"Teach me thy way, 0 Lord; I will walk in thy truth; unite my heart to fear thy name", (Psalm 86:11).
It is never safe for man merely to "do that which is right in his own eyes", (Prov. 14:12; Jer. 10:23 Lk. 12:16-21; 31-34).
God does have a plan for our lives; there is a divine order for living, (Psa. 143:10; 94:12). Man can never "discover" the right way; he must be taught. He cannot, by searching, find out God. God has revealed Himself in the Scriptures -- showing His plan for men and nations. Even this must be divinely taught or men will never grasp it. And how sad it is to behold so many rejecting the counsel of God, (Lk. 18:18-25).
God will teach those who open their hearts to Him with a willingness to DO what He says, (Jn. 17:7; Matt. 11:29). He has taught His people in times past, (Ex. 4:12; 2 Sam. 22:35; Isa. 48:17; Jer. 32:33; Psa. 25:4-5, 8-9, 12, 14). By the Holy Spirit He teaches today, (Lk. 12:12; Jn. 14:26; I Jn. 2:27; I Cor. 2:13). Nor will He cease to teach in the future, (Isa. 2:3; Jer. 32:39-41; 31:33).
To walk in truth is to walk in the way of God's appointment, (Isa.
For some months we have been looking forward to the coming of Bro. Don Ross, missionary to Brazil. His past visits have been a real spiritual blessing and enrichment to the church, and we are confident that his messages on this visit will be no less Christ-honoring.
It is a joy to know that Bro. Ross has been so well received in his native California, and in the Pacific Northwest. More and more others are recognizing that he is truly a "an of God" who has a message for our time.
Let us pray earnestly in behalf of this series of services during the week of December 28. Urge many others to come with you to these services, and EXPECT GOD TO BLESS!
65:16; Psa. 96:13; 100:5; I Kings 2:4; Psa. 26:3; Isa. 38:3; 2 Jn. 4; 3 Jn. 3-4). The truth-walk is the way of life, (Jn. 14:6; Rom. 6:4); the way of light, (1 Jn. 1:6-7; Eph 5:8); and the way of liberty, (Jn. 8:32, 36; 2 Cor. 3:17).
In the path of truth there is safety, for the Holy Spirit is there an unfailing guide, (Jn. 16: 13; Gal. 5:16). It is a walk of faith, (2 Cor. 5:7); in love, (Eph. 5:2); circumspect, (Eph. 5:15). To
(Continued on Back Page)
For some time brethren have urged me to put into permanent form the Expository Outline Studies that have been prepared for Bible Class work at Landmark during the past several years. I have hesitated to do this for several reasons: (1) Too many, by use of the printed page, have become such "self-promoters" that little room is left for glory to God; I did not want to risk being reckoned among such a repugnant society. (2) Having been "back handed" after speaking out on important issues as a very young minister, there has been a reluctance to expose myself again in a situation wherein there is no defence against the unscrupulous. (3) A highly-respected brother suggested that one should "study to be quiet" until he has reached the maturity of 40 years. (4) Then there was also the tremendous investment of time and money necessary for a publication that could stand, unashamedly, among the multitude of books now being designed to enrich their producers.
Well, I am now 40 -- boasting neither maturity nor wisdom, but I have much to say. Considering the fact that God was pleased to call my beloved "elder" brother home at the early age of 51, I am ready to let Him be my defence and, as the way opens, begin to share with my brethren the truths that have so richly blessed my own heart.
With the aid of Bro. Clay Thompson,who furnished the typesetting, and others who helped financially, by way of pre-subscriptions, the first book, "Outline Studies in the Covenants", is now ready for distribution. This is where you may help.
Individual copies are available at $1.00 each. In dozen lots you may order them at 40% discount, but please add .30 cents for postage. In lots of 50 or more they will be discounted 40% and shipped Postpaid. I have no desire to realize any personal profit, but would like for the sale of this book to finance another one without having to call on brethren for repeated financial help.
Now that these studies are in print YOU have an opportunity to prove the sincerity of your desire to see these precious truths promulgated. I believe you WILL help me in this matter -- knowing that the work is faithful to God's Word, and that publication of a series of such studies is dependent upon a good distribution of this one.
