No one may guard too closely the influences he allows to affect his life. Every influence leaves its mark -- enhancing or depreciating one's spiritual beauty. One way whereby God reveals Himself is thru the lives of good and faithful men. It is always best to walk in nearness to God; failing this, daily communion with such as rest on the bosom of Jesus and know His secret can but enrich one's life and knowledge of spiritual things.
Time spent under the influence of those who walk with God is never wasted. From them one will inevitably receive something to enrich and ennoble his life.
A good example is perhaps the most effective means of education that one may employ. Jesus taught His disciples to enlighten others by their example, (Matt. 5:16). He Himself taught what He lived, and urged His disciples to follow the pattern He had established, (Lk. 24:19; comp. Tit. 2:7; I Cor. 14:26 I Tim. 4:15; Jas. 3:13; I Pet. 5:2-3; I Thes. 2:10; I Cor. 4:16; Phil. 4:9; Rom. 11:13). The opportunity to educate by example is vast and far reaching,(I Tim. 4:12).
The Word of God holds forth many inspiring examples of men through whom others were motivated to press
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Baptists have clung tenaciously to the independence of the local church. Interdependence, expressing itself in cooperation has not been allowed to overshadow the New Testament principle that Christ is the sovereign Lord of the local assembly of believers. Along with this insistence upon congregational autonomy, which rejects any and all interference from denominational organizations and officials, Baptists have consistently applied the Biblical term "church" to the LOCAL CONGREGATION, and have refused to use it to designate an association, convention or denomination.
Announcement that the "American Baptist Convention" (U. S. A) is considering a proposal to change its name to "The American Baptist Church", has serious implications, which are confirmed by a recommendation for denominational restructuring in which the name change is involved. According to the A.B.C. published report, the organization which is envisioned is to result in an increase of "corporate authority".
Our study of church history convinces us that apostacy and autocracy go hand in hand, that concentration of power in denominational officialdom is inevitably accompan-
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It was a real privilege, on the weekend of May 23, to visit with brethren in Indiana and Kentucky, and to bear witness to the goodness and faithfulness of our God. At Antioch Baptist Church, Greencastle Indiana, I spoke in three services. From there I went to Lexington, Kentucky to purchase a used Elliott Addressing machine for use in mailing the CLARION HERALD. While there I spoke for the Bethel Baptist Church and enjoyed a time of blessed fellowship with Pastor Sam Arnold and his people.
On Tuesday morning it was my privilege to visit in Lexington Baptist College where I was, graciously, given an opportunity to speak in the morning chapel service. In the evening of that day I spoke for the Mt. Hebron Baptist Church at Lancaster , Kentucky , which, under the leadership of Pastor Melvin Gray, appears to be making considerable spiritual progress.
It was truly refreshing to visit with the various brethren and chur-
ches on this trip. But it was a joy to come back home to the little flock in Rockford, who, by their faithful support, made such an experience possible.
Next week, (June 14-20) I expect to be with Pastor Richard Kamerman and his flock in Pueblo, Colorado, for a Revival effort. Pray that these meetings may be used of the Lord in strengthening the church, saving the lost and magnifying His own worthy name. E.G.
As the CLARION HERALD goes to press this week Missionary Don Ross and family are scheduled to be "up in the air" -- soaring toward their beloved Brazil, and the work to which the Lord has called them. If missionaries return to the "home base" merely for a "rest", then the purpose of Bro. Ross's return was almost totally defeated. Since his arrival more than a year ago he has been kept exceedingly busy. And wherever he has gone he has received a good reception.
He returns to Brazil with a special desire to enter upon a teaching ministry for those who are being called of the Lord to enter upon the Gospel ministry. May God richly bless them as they go -- granting special grace to depart for the first time without "Debbie" who is now Mrs. Michael Rogers.
You may now address the Rosses at:
Caixa Postal 526
Sao Paulo, Brazil.
"A holy life will produce the deepest impression. Lighthouses blow no horns; they only shine!"
-- D. L. Moody
On June 23 missionary Richard L. Ferris and family, who have spent something more than four years on the mission field of Japan, will be returning to this country.
