I have recently read a very enlightening, book length, documentary entitled "The Unbelievable Pre-Trib Origin". This work has been carefully researched and written by Dave MacPherson, Director of the Heart of America Bible Society, Inc. 5528 Lydia Street, Kansas City, Mo. 64110.
This is NOT a Bible-study book, but a well written, well documented account of the origin and propagation of the popular "Pre-Tribulation" theory of our Lord's return. Many Baptists have been promoting that theory so dogmatically as to make its acceptance a basis of fellowship.
Dave MacPherson has shown its historical origin to be dated some 1000 years too late to have ever been proclaimed by our Lord Jesus Christ. If the highly emotional proponents of a pre-tribulation "rapture" can invalidate this document, with either scriptural arguments or historical documents that to this date have not been submitted for examination, I am confident they will not long delay their answer. In the meantime, I trust that it will serve to drive multitudes of sincerely deceived brethren back to the Scriptures for an honest, open-minded examination of the final Word of authority.
Single copies of this book are available at $2.95. Make your check payable to "Heart of America Bible Society" and send it to the above address. -- Eugene Garner
must be especially careful when he approaches the house of God that he "be more ready to HEAR, than to give the sacrifice of fools ... Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God ... let thy words be few", (Eccl. 5:1-2).
"He that hath an ear, LET HIM HEAR!"
Since God searches our hearts, He cannot be deceived by outward "forms" of godliness. It is foolish if we deceive ourselves in this matter. Mere reformation of conduct -- abstaining from the grosser sins that once characterized our lives -- is no definite proof of conversion. The sins that men seem early to enjoy often, with indulgence, become repulsive and disgusting.
If, however, our hearts are so renewed, by the grace of God, that we become firmly, conscientiously & habitually opposed to the former lusts that we loved most; then we have evidence of genuine conversion. Before one will abandon that which is dearest to the flesh, he must know something of the love of Christ -- His concern, and willingness to
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With no lack of brazenness, and with tantalizing enticement for the spiritual bargain-hunter, the Russelites have done it again!
A few weeks ago there appeared in my mail box a beautifully prepared brochure that at first sight appeals to the natural curiosity of man. "A man wonders about many things, but can he find answers?" Having caught my attention, it then went on to promise that I can NOW "understand Creation, see fulfillment of prophecy, comprehend chronology .... trace Israel's return to their ancient land.. discover the secrets of the Pyramid", etc. That is, all this was within my grasp IF I would purchase (for the bargain price of only $4.00) a new book that is "without doubt -- the most complete expository of the Bible ever written!" (So they claimed.)
Never ceasing their proselyting activities, the Jehovah's Witnesses
appear to have grouped seven of Pastor Russell's works under one cover entitled: "Studies in the Scriptures". At half the price, any work of this master of spiritual perversion and deception is something that those who love God, and are concerned for genuine growth in the grace and knowledge of the Lord can well do without.
There are some bargains that the spiritually alert know they cannot afford! I trust that the readers of the CLARION HERALD will exercise a better stewardship of their money than by sending it to "DIVINE PLAN' Dept. "B". God ACTUALLY has no mailing address in Ft. Worth!
A recent note from Bro. Harold Wood (clerk), of the Calvary Cross MBC, in St. Louis, announces a Fellowship Meeting there on April 26-27. Services will begin at 7:30 on Friday evening. Then there will be an all day service on Saturday -- beginning at 10:00 AM.
It is hoped that many brethren will be able to assemble with this church for a time of fellowship and blessing in the Word of God.
Calvary Cross has recently called Bro. John L. Coleman (of Indianapolis) as their pastor. A fine group of people, who are hungering for a clearer understanding of the Word of God; and an humble brother, who is capable of teaching, ought to make a winning combination -- for the glory of God. May the Lord richly bless their labors together!
When God forgives HE FORGETS!
Brother Jim Burks, in a recent telephone conversation, informs me that he has resigned the pastorate of the Faith MBC, of Salinas, California, with the intention of doing mission work in the Monterey area. This is but the latest in a series of churches that have been without a pastor during the past few months.
Every "flock" needs a faithful shepherd -- one who will lead them in paths of righteousness. But no church has a right (scripturally) to "elect" or "call" a man on the sole basis of their approval of his personality, or their enjoyment of his messages. It is the Holy Spirit who, in God's order, selects and sets men in the bishopric. The very best thing that any church can do is to honestly SEEK HIS WILL with a willingness to approve His selection.
Divine wisdom, alone, is capable of bringing together an under shepherd and a flock that can work together "harmoniously" for the glory of God and the furtherance of the Gospel. When preachers and churches come to recognize, and approve this Biblical principle, there will be far less "parson swapping" and greater cooperation in local assemblies -- where all will be standing fast "in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel; And in nothing terrified" by their adversaries, (Phil. l:27-28).
Thank God for men like Jim Burks who have a burden to see new churches established as light houses of truth -- to rescue the perishing,
correct the erring, and assist the faithful in following on to know the Lord more perfectly.
The Cave Hill MBC (formerly the Bethel MBC),of Lexington, Kentucky, has recently called Bro. Jerry Thomas as their pastor. It is my understanding that he has accepted and will soon be moving on the field.
Cave Hill has a new name; has recently moved into a new building, in a now community; and now has a new pastor -- with unlimited new opportunities for growth, development, witness and service.
This will be Bro. Thomas' first pastorate. He will be ordained by the Faith MBC, of Salinas, California, on March 30. It was with deep regret that I found myself unable (due to distance, cost, etc.) to accept an invitation to speak at this service. But my prayers and best wishes will go with Bro. Jerry and Cave Hill church. May their relationship together be one that becomes ever more endearing and enduring as they labor together in the Gospel of God's Dear Son!
It is often easy, when church members move away, to neglect the practice of faithful stewardship over that with which God has blessed.
For those who remember, while they search for a new church home, we are most grateful. Faithfulness in this testifies of your love.
-- Your Pastor
THE LORD...THE HEART.....Continued
help; His faithfulness to His word; and the fact that believing hearts do not seek His face in vain.
Mistaken souls may dream of heaven,
And make their empty boast
Of inward joys and sins forgiven,
While they are slaves to lust.
Vain are our fancies, airy flights,
If faith be cold and dead;
None but the Living power unites
To Christ the Living Head.
'Tis faith that changes all the
'Tis faith that works by love;
That bids our sinful joys depart,
And lifts the thoughts above.
Faith must obey the Father's will,
As well as trust His grace.
A pard'ning God is jealous still
For His own holiness,
FROM BRAZIL comes word that one of our fine Christian families from North America will soon be moving to Coo Paulo, Brazil, whore the husband will be Principal of the Pan American Christian Academy. (I do not have permission to use his name, but the news will soon be out.) It is believed that Bro. Don Ross will find some fine missionary helpers in this Christian family.
PRESS FUND: Bro. Ross reports that $1,130.00 has been received thus far on the Printing Press Fund. This is a good start. $7.00 of this has come from ONE CHURCH in Arkansas. It is hoped that the rest of us may follow their splendid example in the near future.
The ED POTTERS are remaining in Santa Cruz for the time being, instead of moving to Porto Alegre, as previously planned. Pray for them as they assume the responsibility of the work at Santa Cruz in Bro. Montgomery's absence. And remember that prayer, alone, does not feed the hungry or clothe the body. For the first time they ore "alone" on a foreign field. God's grace is sufficient; they will find Him ever faithful.