adequate for out need.)
-- Eugene L. Garner

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald


    Holy Spirit leadership is too often imaginatively associated with sporadic spurts of ecstasy -- a "feeling" of self-realization, liberated lightness and mystical hilarity. Where there is no constantly recurring wave of emotional sensation and thrill carnal children often conclude that the Spirit is not present in their church (or lives) -- however faithfully and lovingly the pure Word of God is proclaimed, loved and honored. This is a grievous error. It suggests immaturity, lack of spiritual understanding and a carnal endeavor to walk by "feeling" rather than by faith.
    Since Satan is a Past Master in the realm of flesh-sensation, he can soon drive such a person insane. He can readily induce a satisfying feeling of self-righteousness. But he can as easily, when his purpose can best be served by it, induce a

deep, dark, despondent, brooding self - condemnation that convinces one he is guilty of some unpardonable sin.
    "Feelings" often involve nothing more than an expression of the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the FLESH. Nowhere does the Word of God indicate that feelings are to be used as a gauge of spirituality. The Holy Spirit brings: conviction, a consciousness of emptiness, deep mourning and a gnawing hunger and thirst after righteousness just as surely as He brings joy to the HOLY life.
    Therefore, rather than attempt to measure one's spirituality by an appeal to flesh-feelings, it is appropriate that EVERY child of God learn to lean heavily on his Father's strong arm -- with an abiding confidence in His loving sufficiency and the faithful supply of every need "according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus", (Phil. 4:19). Instead of seeking some flesh-soothing sensation, let us learn to "Rejoice in the Lord ALWAY" -- remembering that "the JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH", (Phil. 4:4; Neh. 8:10).       E.G.


    To those who have taken time to write during the past few weeks we express our sincere appreciation. Your words of encouragement, your acknowledgement of blessing through this ministry, your constructive criticism and your liberal offerings in support of the CLARION HERALD are gratefully acknowledged. DO remember us in your prayers! E.G.

Part VI - ITS COMMISSION .. Cont'd.

    B. PHASE TWO "Baptizing them (disciples) in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost", (Matt. 28:19b). Since this is a vital part of the ministry committed to the church by her risen Lord, it is important that we seek answers to several questions concerning it. What is baptism? Where did New Testament baptism originate? Is it REALLY important? Who should be baptized? What is its significance? Who possesses the authority to administer it? And, what sort of blessings are associated with it in the teachings of the New Testament?
    To one who knows anything of the language in which the New Testament was written, there can be no doubt that "baptize" (Gk. "bapto" or "baptizó") means "to dip, or immerse"). Whatever Jesus meant by "baptize" when He walked among men, and in the country where He so walked, is the very thing He commanded for all men in the centuries that were to follow. Nor is there room for misunderstanding about the exact meaning of the word; it ALWAYS meant "to immerse" -- without exception. Never did the King James translators give the REAL meaning of the word when it was used of the ordinance commanded by our Lord. But when it was used in other settings they ALWAYS rendered it by the word "dip", (Lk. 16:24; Jn. 13:26; Rev. 19:13).
    Administration of baptism required "much water" -- a going "down

into the water" and a coming "up out of the water", (Jn. 3:23; Acts 8:38; Matt. 3:16; Acts 2:39). It should never be confused with pouring (Gk. "ballo" or "cheo") or sprinkling (Gk. "rantizo"); it has absolutely NO RELATIONSHIP to the words so translated in the New Testament.
    In reality, its origin was from heaven; it was purposed and commanded by God Himself, (John l:31). It was first administered by John, the Baptist. The NAME of the man sent from God was JOHN, (Jn. l:6). Because of the work he was divinely commissioned to perform he was called "the baptist" or baptizer. His baptism had heaven's approval -- the unity of the divine trinity behind it. Such can be said of NO OTHER so-called baptism that has ever been introduced into the world. E.G.


(This article was sent in some time ago by Sister Ollie Roberts, a dear saint who was a member of the Magnet Cove MBC, Malvern, Arkansas, when I pastored there 25 years ago).

The Lord is my Shepherd ... PERFECT
I shall not want ... PERFECT SATIS-
He maketh me to lie down in green
    pastures ... PERFECT REST.
He leadeth me beside the still wat-
He restoreth my soul ... PERFECT
He leadeth me in paths of right-
    eousness ... PERFECT GUIDANCE

I will fear no evil .... PERFECT
Thou art with me ... PERFECT COM-
Thy rod and thy staff comfort me...
Thou preparest a table before me...
Thou anointed my head ... PERFECT
My cup runneth over ... PERFECT JOY.
Goodness and mercy shall follow me
I will dwell in the house of the
    Lord forever .. PERFECT DESTINY.
(Continued from Last Issue)

    5. Then the word is associated with "rewards" in the coming age. On all who yield to Him in faith, God will bestow: "honor, glory and immortality", (Rom. 2:7). But one of the severest judgments to fall upon the "disobedient" is that they will be punished with "everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the GLORY of His power", (2 Thes. 1:9).
    6. Again, in 2 Corinthians one finds a contrast between the "glory" of the Mosaic and that of the New covenants. The splendor of the former was seen upon the face of Moses as a sort of after-glow, (3:7, 10-11); it faded and vanished. But the glory of the New is unfading -- shining, in all its radiant brilliance, in the face of Jesus Christ, (4:6).
    7. Finally, Paul shows how that "all have sinned and come short of the GLORY of God", (Romans 3:23). This certainly means that we have not attained unto that for which God made us. It may mean that through the fall we LOST the "glory" with which we were originally created. In any case, it is held before us as WORTHY of our attainment -- and offered to such as, through the obedience of faith, enter into the fulness of that Redemption that is offered through Jesus' blood.
    "Possessing Christ, I all possess
Wisdom, & strength & righteousness,
    And holiness complete;
Bold in His Name, I dare draw nigh
Before the Ruler of the sky,
    And all His justice meet."