To talk with God before I talk with
To do my daily work with sunshine
in my face.
To be strong in the presence of
temptation; alert in the presence
of opportunity; open-eared to the
call of conscience for service or
sacrifice; open minded to the
views of truth which differ from
To work and not worry; to be ener-
getic and not fussy.
To be true to myself and false to
no man.
To cherish friendships, and guard
To be loyal to principle at the
cost of popularity.
To make no promises I can not keep,
and to keep no foolish promises.
To be faithful to every honest ob-
To be sweet-tempered under criti-
cism, charitable in my judgments,
discriminating in my adjectives.
To honor no one simply because he
is rich.
To despise no one simpiy because he
is poor.
To be respectful, not cringing to
the great; sympathetic with the
sorrowing; gentle to the weak;
helpful to the fallen; courteous
to all.
(Continued on page 4)
"Thou hast answered right; this do, and thou shalt live." (Luke lO:28).
There are a lot of people who can answer some very important questions. They know quite well their duty as revealed in the Word of God. Without a bungle they can quote Scripture, catechism, or creed; they boast of "KNOWING what is right". It is the DOING that seems to give them fits. Knowing the commandments, they fail to keep them. This is dangerous.
It is not enough to quote what God has said about honesty and truthfulness; we must be truthful and honest. It is folly to talk about the love of Christ which manifests itself in meekness, gentleness, patience and compassion, if such a spirit does not characterize our hearts and lives.
And how utterly ridiculous it is to recite favorite texts about missions, or speak eloquently about saving the lost, if we are making no serious contribution of money, time and personal effort to point others to the Saviour.
Doing isn't quite so simple as knowing, but life would be much more beautiful if we would seriously attempt, by God's grace, to live UP TO our knowledge. Anything less is sin. You may be sure that your sin will find you out.
Most people maintain a very close check on both their weight and money. With regard to these things we are always ready to give a reasonable account of our present standing as compared to an earlier day. Few indeed ever pause to consider whether or what spiritual gain has been made in their lives.
Every child of God has been endowed with definite spiritual as sets and a command from the Lord to "Do business until I come." A few take this business seriously. From the beginning they abandon all to Christ, and live for Him alone. Every duty is accepted and under taken without regard to cost; His command is all they need. Leaning upon His bosom, they acquire His loving spirit---growing into saintliness and spiritual beauty. Such admirable spiritual attainment is open to all who will make wise and diligent use of their "pound"; it may be greatly enlarged by five, ten, or perhaps twenty times.
No person, however, is endowed
with a fully developed spiritual mind. Every person must begin with the single pound. As poets and artists must develop their talents, so must spiritual graces be developed in the Christian. Such development is never automatic; it is a life-long process a work of faith.
Let it be remembered that those who now influence multitudes for good began with a single "pound" of spiritual capacity which the Master entrusted to them. God always limits the initial endowment of His children. As we use what we have - gaining experience and proving faithful to our trust He continues to add more and more. God will supply all we can properly invest for Him and as fast as we can use it.
Have YOU gained anything lately? or are you "robbing God" by failing to "do business" with your "pound"? Don't forget that He is coming soon and will demand a "reckoning". Be ready; and don't try to blame Him for your failure.
It is now only three weeks until time for our Youth Revival in which Bro. Michael Rogers is scheduled to speak. Please mark the dates of June 4-7 on your calendar and make plans to be present for every service.
On Friday Evening, June 5, Pastor Lory Poynor will show a filmstrip and speak on the subject of "Drug Addiction". This will be in addition to the regular services. This will be a most important service -- one that every young person and adult should attend. We expect
(Continued on Page 4)
To understand the use of the Greek word "phaneroo", as related to the Second Coming of Christ, it is important to consider something of its general usage. To use any word in a manner that violates its general usage is a shoddy, shameful and dangerous practice when allowed to become a part of one's method of Biblical imterpretation.
