Much is said, in the Psalms and prophets, concerning the servant of Jehovah that far surpasses all that any mere Israelite (or the nation itself) ever was. He is the coming Redeemer who, through His suffering, makes possible the fulfillment of Israel's task. According to Isaiah, He was "wounded for our transgressions" and "bruised for our iniquities". Our stripes are healed by Him upon whom the Lord has laid "the iniquity of us all". Upon the gracious work of the "Servant" is based the Christian doctrine of "substitutionary atonement", in which the innocent One suffered for the guilty.
Counted a transgressor by Israel, the visage of the Servant was marred more than that of any man. He was a "man of sorrows and acquainted with grief". Though bearing our sins, and carrying our sorrows, He was considered by the covenant nation to be justly "stricken, smitten of God and afflicted". As a nation, Israel despised Him and turned her face from Him.
Among the most graphic of Messianic passages is Psalm 22. It opens with the cry, 'MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY
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"The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it", (Prov. 10:22).
Multitudes spend a lifetime in pursuit of material riches because they believe that therein lies their only hope of satisfaction and security. But earthly riches are very elusive; much sorrow is encountered on the way. Once attained they will be found unsatisfying. They are always accompanied by many dangers. The rich man is in constant danger of forgetting God, of neglecting the best interest of his soul, of being lifted up in pride, and of making "uncertain riches" the object of his trust.
But "blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven". Upon such as make God the loving object of their trust is bestowed unmeasured blessings. These become the recipients of "true riches". Through faith we come to know the blessedness of: sins forgiven, a new life received, assurance of acceptance, fellowship with God, and a "peace that passes understanding". Ours is the peace that Jesus gives -- the peace of an untroubled conscience, the peace of
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PURPOSE - (From Volume 1, Number 1)
The "CLARION" was a medieval musical instrument noted for the crisp brilliant clarity of its tone. Its notes were loud and clear; it made no "uncertain sound". A "HERALD" is a messenger, a harbinger -- especially one who proclaims the message or coming of a King.
Envisioned in the name given to this publication, is a high ideal and a holy purpose. It is intended to be a herald of truth for the heavenly King. Its aim is to "hold forth the Word of life" in a manner that will be simple, clear and precise -- directing the hearts and minds of its readers to Him Who is the worthy object of universal adoration, and in Whoseservice alone may be experienced the fulness of life for which man was created.
To the extent that this holy endeavor succeeds, Landmark Church will be strengthened; lost men will
be influenced to trust in Jesus; many saints will find help, encouragement and motivation to deeper spiritual service; and the wonderful name of our God will be praised.
The editor is deeply conscious of his own fallibility, but he is certain that God's Word is perfect. It is immutable, and will not fail! With an eye singled on Jesus, he will attempt to make a clear path, through the muddled maze of contradictory creeds and perilous philosophies, to a spiritual oasis where the hearts of weary pilgrims may drink deeply of the refreshing waters that flow from the eternal hill of God. When he makes an obvious error, loving brethren will surely attempt (through cor - respondence) to correct him in the constructive spirit of meekness. This sort of criticism will be deeply appreciated, and acknowledged; any matter of personal castigation, however, will be handled by another department. Vengeance is the Lord's work; any vindication of this editor against personal attack will be handled by his heavenly Advocate. Nor will the proceedings be mentioned in the columns of this publication.
With the earnest prayer - support of those who love the Lord sincerely, the CLARION HERALD will become an instrument of blessing to men and of glory to God. To this end it is dedicated.
(Reader - response to the spiritual challenge issued in the CLARION HERALD during the past two years has been most heartening. Please continue your faithful prayer - support as we enter our third year of publication.) -- The Editor
HAST THOU F0RSAKEN ME?' An unmistakable picture of crucifixion, this Psalm speaks of bones being out of joint, extensive perspiration caused by intense suffering, exhaustion of strength, intensity of thirst and of pierced hands and feet. Laughter and mockery are observed around the cross as men scorn the innocent victim, shoot out the lip, and wag their heads saying: "He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him". Considering the fact that crucifixion was not a Jewish (but a Roman) form of execution, this Psalm of David is truly an irrefutable evidence of inspiration. It would be a rewarding experience to compare this Psalm with the Gospel records of Jesus' crucifixion, (Matt. 27:26-50; Mk. 15:16-37; Luke 23:27-47; John 19).
The Psalmist declares that the suffering one is "heard in that he feared". In spite of rejection, suffering and death, "all the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord and all the kindred's of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the Lord's: and he is the governor among the nations" (Psa. 22:27-28).
Psalm 69 deals with the servant in humiliation and rejection (vs. 6-12). His experiences (vs. 14-20) are suggestive of Jesus' grief in the Garden. And verse 21 is a direct reference to the cross. "They gave me also gall for my meat, and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink".
Psalm 16 speaks of the triumph of the "Holy One" over the corrupting embrace of the tomb. "For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore". These verses are referred to by Paul (Acts 2:25-31). He concludes: "Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; He seeing this before, spoke of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption". This is in full harmony with the words of Isaiah concerning the servant. He said, of the One who was "cut off" from the land of the living, that God would "see his seed ... prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hands," (Isa. 53:11).
(To Be Continued)
Pastor Willard Spilman sends word that Bethel Baptist Church, of Arvada, Colorado, has established a Travel Fund for returning the Dick Ferris's to their work in Japan.
If YOU desire to share in this worthwhile endeavor, your check may be sent to Bethel Church (designating that it is for the Ferris Travel Fund) c/o T. C. Richardson, 5990 Garland Street, Arvada, Colo. 80002.
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It was a rare privilege that Landmark Church enjoyed on Sunday night, January 23, when Bro. Perry Ferris delivered his first message since surrendering to the Gospel ministry. Our hearts were moved by the depths of sincerity, love, and yearning that was manifested by the apparent openness of an honest heart. There was great rejoicing when God so moved upon the heart of our own son, Derwin, that he publicly professed his trust in Jesus as his Savior. Bro. Perry, the son of Bro. and Sister Richard Ferris (our beloved fellow - laborers in the Gospel, and
missionary to Japan), was enroute to Upland, Indiana, where he is now enrolled in Taylor University. We enjoyed his brief visit immensely, and trust that God may bless and keep him in the way of truth -- so establishing him that he may be a faithful and effective witness for Christ. And we hope he will come our way again -- SOON. E.G.
a surrendered life, peace with God and with men.
Riches indeed! And, best of all addeth no sorrow. It is "glory" just to WALK with Him!
Everybody knows a few squares. I know one. He's that strong, polite God-fearing young fellow who freely admits that he prays, weeps for joy, plays with little kids, kisses his mother, goes to his dad for advice, and thinks old folks are great. He wears clothes that fit him, puts savings in the bank, has his hair neatly groomed, likes school, can't imitate all the television comics, avoids dirty discussions about sex -- He even blushes. He goes to church, drinks milk drives within the speed limit, is in bed by 12, doesn't smoke, and expects purity in girls.
As a result of his unusual behavior, he suffers the loss of gang companionship; but he gains the gratitude and admiration of his parents, family, and teachers, has an unjaded imagination, and enjoys spiritual perception. To some he may seem a "strange fellow", but I LIKE HIM!! -- Anonymous