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The Clarion Herald

    The teachings of Jesus Christ are stedfast and sure; "We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen", (John 3:2). Much of "science", so called, is mere sophisticated guesswork. Every few years discoveries are made which abolish entire volumes of boasted theories. One must constantly be buying new books to keep up to date. And we dare not quote from any but the latest edition -- lest some recent discovery has made obsolete the claims of the older.
    By way of contrast, the teachings of Jesus Christ are unchanged and unchanging. He came from heaven, where He had dwelt with the Father from all eternity. He knew whereof He spoke and was never careless with His words. Without the slightest reason for doubt, we may accept His word and rest our souls upon their fidelity. With certainty He spoke about God -- His love, mercy, grace, salvation and coming judgment. And every word He spoke rings true. His age old message is always contemporary and relevant to the needs of mankind.
    The utter dependability of Jesus' Word should be a basis for deep and abiding confidence to all who look to Him for life and salvation. And it should speedily drive the un-
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God! Send us men whose aim shall be
Less to defend some ancient creed,
Than to live out the laws of Right
In every thought and word and deed.

God! Send us men alert and quick
Thy lofty precepts to translate,
Until the laws of Right become
The laws and habit of the state.

God! Send us men of stedfast will,
Patient, courageous, strong & true;
With vision clear and mind equipped
Thy will to learn, Thy work to do.

God! Send us men with hearts ablaze
All truth to love, all wrong to
These are the patriots nations need,
These are the bulwarks of the
-- Author Unknown


    It was a real joy recently to see the three Turner sisters: Lynn, Betty Jane and Lisa, publicly acknowledging Jesus Christ as their Savior. It was a special joy to know that they had been brought to the Lord by means of Family Devotions in their home.
    Lord willing, they will be baptized following the service next Sunday morning.

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald


    Many people in our day appear to minimize the importance of a TRUST WORTHY OBJECT for their faith; all that matters to them is that they "have faith" --- and a lot of it. But a misplaced faith is an empty and vain thing; nor is it ever corrected by its INTENSITY.
    True faith sees the "invisible", but never the "non-existing". That which worries, fears and stumbles over the "non-existing" is mere SUPERSTITION -- expectation of some terrible evil which leads to miserable living.
    Jesus Christ has shown Himself a trustworthy object of all true faith. He "is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption", (I Cor. 1:30). Faith in Him can never become TOO INTENSE; He is all we need --- in time or eternity.
    "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths", (Prov. 3:5-6).


    Through the prophet Isaiah has been given a striking and vivid description of pagan ignorance in offering their "leftovers" to God. He speaks of the man who, having cut down a tree, first sets aside a part of it to keep himself warm. Next, he alots a portion for the roasting of his meat. Having comforted and fed himself, he then takes what is left and fashions it into an idol -- a portable god that will not disturb his comfort of his conscience, (Isa. 44:15-17).
    Is not this like the religion of a lot of people who are today calling themselves "Christians"? Their homes are luxuriously furnished; their pantries and freezers are well - stocked; and OUT OF WHAT IS LEFT OVER they select such a portion as they may EASILY SPARE and offer it to God -- especially if there is some way of calling the attention of others to their "liberality".
    If there is nothing very interesting to claim their attention on Sunday morning they may go to one service of the church; but the use of their time in spiritual refreshment, as the spending of their leftovers on the furtherance of the Gospel, is cone only AFTER they have lavishly pampered themselves.
    Isn't it a shame that people who profess to be Christians conduct themselves like pagans --- never giving God the priority in their lives? May one who only offers God his leftovers rightfully call himself a Christian? Does he really imagine that he is a "follower of Jesus"? WHAT INEXCUSABLE DECEPTION! "Be not deceived!" As one sows, he shall also reap, (Gal. 6:6-8).


