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The Clarion Herald

    Within the next few weeks many thousands of dollars will be spent by those into whose homes the CLARION HERALD goes as a regular visitor.Much of it will be wasted on things that are of no value -- that profit no one, and certainly bring no glory to God.
    It is good that selfishness be overcome by a "spirit of giving"; it is better if that giving is "as unto the Lord" and for His glory. Often, during this season of the year, those who are faithfully serving God on foreign mission fields are sadly neglected, while God's people (who claim to love them and the souls for which they labor) foolishly waste their substance instead of using it as faithful stewards.
    Wouldn't it be good if we gave a little more liberally to the missionaries who are faithfully serving God during the busy days that lie just ahead? And they would be delighted to receive a personal letter --- assuring them of your regular prayer-support.
    For your convenience, a list of those missionaries presently being supported by Landmark Church (with their current addresses) may be found on the back page of this issue of the CLARION HERALD. Do use them -- for a mutual blessing!
Potter Family
    Pictured above is the Edgar Potter family. Brother Potter was recently endorsed by Landmark Church as our missionary to Brazil. Within the next few weeks he will begin visiting among fellowshipping churches -- hoping to leave for the mission field sometime next Summer.
    This coming Sunday evening he will be speaking at Landmark Church and an offering will be received for "The Edgar R. Potter Mission Transportation Fund". Let us make it as liberal as possible.

    It was the pastor's privilege to speak at the Preacher's Fellowship at Beverly Manor last Monday.
    Next week he plans to attend the Fall Bible Conference of the Eastern Baptist Institute. Bro. Tom D. Yandell will be speaking in the mid-week service at Landmark.

The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald


    The Scriptures contain many beautiful word-portraits of Jesus. He may be seen as a child in the manger, a youth in the temple, a man facing temptations in the wilderness, a Redeemer on the cross, and a mighty Conqueror with the keys of death and hell swinging at His side. But no picture surpasses, in beauty that one of Him as a Servant, with the towel and basin -- washing His disciples feet.
    It was the purpose of Jesus to teach His disciples a lesson in service. His holy hands were none too delicate to wash the feet of twelve men who sat around the Passover table. Nor did He consider Himself too high to stoop to such lowly service. The Christ of the New Testament is a standing rebuke to all such pride and pretension. But still there are multitudes of Professing Christians who are willing to serve only in "honorable" tasks. The floor of the church building may be a disgrace, for filth; they will wonder, indignantly, why 'SOMEONE DOESN'T DO SOME-

THING'. But never will they turn a hand at such humble survice. If they once do, it is only that they may "nag" their brethren about "not doing your part".
    So few ever learn the lesson of joyous service. They are so much better qualified as "free-lance" critics. It matters not if some brother faithfully spends many an hour every week preparing to teach a Sunday School Class in which they sit; to uninstructed, unlearned hearts this matters not at all. If some simple task is to be done (the floor mopped, or the house painted) the ungrateful, inconsiderate, critic will wonder out loud: "Well, where do you suppose brother So and So is? I'm sure surprised he wasn't interested enough to come and DO HIS PART." You see, to most people "their part" is a small portion of only those things which interest them. And though some faithful brother joyfully takes the whole load in an area requiring far greater time, diligence and responsibility, the professional"critic" finds nothing at all inconsistent about demanding that the more liberal hearted brother share "equal responsibility" in the ONE AREA where he is "willing to do my part".
    Brethren, our service ought to be personal --- as unto Christ. He washed the disciples' feet with His own hands, not by proxy. And each of us have a responsibility to "get involved" in the glorious work of our Master. We may, each one, wash the feet of our brethren -- challenging their hearts with the cleansing Word, that they may be clean. It is not sufficient to pay someone else to visit the sick and relieve the poor; we had better learn to do
(Continued on back page)


'So precious is Jesus, my Savior,
  my King,
His praise all the day long with
  rapture I sing;
To Him in my weakness, for
  strength I can cling,
For He is so precious to me.'

    As portrayed in the Song of Solomon, He is the "chiefest among ten thousand", (5:10).Peter declared His to be the only name "whereby we must be saved", (Acts 4:12). As Savior, He is the "hope of earth, and joy of heaven". Paul sets Him forth as the very "foundation" of the New Testament Church -- already laid, and a trustworthy basis for confident building, (I Cor. 3:11). He was willing to "count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ", (Phil. 3:8).
    In a beautiful symbolism, Peter holds forth the Christ before his brethren and encourages them to "Come to him, as to a living stone rejected by men, but chosen and prized in the sight of God...No one who believes in it will ever be disappointed! It is you, therefore who believe who see its value, but for men who do not believe 'The stone which the builders refused has been made a cornerstone', and 'A stone to stumble over, and a rock to trip them up'," (I Pet. 2:4, 6-8, Goodspeed). And Peter also speaks of the "precious blood" of Christ -- God's lamb, without spot or blemish, (I Pet. 1:19).
    The preciousness and gentleness of Jesus, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures, should encourage us to cry unto Him in every time of our deep need.

'Precious Lord, take my hand,
  Lead me on, help me stand;
I am tired, I am weak, I am
Thru the storm, thru the night,
  Lead me on to the light,
Take my hand, precious Lord,
  lead me home.'


    When Noah built the ark he was in the minority --- he won. When Joseph was sold into Egypt by his brothers, he was in the minority --but he won. When Gideon and his 300 followers, with their broken pitchers and lamps, put the Midianites to flight, they were in the minority. But they won. When Elijah prayed down fire from heaven and frustrated the prophets of Baal he was in the minority --- but his son, David, ridiculed by his brothers, went out to meet Goliath; he was in the minority -- but he won! Victory depends NOT on the people on our side, but on whether we are ON GOD'S SIDE. -- The Visitor
    "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult, and left untried." -- G. K. Chesterton
    The blessedness of FRIENDSHIP is not in finding someone who perfectly agrees with our opinions, but in being a friend to the imperfect, loving the unlovely, and so spreading abroad the love of a Christian heart that our very enemies are subdued to friendship.
    "Hide not thy talent, but trade with it, and thou shalt bring in good interest to thy Master. USE IT, OR LOSE IT!"


the serving ourselves. And let not dullness of understanding sell us short of this blessed experience.

'When all our hopes are gone,
Tis well our hands must still keep
  Toiling on for other's sake;
For strength to bear is found in
    duty done,
And he is blest indeed who learns
    to make
The joy of others cure his own

'To every man there openeth
A way and ways and a way.
And the high souls choose the high
And the low souls take the low,
And in between on the misty flats
The rest drift to and fro.
So to every soul there openeth
The high way and the low,
And every man decideth
Which way his soul shall go.'
--John Oxenham
'A short life in the saddle,Lord,
Not long life by the fire!'

Edgar D. Sullivan
Fuji Micho, l-Chome
Banchi 11-1 (S-6)
Tokyo To, Japan

Richard L. Ferris
40-3 Kita 3-Chome
Tokyo, Japan 186

Carlton Elkins
Route 8, Box 64-D
Texarkana, Ark. 75501
(Returning to Japan soon)

Steve Montgomery
Caixa Postal 162
Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Don Ross
c/o A. L. Ross
3140 Lerwick Road
Sacramento, Calif. 95821
(Returning to Brazil next Spring)

Eldwyn Rogers & Roland Allen Casilla 17
Asuncion, Paraguay (S.A.)

3026 Horton Street
Rockford, Illinois 61109

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at Rockford, Ill.