Many are the Scripture passages which indicate God's desire to receive "glory" from the creature made in His own image. The word "glory" suggests the idea of "honor praise, exaltation, radiance, pomp, splendor, power and supreme worthiness". In one significant Old Testament passage (Jer. 2:11), it becomes a synonym for the True and Living God, as contrasted with the "gloryless" gods of the heathen.
There is a sense in which God's "works" declare His glory, (Psalm 19:1-3). The nation of Israel was the special instrument for showing forth His glory under the Old Covenant. Under the New Covenant He purposes that this glory might shine forth more clearly through the church, (Eph, 3:21; I Cor. 10:31). When one takes an attitude of slackness or indifference toward the church, he robs God of the glory due to His name. Such looseness will result in the loss of blessing and reward for anyone so ungrateful for the grace that has been so freely and bountifully bestowed.
While Jesus Christ was on earth, incarnate in human flesh, He glorified the Father in all things, (Jn. 17:1-4). The Father continues to be glorified by Him THROUGH THE CHURCH which is His body, (Jn. 15:
(Continued on page 4)
The Garners
It would be impossible for the Editor and family to recall and specifically acknowledge every word of encouragement, deed of kindness, or even the gifts of love, that you have manifested toward us during the year that is hurriedly coming to an end. The love, prayers, fellowship and liberality of our brethren, both in Landmark Church and far beyond, has been a real and indescribable blessing to all of us. For all that has been done to encourage our hearts and enrich our lives, we express our sincere and heartfelt THANKS -- both to you and to our Heavenly Father Who moved your hearts to BE a blessing.
May He, whose grace has "brought us safe thus far", bless and keep
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It has been the privilege of Landmark Church, and pastor, to have Bro. Robert L. Berkey with us for four services recently. He has been endorsed for mission work in New Guinea by the Missionary Baptist Church of Hayward, California.
It was a real blessing to have this brother in our home. We found a large area of agreement for fellowship in God's Word. Where we differed, it was with a mutuality of love and respect that ought always to be prevalent among brethren who must disagree on the technicalities of specific doctrines.
May the Lord bless his labors, and use Him mightily -- even with that streak of Calvinism, which HE SURELY foreknew.
Saturday night, January 1, 1972, is the time for our Quarterly Business Meeting. Let each member of Landmark Church keep this in mind and make a special effort to be present. It IS your business!
When I stand at the judgment seat
of Christ,
And He shows me His plan for me;
The plan of my life as it might
have been
Had He had His way, and I see
How I blocked Him here, and I
checked Him there,
And I would not yield my will.
Will there be grief in my Savior's
Grief, though He loves me still?
He would have me rich, and I stand
there poor
Stripped of all but His grace,
While memory runs like a hunted
Down the paths I cannot retrace.
Then my desolate heart will well-
nigh break
With the tears that I cannot shed;
I shall cover my face with my
empty hands,
I shall bow my uncrowned head.
Lord, of the years that are left
to me,
I give them to Thy hand;
Take me and break me and mould me
To the pattern Thou hast planned!
-- Martha S. Nicholson
Whenever one demands a revision of moral law it is fairly safe to assume that it is a downward adjustment that is desired.
A loose character usually winds up in a tight place.
Minds of moderate caliber usually condemn everything that is beyond their range.
If this appears to be a recurring theme in the CLARION HERALD it is because of the deep yearning in the heart of its editor for the PEACE of His brethren. The apparent disintegration of fellowship that has taken place during the past two or three years has been a tremendous burden. Little appears to have been done toward stemming its destructive tide because so many have established a priority of vindicating their own "positions" --- debunking their brethren in the process. Nor is this evidence of strength and spirituality; but of weakness and carnality.
Someone must start BEING "CHRISTIAN" about this matter; nor is there any obvious reason why this editor and the reader should not meet the challenge. To do this it is necessary that the attitude of our hearts be characterized by the spirit and love of Christ. Each one must be responsive to the Spirit's direction. We must discern what is RIGHT -- both in the matter of Biblical Interpretation and in the conduct of our daily lives. With hearts that are warm, and faces set like flint toward the high goal of genuine Christ likeness that is set before us, we must press forward without being obsessed with the defense of "self" or the maintenance of our "public image".
Absolute "silence" is usually the best possible reaction to unjust criticism. Jesus demonstrated the possibility of enduring criticism and suffering without retaliation. With a faith that is firmly rooted in His fidelity, we must remember that "all things serve God", (Psa. ll9:89-9l); given a right at-
titude on our part, it may be turned to our ultimate good NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT MAY STING AT THE MOMENT.
God is ever testing His people for approval(James 1:12) and disciplining us to maturity (Heb. 12:7); nor have we yet attained. Patient and silent endurance of injustice, due to something one must hold "for conscience sake", evidences the fact that one is progressing toward Christ likeness and "is acceptable with God", (I Pet. 2:19). We must not forget the pattern set by the Lord Jesus, but remember that even hereunto were we called -- to JOYFUL ENDURANCE, (I Peter 2:20-23; Jas. 5:11; Acts 9:16).
The saints of God must not forget that it is a "blessed" thing to be "persecuted for righteousness sake", (Matt. 5:10-12). It will not make us bitter; nor will it cause us to turn our vengeance and wrath upon such as assail, abuse or misrepresent us. Rather, the Christian response to such treatment is to "love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you", (Matt. 5:44). It is only as we act according to this principle that we manifest the divine sonship which we are allowed to CLAIM by faith, (John 1:12). If this "blessedness" is not ours, in trials, then, perhaps, we should reassess our priorities in life -- examining ourselves "whether we be IN THE FAITH" and walking in light with the Lord.
Let each of us learn the safe joyfulness of lives and reputations fully committed into God's hands. Though we are weak, the Spirit will help our infirmities.
Our Father,
When we long for
Life without trials and
Work without difficulties,
Remind us that
Oaks grow strong in contrary winds
And diamonds are made under
With stout hearts
May we see in every calamity
An opportunity;
And may we never give way
To the pessimism that
Sees in every opportunity
A calamity. -- Selected
OUR THANKS.........Continued
each of you through the coming year -- enabling you to know the fulness of His fellowship, His joy, and His peace! -- The Editor & Family
GLORY TO GOD!......Continued
8). It is God's desire that He be glorified IN THIS AGE through the willing subjection of our hearts and lives under the benevolent Lordship of His Son, Jesus Christ, as we openly identify ourselves with Him -- becoming members of His body, the church.
Contrary to what is often taught on this passage, it is only DURING THIS PRESENT AGE that we may so glorify God "in the church". Ephesians 3:21 may be properly rendered: "Unto him be glory in the church, in Christ Jesus, in all the generations of the age (singular) of the ages". The church is a TIME INSTITUTION. As the living incarnation and fulness of God, through the Spirit, it is her responsibility to bear faithful witness of Him to every race and creature in this ONE PARTICULAR AGE -- thus, glorifying God. At the end of this age, her "church - role" will cease; a people will have been called out from among the Gentiles to glorify His name. THEN our voices shall unite with those of His faithful covenant - people OF ALL AGES to sing and shout the praise of His infinite wisdom and grace. Then shall we be permitted to share His very nature and deity, His glory and blessing, His authority and rule over the marvelous universe that He has made.
Anticipation of the wonderful future God has prepared, for such as love Him sincerely, ought NOW to produce, in believing hearts, such deep joy and gratitude as will break forth in a spontaneous "GLORY TO GOD!" Has YOUR life been adjusted to God's order? JUDGMENT HASTENS.