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The Clarion Herald

    Anyone who attended the Thanksgiving Fellowship Meeting at Indianapolis without being greatly blessed and spiritually enriched must have brought with him a heart that was dull and unresponsive to the Spirit and Word of God. Pastor John L. Coleman, and the people of New Testament Baptist Church, are to be commended for their hospitality, and the wonderful way in which they provided for their guests.
    To assemble with brethren of like faith, from widely - scattered localities, and to share a mutual feast of spiritual riches, is a blessing long to be remembered. May each of us be better witnesses for the experience -- not being "forgetful hearers, but DOERS of the work".
-- E.G.


    What a sorry contrast it is to hear of brethren far and wide "anathematizing" each other -- some for being "traditionalist", and others for believing and preaching something contrary to what the practitioner of anathamy considers "fundamental". To say the very least, such dogmatic, carnal, insistence on having one's own way is contrary to the spirit of Christ who once
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    The swelling tide of irreverence continues to break upon the coasts of our generation. The current issue of NEWSWEEK reports "a rage of items bearing the image of Christ on the cross". Watches, T-shirts, jockey shorts, lamps, pipes in the form of a cross, and even bikinis labeled with Christian symbols are being marketed by the thousands. Crude newspaper advertisements invite wearers to "Wear the watch on your hand, of the man who stilled the water, complete with ever revolving crimson heart of our Savior's likeness beautifully reproduced in SIX COLORS".
    Flaunting their tawdry souvenirs in the face of a God of glory, majesty, holiness and power, these peddlers of cross blasphemy advertise to the world their "covenant with death" and their "agreement with hell".
-- the Gospel Witness


Learn to labor and to wait; but be careful, lest you learn to wait so well that you overlook the labor part.


Sin may come upon thee by surprise, but do not let it dwell with thee as a guest.

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald


What meaneth all this fuss & worry?
Whence go these crowds to run and
Why all the lights? the Christmas
And the silly "fat man", tell me,

Why don't you know? This is the
When everybody should be gay,
For this is Christmas!

So this is Christmas, do you say?
But where is CHRIST on such a day?
Has He been lost among the throng?
His voice drowned out by empty

No, He's not here -- you'll find
    Him where
Some humble soul seeks God in
There you'll find Christ -- not

But see the many fickle crowds
Who gather on this Holiday,

Whose hearts have never yet been
To say to Him, "Come in and stay".

In countless homes the candles burn
And countless hearts with longing
For gifts and presents, food & fun,
And laughter till the day is done.

But not a word or thought or care
For Him who lived that we might
The Father's promises of wealth
And glory, honor, vigor, health.

I'm sick of empty celebration,
Feasting, drinking, recreation;
I'll look instead to Calvary
Where Jesus died to set me free.

I'll leap by faith across the years
To that great day when He appears
The second time, to rule and reign,
To end all sorrow, death and pain.

In perfect bliss we then shall
With Him who saved our souls
    from hell,
And worship HIM -- not Christmas.
-- Selected & Revised
Author Unknown

The cool of the day is advancing
The journey is almost complete;
Soon the Master's kind voice will
be calling
His own to a place of retreat
Where the storms and the winds and
    the tempests
Have no power to prevail o'er
    His flock;
For they listened when He was
They answered His timely knock.
-- Author Unknown


PARAGUAY: Word just came in a letter from Bro. Roland Allen that Bro. Eldwyn Rogers was due to be released from the hospital, on November 30, following his operation for the removal of a ruptured disc in his back (after he had been readmitted for observation). It was decided that a second operation will not be necessary, but it will possibly be several weeks -- even months -- before this brother is able to resume his normal routine.
    In the meantime, Bro. Roland Allen will delay his proposed visit to the States. Let us pray for both of these brethren and their families. And, need I even SUGGEST that a special offering is in order? Both may be addressed at:
      Casilla 17
      Asuncion, Paraguay (S.A.).
BRAZIL: Word from Brethren Don Ross and Steve Montgomery indicates that the mission work in Brazil continues to progress nicely. The churches there continue to go, grow and glow for Christ. Problems do not overwhelm them. Souls continue to be saved. Twenty one were recently baptized in the Sao Paulo area when three of the churches participated in a joint baptismal service.
    These brethren specifically ask your prayerful remembrance with regard to: the permitfor Bro. Montgomery's airplane, a pastor for the work at Santa Cruz, wisdom and divine guidance in preparations for a preacher's training school in the Sao Paulo area, and that the Lord might raise up someone who can help get teaching materials into print -- a thing that would surely be an asset to the Brazilian work.
    You may contact these brethren

as follows:
    Don Ross
    Caixa Postal 526
    Sao Paulo, S.P. 01000

    Steve Montgomery
    Caixa Postal 162
    18.900 Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo
    Estado de Sao Paulo
    Brother Edgar R. Potter, our own missionary from Landmark Church, is due back in this area around January 1. It is hoped that he will be able to obtain his visas and depart for Brazil by early Spring. Write him at:
    4861 Linview Drive
    Rockford, Illinois 61109.
    JAPAN: It was a blessing to see Brother Richard Ferris at the Indianapolis meeting, and to hear of his expectation to return to Japan -- hopefully by the time school starts next Fall. He will begin a visit of supporting churches in the early Spring. Contact him at:
    6705 Fenton Street
    Arvada, Colo. 80002
    Bro. Carlton Elkins writes from Japan that they are continuing to preach and distribute the Word of God in tract form. He is back in language school, and trying to prepare three sermons a week in Japanese. He desires the prayers of God's people. Write him at:
    40-3 Kita 3 Chome
    Tokyo, Japan 186
    Though there is no late word from Brother Edgar Sullivan, I am confident that he continues to serve the Lord in whatever way is open to him. At last word he was watching, waiting, praying and searching for an open door of opportunity. He may
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emphasized the "inclusiveness" of the Gospel, saying: "He that is not against us is FOR us", (Lk. 9:49-50).
    It is so easy to be overwhelmed by the spirit of Diotrophes -- a sin that Christ will never accept in His own, however sincerely motivated.
    BEWARE the terrible judgment that awaits whoever touches one of God's anointed! And there is no such thing as "diplomatic immunity" in the service of the Great King. E.G.

    Every child of God ought often to test the genuineness of his profession by subjecting himself to the "Love Test". Love is the evidence of true discipleship, (Jn. 13:35). The genuineness of Christian service is proved by love, (Jn. 21:16). Love is the quality that makes one's words something more than a noisy gong or clanging cymbal, (I Cor. 13:1). Love tests the reality of a new life, (I John 3:14). True love for God is proven by one's love for his brother, (I John 4:20).


still be contacted at:
    Fuji Micho, 1 Chome
    Banchi l1-1 (S-6)
    Tachikawa Shi
    Tokyo To, Japan
    December and January are usually very lean months for mission support. Why not give a little extra in the support of these faithful brethren -- encouraging their hearts, helping to spread the Gospel, and laying up for yourselves "treasures in heaven". -- E.G.

    It has been encouraging to see the visitors who have attended various services of our church during the past few weeks. We trust that each one has been blessed, and has found his life enriched through the Word of our Lord as it has been taught and preached here.
    If YOU are not regularly attending a church that recognizes the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we invite YOU to our services.