My sincere thanks, in advance, to every "fellow-helper" in the truth! -- Eugene Garner
Have you FORGOTTEN JESUS in all your seasonal activities? The missionaries? Don't forget His "inasmuch"! (Matthew 25:42-45)
"These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth", (Rev. 14:4).
There are three classes in the Christian life -- the men of the wing, the men of the couch, and the men of the road. The first are those who fly before; they are the pioneers of progress; they are in advance of their fellows. The second are those who stand still, or rather, lie still; they are the in valids of the human race; they come not to minister, but to be ministered unto. The third are those who follow; they are the ambulance corps of humanity; they are the sacrificial souls that come on behind.
I think with St. John that these last are the most beautiful souls of all. They are lovely in their unobtrusiveness. They do not wish to lead, they would rather be in the rear; they come forward only when others are driven backward. They want no glory from the battle, no wreath for the victory, no honorable mention amid the heroes. They seek the wounded, the dying, the dead. They anoint for life's burial; they bring spices for the crucified; they give the cup of cold water; they wash the soiled feet. They break the fall of Adam; they break the fall of Magdalene. They take in Saul of Tarsus after he becomes blind. They are attracted by defects; they are lured by every form of helplessness. They come out to meet the shadows; they go in the track, not of the lark, but of the nightengale; "they follow the Lamb".
-- George Matheson
Not oft mid busy servings
Life's deepest truths are
Not oft mid noisy strivings
The Spirit's voice discerned.
Not in life's crowded places,
Where justling cares intrude,
But, in life's lonely spaces,
God speaks in solitude.
The solitude of illness --
The loneness, ling'ring drear,
'Tis oft predestined stillness,
The voice of Heav'n to hear.
Old age -- sad isolation
When friends of yore are gone,
Oft brings most revelation
Of the Abiding One.
Affliction's deprivation --
Blind eyes, deaf ears, spent
Ah, painful separation
To lonely, trying hours!
The loneness when heart breaketh,
And none on earth can ease;
Ah, most of all God speaketh
In solitudes like these.
The prophet's lone vocation,
Some heavenly call pursued,
The far-flung mission station --
These bring their solitude.
Thrice-blessed heart-break places,
Where lone and drear we plod!
For in life's loneliest spaces
We most discover -- GOD.
-- J. Sidlow Baxter
'Lord, in thy sky of blue,
No stain of cloud appears;
Gone all my faithless fears,
Only thy love seems true.
Help me to thank thee, then, I
Walk in the light, and
cheerfully obey !'
PRIORITIES -- Continued
so walk is to walk honestly, uprightly, in wisdom, and in newness of life.
Truth endures; by it God will one day judge all men, (Psa. 100:5; 96:13; Jn. 12:46-48).
This "fear" of God's name has nothing to do with that superstition which developed in Judaism -- forbidding the children of Abraham to speak the name of Jehovah. It, rather, involves the reverent bowing of one's heart before His sovereign authority and the yielding of one's life to the doing of His perfect will.
One does not really fear God's name until his heart and mind are "unified". Thus, the psalmist's prayer: "Unite my heart to fear thy name". It is possible to have a "double heart", (Psa. l2:2; I Chr. 12:33, 38). This sometimes causes dissimulation and hypocrisy. It involves inconsistency and instability of temperament which allows men to entertain opposite feelings toward the same object. Like duplicity of affection, allegiance, mind tongue and vision; it is highly
detrimental -- leading to frustration and despair.
How much more reasonable and blessed it is to have a "single heart" -- a heart that is unified to love, worship and serve the gracious Creator, Saviour and Keeper of mankind, (Acts 2:46-47; Eph. 6:5 Col. 3:22-24).
Once one has learned to love God in the unity of heart, soul, mind and strength, then will he never more hesitate to:
(1) Learn God's way, that he may
(2) Walk in His truth, in the
(3) Fear of His name.
If, like David, you have sinned against God so that fellowship has been broken; you need to REPENT. Then, with him, ask God to grant the requests made by the Psalmist (51:10, 12-13). If lost, you need to trust in Jesus. His blood will blot out your sins and make YOU WHOLE. He will then enable YOU to learn His way, walk in His truth and fear His name.
'Not so in haste, my heart!
Have faith in God and wait;
Although He seems to linger long,
He never cames too late.'
-- Anon.
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