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The Clarion Herald

    "I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified" ... "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection". These two statements, written by Paul, are NOT at variance with each other. He was not holding a crucifix in his hand as he wrote. He was not worshipping a dead Christ. Nor was he satisfied to merely follow the pattern or precept of one called "Jesus" -- who had lived a noble life and died a martyr's death. He recognized values in the death of Christ that had never been seen in all the universe. The CROSS-was a part of God's eternal purpose; Jesus Christ had come with the cross in clear view -- determined to nail our sins there.
    But that death at Calvary gains its fullest meaning in the light of His resurrection. The cross-signified His REJECTION of men. The resurrection signaled His ACCEPTANCE of the Father. The cross was apparent DEFEAT; the resurrection evident VICTORY! In the crucifixion He was lifted by men; in the resurrection He was RAISED by God.
    In Christian experience, the CROSS takes care of the past; our present needs are provided through

the RESURRECTION. The Living Christ walks beside us, lives within us, and goes before us to clear the way -- as we abandon ourselves to His loving control. We are "saved by His LIFE" -- His resurrection life, that gives us triumph over all the manifold testing that come from the wicked one.
    Every Christian knows that Jesus died in our place. God has "made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God IN HIM". Thank God for such a full and sufficient sacrifice for all our sins! The resurrection testifies that the offering was accepted and that the sacrifice was sufficient.
    There is POWER in the resurrection. The power that brought our Lord forth from the grave: is being manifested in behalf of His church that has been left as His witnessing agency in the world. That power is released through the lives of His people. It is NOT AUTOMATIC or spontaneously manifested in the life experience of every saved person. Were it automatic, Paul would not have expressed a yearning desire after its fullest experience. He never expressed a desire to be CRUCIFIED with Christ. He presents
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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald


    A group of young men once sat around the stove at an old country store, telling what they didn't believe and what they were not afraid to do. Finally, the leader of the group remarked that, so far as he was concerned, he would willingly sign away all his interest in Jesus Christ for a five-dollar bill.
    "What did I understand you to say?" asked an old farmer, who happened to be in the store, and who had overheard the remark.
    "I said that for five dollars I would sign away all my interest in Christ, and SO I WILL!"
    The old farmer, who knew much of the human heart, drew out his wallet, took out a five-dollar bill and placed it in the store-keeper's hand. Calling for a pen and paper, he said: "My young friend, if you will just step to this desk and write as I direct, the money will be yours."

    The young man took the pen and began to write:
    "In the presence of these witnesses, I, A_________ B________, for the sum of five dollars, received, do now, once for all and forever, sign away all my interest ________."
    Then he dropped the pen and said with a forced smile: "I take it all back. I was only fooling!"
    That young man did not dare sign such a paper. WHY? He had an accusing conscience. He KNEW that there was a God. And he secretly expected one day to trust in Jesus.
    And SO DO OTHERS -- even though they are apparently indifferent, their conduct trifling, and their speech boastful. They would not, if it were possible, sign away their interest in Jesus Christ for ten thousand dollars. To sign it away IS IMPOSSIBLE!! But that is not necessary; it may be FORFEITED by simple NEGLECT!! (See John 3:18.)
    What have YOU done with Jesus? What is the response of YOUR HEART to His great love? Why not trust Him while there is still life, time and opportunity? Tomorrow could be TOO LATE!


    A dear old lady, distinguished for her youthful appearance, was asked what she used to preserve her beauty and charm. She replied sweetly: "I use truth for the lips; prayer for the voice; pity for the eyes; charity for the hands; and love for the heart." Have YOU ever tried this recipe? Such adornment enhances one's testimony for the Living Christ.


    The Word of God is likened unto a "mirror" into which one may look and see himself AS HE IS, in reality. It is of vast importance that all men look into that mirror, and that it be done with diligence.
    The Word of God pictures the natural man, in a very negative way, as being: unclean, unholy, ungodly, unjust, unruly, unfit, unfair, undone, unstable, unchaste, unworthy; ungainly, unbelieving, unthankful, unfruitful, unlearned, unhappy, unmerciful, ungracious, unfaithful, unpleasant, unpromising, unreasonable and unprofitable.
    The thing that is so sad in our day is the fact that so many professing Christians are characterized by SO MANY of these negatives.
    How many of them describe YOU?


His lamps are we,
To shine where He shall say;
And lamps are not for sunny rooms,
Nor for the light of day;
But for the dark places of the
Where shame and wrong and crime
    have birth,
Or for the murky twilight gray,
Where wandering sheep have gone
Or where the lamp of faith grows
And souls are groping after Him.
And as sometimes a flame we find,
Clear-shining through the night,
So dark we cannot see the lamp --
But only see the light --
So may we shine, His love the flame
That men may glorify His name!

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    Our hearts continue to rejoice at landmark over the many evidences of God's working in our midst. What a JOY it is to preach the Word of God with confidence that the Holy Spirit is directing it to the needs of those who hear!
    In our services last Sunday Bro. Ricky Wade came acknowledging his waywardness -- expressing a desire for the church to forgive him and to remember him in prayer, that he might lay hold on such grace as would enable him to walk in the way of the Lord.
    In the evening service Sister Cindy Flowers came professing her faith in Jesus Christ and asking for baptism at the hands of the church. God is dealing in other hearts that will SOON respond to His call.


    In our business meeting on October 19 the church voted to: approve Bro. Delmar Easterline as an acting deacon, to observe the Lord's Supper on the evening of November 10, and to purchase a coat & hat rack. It was a real DELIGHT to see such unity as was manifested in this meeting.

DAYTON, OHIO: The New Covenant MBC has called Bro. Luke Collins as their pastor and plan an ordination
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that as an accomplished historical fact of faith: "I am crucified with Christ". This was, with him, a matter of DAILY RECKONING. But in the matter of RESURRECTION POWER, he speaks NOT of reckoning, but of an earnest YEARNING after the actual and experiential: "That I may KNOW HIM, and the POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION".
    Who would presume to be sufficient within himself as a Christian? Well, the provision HAS BEEN MADE. The resources we need are available. Let us, therefore, by grace, apprehend that for which we have been apprehended of our Lord!
ANNOUNCEMENTS ....... Continued

service for him on Sunday, December 1. If there is any possibility of your assisting them in this service you may contact them:
        c/o Luke Collins
        190 Travis Drive
        Dayton, Ohio 45431
Or you may phone: 1-513-252-8417.

    MALDEN, MISSOURI: Bro. Ferrel Cooper announces that the church building and parsonage, formerly used by the Malden MBC and located on two (side-by-side) lots, are for sale. This property may be seen (or your correspondence regarding it may be addressed to: Bro. Ferrel Cooper) at 311 S. Graham, Malden, Mo. 63863.


Not saved are we by trying,
    From self can come no aid;
'Tis on the blood relying,
    Once for our ransom paid.
'Tis looking unto Jesus,
    The Holy One and Just;
'Tis His great work that saves us--
    It is not try, but trust.

No deeds of ours are needed
    To make Christ's merit more;
No frames of mind, or feelings,
    Can add to His great store;
'Tis simply to RECEIVE Him,
    The Holy One and Just;
'Tis only to BELIEVE Him --
    It is not try, but trust.