    Far too much nonsense is being talked today about Jesus Christ being a good man -- the "ideal" of human destiny. But Jesus Christ clearly claimed to be "God"; if He was not God, then He was not good. Perhaps it would help to examine a few of the Scriptures which speak of His Divinity.
    DIVINE TITLES ARE ASSIGNED HIM. He is called "God", (I Tim. 3:16; Jn. 1:1; Isa. 9:6); "TheTrue God", (I John 5:20); "Lord of all", (Acts 10:36); "God blessed forever", (Rom. 9:5); "Lord of glory", (I Cor. 2:8) "God with us", (Matt. 1:23); "Jehovah", (Isa. 6:5); Jn. 12:41; Rom 10:13); and "Lord of Hosts".
    DIVINE ATTRIBUTES ARE ASCRIBED TO HIM. He pre-existed from all eternity, (Jn. 1:1; 15; Micah 5:2; Prov. 8:22-23; John 8:58; Rev. 22:13). His presence is universal, (Matt. 18:20; 28:20). His knowledge is all-inclusive, (Jn. 21:17; Rev. 2:24-25). He knows the hearts and thoughts of men, (Jn. 1:45-51; Rev. 2:23). His nature is forever the same, (Psa. 102:25-27; Heb. 1:10-12; 13:8). He possesses and exercises supreme power.
    DIVINE ACTIVITY IS ATTRIBUTED TO HIM. He participated in the work of creation, (Jn. 1:3; Col. 1:16). His power upholds, preserves and governs the worlds he has made, (Heb. 1:3, 8; Col. 1:17; I Cor. 15:25). His is the work of redemption -- liberating man from the curse of a broken law, and, therefore, entitled to our warmest love and highest honor. His is the power to forgive sin, (Matt. 9:6; Lk. 5:20; 24:47; Acts 5:31). He raises the dead -- doing so during His earthly ministry - having the power of life

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and death over his own body, and Promising to raise His saints to share in His eternal glory, (Rev. 1:18; I Cor. 15:22; Jn. 2:19; 10:18 6:40). To Him has been given authority to judge the living and dead at His appearing and kingdom, (Jn. 5:22, 27; Rom. 14:10; Rev. 1:7; 22:12). And His is the power to fully renovate the heavens and the earth, (Heb. 1:10-12).
    DIVINE WORSHIP IS PROPERLY OFFERED TO, AND ACCEPTED BY, HIM. Men must learn to believe Him, (Jn. 14:1; Psa. 2:12; John 3:36). Though forbidden to trust in man (Jer. 17: 5), we are URGED to trust in Jesus, (Rom. 15:12; Phil. 2:10; Heb. 1:6). He must be recognized as "Lord", (Luke 1:43; John 20:28; Acts 7:59). He receives the highest worship of heaven, (Rev. 5:11-13). This is the highest form of worship portrayed in the Scriptures. There is no idolatry in heaven, yet, JESUS IS WORSHIPPED THERE. This proves that He is DIVINE -- that He is God -- Supreme Deity.
    May He enable us to worship Him NOW with a devotion that is pure and true; and, when life's journey is complete, may He welcome us into the midst of the heavenly throng - that our voices may be added to the innumerable hosts who ascribe: blessing, honor, power, glory and salvation to His worthy name!
    If, indeed, Jesus is Divine, He may be trusted to supply our every need. Faith in Him, as Savior and Lord, is our most reasonable duty, (I John 5:12). You need Him NOW - urgently. He will save you by His grace and keep you by His power - enabling you to live right and, ultimately, to face death itself with courage, confidence and hope.

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sheltered to His cross for refuge; for He warned of the condemnation that abides on all who will not believe on Him. No word of His may safely be ignored or disregarded; all are true and eternal. No promise of His will ever fail the person who leans upon it in faith.
    And the words Jesus spoke will certainly judge men in the last day. So, why not be wise and commit YOUR life into His hands RIGHT NOW? He waits to receive and bless those who will come unto Him.


    "I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me", (Acts 27:25).

"I believe" - but, do I? Am I sure?
Can I trust my trusting to endure?
Can I hope that my belief will
Will my hand forever hold Him
Am I certain I am saved from sin?
Do I feel His presence here within?
Do I hear Him tell me that He
Do I see the answers to my prayers?
Do no fears my confidence assail?
Do I know my faith will never fail?

"I believe" - ay, do I! I believe
He will never fail me, never leave;
I believe He holds me, and I know
His strong hand will never let
    me go;
Seeing, hearing, feeling -- what
    are these?
Given or withheld as He shall
I believe in Him and what He saith;
I have faith in Him, not in my
That may fail, tomorrow or today,
Trust may weaken, feeling pass
Thoughts grow weary, anxious or
I believe in God--and here I rest.
-- Annie Johnson Flint

    When the wife of a Canon of Worcester Cathedral was first told about the theory of evolution, she protested: "Descended from apes! My dear, we will hope it is not true. But if it is, let us pray that it may not become generally known".