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The Clarion Herald

    "They all with one consent began to make excuses", (Luke 14:18).
    AN EXCUSE IMPLIES GUILT. It is the acknowledgement of an unperformed duty, with a request for pardon. Our capacity for action in a life full of limitations is such that we are occasionally forced to leave undone, or defer doing, what we ought to do. In such a case we feel justified in asking to be excused. But our excuses become insults to the party to whom they are offered when we exalt a minor duty above a great and essential one; when by our very excuses we minimize the importance of the one thing needful.
    In the parable of the Great Supper, EARTHLY INTERESTS ARE SET AGAINST THE DIVINE CALL OF GRACE by the unwilling guests. Does the Lord, then, mean that in order to become Christians we must let weeds grow on our farms, suffer our cattle to perish, and break a lawful marriage engagement? Indeed NOT! All these things have the divine approval and do not, in themselves, conflict with the profession and practice of Christianity. Peter was engaged in plying the trade of
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    The past two weeks, spent with brethren in California, has been an immensely enriching spiritual blessing to this editor.
    First, it was a real joy to have my wife accompany me to Sacramento on August 22. This was the first time we had been away (alone) since our first child was born over 21 years ago. She was able to stay for the Fellowship Meeting there, but returned home on September 1 to get the children enrolled in school.

    Concerning the meeting at Sacramento, Pastor S. E. Ford has written, in a letter addressed to landmark Church:
    "Our hearts praise God for His mighty works in our midst this past week! The meeting and fellowship together were marvelous experiences for all who attended. Tears of repentance, intercession and joy were our portion. Our altar was filled with men of prayer at the Holy Spirit's moving. Souls were restored to the Lord, a young man surrendered to the ministry, others evidently moved in the same direction, and further results are still before us.

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

    Brother Garner was graciously used by the hand of the Lord. We thank you ever so much for granting him this leave to be with us. Sister Garners presence was a treasured comfort to her husband and a blessing to us, especially our women .... Our Fellowship Meeting was one tremendous and blessed experience. It will prove to be a milestone and a grand precedent for future meetings of this sort in Ca. During this time of fellowship, we were privileged to have a new church organized, one man ordained to the gospel ministry, and two men ordained as deacons. Our cups are running over. Pray for us."
    It is encouraging to see several young men there who study diligently that they may teach others.
    While in Sacramento, reconciliation was effected between Pastor Wallace Cooper (a former member) and the Bethel MBC. And it was my privilege to speak for his people at the Landmark MBC of Folsom, California on the evening of Sept. 4.


    Another glorious 5 days were spent with Pastor Jim Burks and his fine brethren at Salinas, California. The Faith Landmark MBC has just completed a beautiful new sanctuary. One of their young men (Bro. Jerry Thomas, a Jew) surrendered to preach, following the Saturday evening service at Sacramento. And there is much evidence of a healthy spiritual appetite on the part of the whole church.
    A very capable young pastor and teacher, Bro. Jim Burks is dearly loved by his people. Rejected by the associational organizations in California (basically because they would not forfeit the right to support the missionaries of their own choice) they have learned that a New Testament church can not only exist, but THRIVE, without being part of such a system. Their liberality in the support of missions was demonstrated recently when they gave something over $l,600 to Bro. Edgar D. Sullivan (the very night before he left for Japan) to assure the purchase of the Toyota Van that he desired for use in the new work on Okinawa.
    Evidence of God's power, working through His word, was manifested by tears of joy, repentance and the renewal of dedication to His service.
    May the Lord continue to bless these brethren as they endeavor to serve Him. And it is hoped that we may be able to see a number of them at our Thanksgiving Fellowship here in Rockford!


    4. He must endeavor to rescue & guard others from sin. There should be in his heart a deep yearning to see men trust in Jesus Christ for deliverance from sin-guiltiness; but he must not be satisfied to leave them there.
    5. He must be peaceable & patient "For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not self-willed not soon angry". The pastor who is noted for his temper tantrums will be regarded as an object of pity; or else he will be the laughingstock of the community.
    6. Unlike the Pharisees, the Gospel Minister must be an Example for his people, (Matt. 23:1-3; Rom. 2:21; 2 Thes. 3:7; I Tim. 6:10-12; Tit. 2:7; I Pet. 5:3).
    7. He must be faithful to reprove & rebuke when it is needful, (Isa. 58:l; I Tim. 5:19-20; 2 Tim. 4:1-3; Tit. 1:13; 2:15).
    8. And He must learn to face opposition with quiet confidence in the ultimate triumph of right.
    Difficult as it may sometimes be, the man of God must patiently & meekly instruct those who oppose or contradict themselves. He must do it in love -- trusting God to grant them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
    The Gospel Ministry involves a tremendous challenge. It is a gigantic task. It is one that a person dare not face alone, or in his own strength. But God's grace is sufficient. All that He

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requires HE WILL HIMSELF PROVIDE as one's life is abandoned into His hands, for His direction.
    No life is more rewarding than that of rescuing perishing sinners, instructing them in the way of holiness, and helping them to walk in paths of righteousness for the glory of our dear Lord and Saviour.
    May His divine guidance, His sufficient grace, His constant refreshing and His dynamic power be with all those who proclaim the life-giving Word to a perishing world!

With Heavenly power, 0 Lord, defend
Him whom we now to Thee commend;
Thy faithful messenger secure,
And make him to the end endure.

Gird him with all sufficient grace;
Direct his feet in paths of peace;
Thy truth and faithfulness fulfill,
And arm him to obey Thy will!
(This concludes the substance of a message delivered by the editor at the ordination of Pastor Homer L. Bryan at the Clear Lake NBC, Pioneer, Louisiana, on August 9, 1973).

    During the week of October 1-7 Brother Edward Byrd, of Harrison, Arkansas will be speaking for us here at Landmark Church. It is always a joy to sit under the ministry of this beloved brother.
    Let each of us be very much in prayer that this may be a blessed experience in which souls will be saved; the church greatly strengthened and challenged to more faithful service to our dear Lord. E.G.

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a fisherman when the Lord asked for the loan of his boat, and He incurred no loss by suspending, for a season, his regular occupation.
    GODLINESS IS PROFITABLE UNTO ALL THINGS, and has the promise of this life and that which is to come. But foolish shortsightedness, carnal indifference, and plain aversion to holy things make men misunderstand completely in which direction their best interests lie.
    IT IS THIS MATERIALIST, thoroughly secular, SPIRIT THAT THE LORD ATTACKS in this parable. As a servant of the Lord, and rejoicing in the Lord's favor, how much better would the farmer have enjoyed his new field, the cattleman his oxen, and the newlywed the holy estate of matrimony! Justly, the Lord of the banquet is angry with such ruthless contempt of his gracious overtures to sinners.
Sinners, obey the Gospel Word;
Haste to the supper of my Lord;
Be wise to know your gracious day;
All things are ready, come away.

Ready the Father is to own
And kiss His late returning son;
Ready your loving Saviour stands,
And spreads for you His bleeding

Ready the Spirit of His love,
The stony heart now to remove,
T'apply and witness with the blood
And wash and seal the sons of God.

Ready for you the angels wait,
To triumph in your blest estate;
Tuning their harps, they long to
The wonders of redeeming grace.

The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Are ready, with their shining host:
All heaven is ready to resound,
"The dead's alive; the lost is
-- Charles Wesley
Have YOU prayed for your pastor lately? How about the missionaries? WHY NOT DO IT TODAY???