It is this editor's opinion that Bro. Ferris has done a constructive and worthwhile work in Kunitachi -- a suburb of Tokyo.
Should you desire to contact him you may temporarily do so by writing:
c/o Mr. Martin Black
8210 W. 52nd
Arvada, Colorado 80002.
on to higher and better things. ABEL, offering a "more excellent sacrifice" than his wicked brother, "being dead yet speaketh" through centuries and millenniums, (Heb. 11:4). MOSES encouraged his fearful and faint-hearted brethren to "stand still" and see the "salvation of the Lord", (Ex. 14:13) and then led them dryshod over the Red Sea. GIDEON (Judg. 7:17), and JONATHAN (I Sam. 14:6-7), proved that "there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few". DAVID, a mere stripling of a lad, slew the giant who had terrorized the armies of Israel, and inspired them to march on to victory, (I Sam. 17:50-52). And PAUL encouraged the hearts of his starving shipmates by his assurance and example, (Acts 27:33-36).
The supreme example of inspiration is that of Christ Himself. To such as are "weary and heavy laden" is offered soul-rest through the meekness and lowliness of Jesus, (Matt. 11:28-29). The very self-denial that He practiced was what He urged upon others, (Matt. 16:24; Phil. 2:5). His humility in under-
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taking menial tasks -- washing the feet of His apostles when each of them was too proud to wash the feet of his brother -- illustrated the kind of care He desired them to exercise toward each other, (Jn. 13:15; comp. Rom. 15:5-6; 2 Cor. 10:1; Col. 3:13). Thus are we to "consider" Him, (Heb. 3:1); "look" unto Him, (Heb. 12:2); and "follow his steps", (I Pet. 2:21-24).
Every Christian has a solemn responsibility to "be an example". And what a glorious opportunity is ours! (I Thes. 1:7). This was the apostle's testimony concerning his brethren at Thessalonica. They not only "received the Word" as from God; they also became "doers of the work" -- being, thereby, blessed in their deeds. These saints were not satisfied merely to FEAST on the good Word of God. Mere "feasting" will cause spiritual indigestion - bringing discouragement and confusion. But these saints encouraged others to abandon themselves fully to Jesus Christ -- even to regions far beyond their own country. Receiving the Word of truth, they joyfully passed it on to others -- giving witness by word and deed to the faith of Christ. In this they set an inspiring example.
The action, or inaction, of men sometimes cries out so loudly that their words go unheard. When one's living contradicts his confession, men are more apt to consider his life than his words. Obedience to what one knows is far more significant than the mere accumulation of FACTS, (Jas. 4:17).
'So let our lips and lives express
The holy gospel we profess:
So let our works and virtues shine,
To prove the doctrine all divine.'
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It is not His cross that is heavy;
It is those that our hands have
That hinder us on our journey,
On our aching shoulders laid;
There is strength for the load He
gives us,
And balm for the thorn He sends,
But none for the needless burdens.
And none for our selfish ends.
We bear a burden of sorrow;
We carry a weight of gold;
We cling to some treasured idol,
And will not loose our hold;
We bend beneath troubles and
We drag the load of a wrong;
And we cry that the cross is heavy,
And sigh that the way is long.
Let us drop the sin that besets us;
Let us cast aside our fears;
Let us give our grief to Jesus,
And break our pitcher of tears;
Let us learn of the meek and lowly
Who giveth the weary rest;
Let us take His yoke upon us,
And walk with Him abreast;
For His yoke is easy to carry,
And His burden is light in weight;
He will do His share of the labor,
For He is a true yoke-mate.
Are we weary and heavy-laden?
Are we anxious and full of care?
That is not the cross of His giving,
But the one that we make and bear.'
-- Annie Johnson Flint
ied by limitation of the sovereignty of the local church, and this in turn by discrimination against churches and saints. It is evident that the American Baptist Convention is playing with fire.
-- J. F. Holiday, in THE GOSPEL
Beginning this Sunday, Landmark begins a new study entitled: "Baptist Distinctives" during the Sunday School hour. If YOU are not attending a church where the Word of God is respected, and the name of Christ exalted, we invite and URGE you to worship with us THIS SUNDAY. It could be the most important move you ever made.