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The Clarion Herald

    Recent tests, following a long and painful series of cobalt treatments, have disclosed that the rare type of cancer afflicting Bro. Dick Ferris has not been arrested. Instead, his condition has worsened.
    By means of a "bone scan" four active tumors have been found -- three in his spine, and one in the bone above his right knee. It is obvious that surgery, as a means of removing these tumors, is impossible.
    There has been consultation with an American Cancer Society specialist who will direct in prescribing future treatment. Whether radiation or some type of chemical treatment will be utilized, it is hoped that the process may be successful in destroying -- or at least making dormant -- the tumors.
    It is surely appropriate that God's people should faithfully hold up the name and need of this brother before the throne of grace. It is also appropriate that we open our hearts, our hands and our purses in LIBERAL support of one who has given HIS ALL to bear the testimony of Jesus -- both in the homeland and in far-off Japan. May our
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    The clearest possible index to the precise meaning of Jesus' words, in claiming to be divine, may be observed in examining their effect on those who heard Him. His own contemporaries were in an infinitely better position to grasp the significance of His words than are the totality of rationalistic critics of the 20th century. Someone may argue that they tended to MAGNIFY His words; it may be affirmed, with more concrete evidence, that modern criticism has tended to MAGNIFY them -- rejecting, on an a prior basis, all that appeared to suggest anything of a supernatural or transcendental nature.
    Matthew, Mark and Luke all relate the story of Jesus' encounter with Satan in the wilderness temptation. According to them, the tempter clearly' recognized His claim to deity. Thus, we hear his challenge: "If thou be the Son of God", (Luke 4:3, 9). He even quoted from the Psalmist words filled with Messianic implications and applied them to Jesus.
    When Jesus had driven from the maniac of Gadara the demons that had so long enslaved him, he

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

besought Jesus that he might go with Him. Jesus bade him "Return to thine own house, and show how great things GOD hath done unto thee". Luke records that "he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how great things JESUS had done unto him", (Luke 8:39).
    All the synoptic Gospels relate the incident wherein a palsied man was brought to Jesus. Because of the crowd they let him down through the roof. Seeing their faith, Jesus said: "Son, thy sins be forgiven thee". The scribes began to reason within their hearts, saying "Why does this man speak blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only?" And the reaction of Jesus to this is most interesting. He did not say "You are wrong. Men can forgive sins as well as God". Nor did He Say: "I am not REALLY forgiving his sin; but merely assuring him that God does so". No, Jesus assumed that the scribes were right in thinking of forgiveness as a

DIVINE prerogative. Then He stressed the fact that it is as easy to forgive sin as to heal a paralytic. He said "But that ye may KNOW that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, ARISE, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house". The man immediately arose, took up his bed, and obeyed the command of the Lord. And the people were amazed. They said: "We never saw it on this fashion", (Mark 2:5-12).
    In the context it is evident that Jesus performed this miracle for the express purpose of demonstrating His power to forgive sins. There is absolutely NO REASON for attempting to separate the power to forgive sin from the power to heal a. paralytic. The power to forgive and the power to heal go hand-in-hand; man can no more forgive sin than make a paralytic whole!
    On another occasion the Jews attempted to kill Jesus -- not only because he had broken their conception of the Sabbath, but also because He had called God His Father, "making Himself equal with God". Nor did this hatred develop through a misunderstanding of His claim; it arose through their unitarian resistance to a claim that was understood only too well. And John relates how they attempted to stone Him on still another occasion "because that thou, being a man, MAKEST THYSELF GOD". This conclusion was reached on the basis of His saying: "I AM THE SON OF GOD!"
   When Jesus was brought before Pilate His claim to deity, which they regarded as blasphemy, was the

principal charge. "We have a Law, and by our law, he ought to die, because he MADE HIMSELF THE SON OF GOD", (John l9:7). In the light of such understanding on the part of His contemporaries the sophistic quibbling of modern liberal theologians, who attempt to reduce Him to "a son of God" like other men, is exposed as nothing short of diabolical chicanery.
    The ancient Jews knew that Jesus' claims were UNIQUE. Whether or not one accepts them as true, any normally intelligent person who honestly examines those claims in their Gospel settings, will surely agree with those of His day who testifieth: "Never man spoke like this man!"
    Pursuing Jesus to the very end, the charge of blasphemy was the deisive motivation, which led to the crucifixion. Even on the cross He was taunted with the words: "IF THOU BE THE SON OF GOD, come down from the cross .. for he said, I AM THE SON OF GOD", (Matt. 27:40-43).
    The testimony of the Jews; their uncontrollable annoyance, their censorious criticism and their vengeful opposition, with all its consequences, points to the CLARITY with which Jesus Christ ultimately made His claim to deity. It was a claim that was even understood by the Roman soldiers who carried out the sordid task of the crucifixion. Having observed the calmness with which Jesus faced death, the love, mercy and forgiveness manifested --even in His extreme agony -- and having seen the revolt of the creation itself against this bloody & infamous deed, the centurion was heard to cry out "TRULY THIS WAS

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    Oh, that men might come to know the LIVING CHRIST as a present reality -- and cry out with Thomas, "MY LORD, AND MY GOD!"
-- Eugene L. Garner

(Phil. 3:7-9)

No more, my God, I boast no more
    Of all the duties I have done;
I quit the hopes I held before,
    To trust the merits of Thy Son.

Now for the love I bear His name,
    What was my gain I count my loss;
My former pride I call my shame,
    And nail my glory to His cross.

Yes, and I must and will esteem
    All things but loss for Jesus'
0 may my soul be found in Him,
    And of His righteousness partake.

The best obedience of my hands
    Dares not appear before Thy
But faith can answer Thy demands,
    By pleading, what My Lord has
        done. -- Isaac Watts

DICK FERRIS........Continued

love be without hypocrisy -- not in word only, but "in deed and in truth".
    The effectual fervent prayer of righteous men is STILL Availing! EG
"Two things stand like stone:
Kindness in another's troubles;
Courage in one's own."


    Several people have expressed deep appreciation for the articles that have been written by Bro. Mike Rogers during the past few months. They share the attitude of this editor. And those articles will continue to be a regular part of the CLARION HERALD -- as regular as Bro. Mike (a busy pastor) can supply them.
    It was the privilege of my family to visit briefly with the Rogers family, and for me to speak at the Union Hill MBC, on Wednesday evening, April 17. It is obvious that these brethren love and appreciate their pastor. Under his leadership they have significantly
increased their mission support. They are supporting their pastor full time, and are now in the midst of building a beautiful 3 bedroom parsonage.
    In a recent series of meetings, led by Bro. Eldwyn Rogers, two young men made known their call to the ministry -- one of these being Bro. Daniel Rogers, (Eldwyn's son and Mike's younger brother). Both of these young men preached their first messages at Union Hill on Sunday, April 14.
    May the Lord continue to bless Bro. Mike and the brethren at Union Hill! May He also raise up more young men with true shepherd hearts and give them "sheep" who will follow them as they follow Christ. EG


    The Son of God became incarnate on earth that men might see God. He once declared: "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father". He also declared: "As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you" (Jn. 20:21).
    The beauty of God shines but dimly in the best of men. Yet, if we are truly Christ's, He manifests Himself through us to others.
    We must learn to walk day by day in, such a consciousness of His presence that we can truly say:
    "The dear Christ dwells not afar,
The king of some remoter star,
But here, amidst the poor & blind,
The bowed & suffering of our kind;
In works we do, in prayers we pray,
Life of our life, He LIVES TODAY!"
    Life with Christ is an endless hope; without Him a hopeless end.