It is a wonderful tie that binds together the hearts of God's people in Christian love. The experience of having our Christian brethren come to Rockford to share a time of fellowship in God's Word has once again blessed our hearts and enriched our lives.
From California, Colorado, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois; brethren assembled in Rockford on Thanksgiving Day for what many have come to regard as an annual experience. The messages that we heard (11 of them) were such as only the Holy Spirit could have programmed. They were superb. Landmark Church was blessed by them.
We deeply appreciate every effort that was made to make this meeting the success that it was. Some traveled many miles, and at great expense. Some local brethren (outside the membership of Landmark Church) assisted us by furnishing lodging. To each one we express our heartfelt "thanks" and pray for each of you the "richest" of our Father's blessings. May we so serve Him that many souls may be rescued from sin to meet with us next time.
"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people", (Pro. 14:34). Civilizations come apart when their people abandon high moral ideals for jungle behavior. In silent confirmation of this terrible truth, the cold ruins of ancient glories lie forsaken -- the once-teeming multitudes of people being replaced by owls and jackals. How tragically often has history repeated itself in this manner. Yet, men never seem to learn its lesson.
Again and again the leaders of sin-smitten nations have turned to economic quackery in the hope of averting national collapse. A sinful people will inevitably turn to "brain trusts" that peep and mutter rather than honestly admit, and patiently turn from, their sin unto the faithful God Who is able "to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think."
If this generation ever learns the secret that removes nations from the horrors of war, industrial strife, racial discontent, etc., it will be found in the old-fashioned meetings where intercessory prayer ascends to the maker of heaven and
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Give me Thy strength for my day,
That whersoe'er I go,
There shall no danger daunt me
And I shall fear no foe;
So shall no task o'ercome me,
So shall not trial fret,
So shall I walk unwearied
The path where my feet are set;
So shall I find no burden
Greater than I can bear,
So shall I have a courage
Equal to all my care;
So shall no grief o'erwhelm me,
So shall no wave overflow;
Give me Thy strength for my day,
Cover my weakness so.
-- Annie Johnson Flint
"The Lord is the strength of my life", (Psa. 27:1).
"Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee", (Psa. 55:22).
The McCoy's
(Jim, Patricia, Nathan & Karen)
It was this editor's privilege to spend the week of October 8 with Pastor Jim McCoy, his family, and the Antioch MBC of Greencastle, Indiana. At that time I asked for a picture of the McCoy's for use in the CLARION HERALD. Many of our readers do not know them.
Brother Jim and his family are dearly loved by the saints at Antioch, and not without reason. Few young pastors (or old either, for that matter) put forth the sustained, zealous effort in behalf of the spiritual welfare of his brethren as Bro. Jim.
It is this editor's prayer that God will richly bless pastor and people at Antioch --- that their love may ever increase, and abound; and that their testimony may be powerful in reaching many with the saving message of the Gospel. E.G.
A whispered prayer, a baby's tear,
Can shape a life -- a nation here;
Each, plays its part in plans Divine
For naught is small in His design!
For several years following his experience on the Damascus Road, Paul's soul never ceased to writhe with pain -- in remembrance of his one most ghastly blunder. But there ultimately came a day wherein God enabled him to lay aside the load of searing grief that had so burdened his heart.
"For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am", (I Cor. 15:9-10). Deep anguish filled the heart of the faithful apostle each time he recalled the injury he had inflicted upon God's people -- and especially the fact that he had done it in all good conscience!
I find it a bit absurd to imagine the holy apostle's soul tortured because he was five-foot-five; or because he had poor eyesight. But, remembering how he discovered on the Damascus Road that "whoever touches the church touches Christ", it is not at all difficult to discern how he might consider this his "major unforgivable". He went weeping through many weary years over this irreparable blunder -- a tragedy of bad judgment. How could he ever be sure that such a terrible thing would not be repeated? He wept. He prayed. He mourned.
"Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted" (Matt. 5:4). This was the promise of His faithful Lord. Three times Paul asked the Lord to remove this "messenger of Satan" that constantly
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buffeted him with reminders of his weakness. But the Lord wisely answered: "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness", (2 Cor. 12:7).
This new revelation did not alter the circumstances; it did alter Paul's attitude toward the circumstances. And this made a tremendous difference in his life. Hear the glorious triumph of one who has committed his blunder of sincere, but bad, judgment into the hands of One Whose grace is sufficient:
"Most gladly therefore will I rather GLORY in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in distresses FOR CHRIST'S SAKE: for when I am weak, then am I strong".
Most of us have, at one time or another, made serious (though sincere) and irreparable blunders in judgment --- oftentimes bringing great pain on others. We ought to acknowledge our error, express our sincere regret, make restitution (where possible) --- then commit it wholly and forever into God's care.
His grace is STILL sufficient!
Desiring to encourage them in the Lord, your pastor has accepted an invitation to speak for the Calvary Cross MBC, of St. Louis, this coming Saturday night & Sunday A.M.
Being without a pastor, they desire the prayers of God's people.
Bro. Bob Melancen will speak in the Sunday morning service at Landmark. I expect to return for the evening service. E.G.
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earth -- who worketh all things after the council of His own perfect will. He alone can raise up a Spirit-filled patriot who will be prepared to lead this nation from the very gate of self-destruction to a position of strength, respect, and national honor.
We need a National Recovery ACT; one activated by a Spirit-filled people whose desire is unto the Lord our God. Only then will this wilderness become a fruitful field -- basking in the sunshine of divine mercy and grace.
Jesus once spoke a parable unto certain "which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others", (Lk. 18:l-ll).
Public praying may be as dangerous as "candid camera" unless tempered with loving kindness. The congregation at a mid-week prayer service felt its collective face turn red as Brother Out-of-Focus prayed, with deep earnestness, for the "DEAR young people present." "0 Lord, forgive their worldliness, and their inconsistent lives that bring shame upon the church. May they get a grip upon themselves and no longer act like spoiled children."
Good judgment is an apothecary who always takes pains that prescriptions for sound doctrine are well mired with love. But she is ten times MORE careful concerning prayers designed to correct the faults, or remove the sin from the lives of others. She DOES indeed intercede for those who are "overtaken"; but never in a censorious manner; and rarely in their presence.
It is never appropriate to use public prayer as a "sly gesture" to take a back-handed crack at a fellow worshipper. A perturbed pastor who uses a long prayer to cuff the brethren leaves the angels embarrassed. And an indignant parent who makes a "wood shed" of the family altar, wounds, alienates and hardens those whom he would help.
"After this manner therefore pray: Forgive US OUR debts."
-- Revised from R.E. Day