That this word suggests an "open outward, shining, public manifest ation" cannot be stated too emphatically. Such an "appearance" is definitely contrasted with that which is "hidden, secret or concealed", (Matt. 6:4, 6, 18; 23:27-28; Mk. 1:45; 4:22; Luke 8:17; Jn. 7:4, 10; Rom. 16:25-26; I Cor. 14:25; I Pet. 1:20). The word suggests a "full manifestation", a "making known" (well known), and a "laying bare of one's true character", (John 3:21; I Cor. 4:5; 2 Cor. 5:10-11; Eph. 5:13).
This word is used only four times in connection with our Lord's future appearing. Paul, Peter and John use it in contexts that shed a great deal of light on the time element involved in this appearing.
Paul shows that at Christ's appearing the saints will appear with Him IN GLORY, (Col. 3:4). Present suffering is contrasted with the glory that shall be revealed in connection with the great deliverance at the end of this age, (Rom. 8:18-23). The apostles connect this redemption and regeneration with Christ's coming TO REIGN, (Matt. 19:28). This would suggest, if a time element is indicated in the word, that it designates the coming of Christ to establish His Kingdom
on earth. The sharing of glory with His saints is inseparably connected with that event, (Matt. 13:41-43; 24:30; 25:31; Lk. 9:26; I Thes. 2:12; 2 Thes. 1:7-10). The resurrection, manifestation, glory and kingdom -- ALL point to a time BEYOND THE TRIBULATION (under antichrist) which takes place during the final half of Daniel's (9:24-27) 70th week of prophetic symbolism, (Matt. 24:29-30; I Cor. 15:50, 54; Rev.10:7; 11:15-18).
Peter connects the rewarding of faithful service with the manifestation of the Chief Shepherd, (I P. 5:4). Suffering saints are to "rejoice" in anticipation of the "exceeding joy" awaiting them at the "revelation" of Christ's glory , (I Pet. 4:13; 1:13). By faith, Peter claims to be a partaker of that glory; he shares this hope with his fellow-elders, (I Peter 5:1). Faithful shepherds are promised a crown of glory at Christ's appearing (phaneroo). And let it be remembered that Peter's words are addressed to Christian brethren who are scattered among the nations, (I Pet. 1:1; 2:11-12). The entire context of his letter indicates he looked for ONE FUTURE EVENT the manifestation of Jesus Christ, revealing all the brilliant glory of His personal body-presence, (1:5-7, 13: 4:7; 12-13). The rewarding of God's people is everywhere associated with the open, glorious manifestation of Jesus Christ, (Matt. 16:27; Lk. 14:14; Rev. 11:16).
(Continued Next Issue) ****************
Any knowledge of Christ's return that does not contribute to a practical holiness in one's living is without any real profit; it is sin.
A DAILY RESOLVE -- Continued
To be simple in my tastes; quiet in
my dress; pure in my speech; tem-
perate in my pastimes.
To keep company with great books;
cherish inspiring thoughts, and
to keep my body on friendly terms
with water and fresh air.
To fear nothing but sin; hate noth-
ing but hypocrisy; envy nothing
but a clean life; covet nothing
but character.
And at last to leave the world a
little better for my stay; to
face death without a tremor, with
faith in Christ, who tunneled the
grave that I might walk into the
larger and perfect life.
-- Author Unknown
visitors from several other churches in this service.
How many of you young people will volunteer to prepare special songs solos, duets, trios or quartets to sing for us during this series of services? Your pastor would be delighted with your participation. But, above all, let us earnestly pray for and seek the salvation of many as a result of this special effort.
Several have written during the past few weeks to express their appreciation for the ministry under taken by the CLARION HERALD. The encouragement of brethren and sisters in the Lord is always a source of blessing.
It will not be our policy to post public notices of your kind words --- for we seek the Lord's glory, and not our own. But, please know that your prayer-support and words of encouragement are received by this editor with a thankful and grateful heart. It makes you a fellow helper in the cause of God and truth.
If you receive a blessing from the regular visit of the CLARION HERALD in your home, perhaps you would like to share it with someone else. Just send us their name and address (and a Zip Code is necessary); we will gladly place them on our mailing list to receive the paper regularly so long as the Lord enables us to fulfil this mission.
As laborers together with the Lord, the printed page may be used as an instrument for His glory, and many may submit to His Lordship.
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