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The Clarion Herald

    In the vanity of his mind, an otherwise sensible man will some times imagine himself capable of "working things out for myself". That no one is adequately equipped to "direct his steps" is clearly stated in the Scriptures, (Jer. 10: 23). Many have tried; all have miserably failed in the attempt.
    "But I don't WANT to be INFLUENCED!" someone will say, when pressed to submit his life to the clearly stated order of New Testament Christianity, "I want to think things out for myself!" One may choose WHO influences him by his choice of associates, but to protect one's self from the influence of others would necessitate his total isolation from human civilization. Even then he would be influenced by those things recorded on his memory. Whether one desires, recognizes, or admits to being influenced, is beside the point; the fact is that every man is being affected constantly by those with whom he associates.
    It is for this reason that Christians are admonished to 'consider one another so as to stimulate one another to love and good deeds. Let us stop neglecting our meeting together, as some do, but let us continue to encourage one
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(Continued from last Issue)

    The person to be baptized must be willing to make a clear break with sin and desire to walk with Christ in "newness of life" --- identified with Him in Life and in death, (Rom. 6:4). For a person saved by God's grace to reject baptism -- refusing to follow in the steps of His Master -- is to live in rebellion against God and miss the richest of fellowship that is available to such as walk in the obedience of faith.
    WHY SHOULD ONE BE BAPTIZED? The best reason for doing anything is to do it "because it is right" --- the thing that God has commanded. The church was CHRIST'S INTENTION; He established it to show forth His praise in a sin-benighted world, (Matt. 16:18; Eph. 3:20). But one may not be a part of Christ's body (the church -- institution that manifests His life to men in this present age) without scriptural baptism. Every saved person should desire to be identified with his Saviour -- openly confessing Him before men. That this was the intention of the Master is evident in the commission He gave to His church before leaving this world.
    WHO IS AUTHORIZED TO BAPTIZE? The church established by Jesus
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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald


    Several brethren have inquired concerning a Fellowship Meeting at Rockford this year. We appreciate their interest, and especially the fact that they enjoy meeting with us, but no such meeting has been scheduled for 1970.
    Some may be surprised by this, for this will be the first time in 15 years that Landmark Church has failed to entertain such a meeting sometime during the year.
    It is not that we desire to forsake the fellowship of brethren; we hope someone else will plan such a meeting, that we may attend.
    'The Lord provides deep roots where there are to be wide-spreading branches; and trees that brave storms are not produced in hothouses.
    "No one may have victory without a battle! Character without conflict! Perfect love without suffering!"
    So, don't fret; trust in God!

another, and all the more because you see that the great day is drawing near', (Heb. 10:24-25, Wm's.).
    The Lord is said to "hearken" to such as fear Him, think upon His name, and speak often one to another. All such are recorded in His "book of remembrance"; they shall be His in the day He makes up His "jewels".
    A good influence will add light and strength to one's life -- encouraging a person in that which is noble and pure. A bad influence will darken and dull that life - robbing it of all spiritual vitality.
    Do the people with whom YOU associate influence you to press on toward a goal that is worthwhile? and that has enduring value? Or are you DELIBERATELY CHEATING YOURSELF by avoiding those who deal faithfully with you -- who love you, care for your soul and desire your prosperity more than their own comfort? Are you really being honest with yourself, and with God? Are you being fair with those who care for your soul?
    When a troubled young man once called on Philip Brooks for help on a perplexing question, he completely forgot it during an hour of splendid fellowship. But that did not matter; he later admitted that "What I really needed was not the solution to a special problem, but the contagion of a triumphant spirit".
    Don't forget: your life is also an influence -- for evil, or for good. You may be able to pack up and move if the going gets tough, but your influence will stay behind. And one day you will meet
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another, and all the more because you see that the great day is drawing near', (Heb. 10: 24-25, Wm's.).
    The Lord is said to "hearken" to such as fear Him, think upon His name, and speak often one to another. All such are recorded in His "book of remembrance"; they shall be His in the day He makes up His "jewels".
    A good influence will add light and strength to one's life -- encouraging a person in that which is noble and pure. A bad influence will darken and dull that life - robbing it of all spiritual vitality.
    Do the people with whom YOU associate influence you to press on toward a goal that is worthwhile? and that has enduring value? Or are you DELIBERATELY CHEATING YOURSELF by avoiding those who deal faithfully with you -- who love you, care for your soul and desire your prosperity more than their own comfort? Are you really being honest with yourself, and with God? Are you being fair with those who care for your soul?
    When a troubled young man once called on Philip Brooks for help on a perplexing question, he completely forgot it during an hour of splendid fellowship. But that did not matter; he later admitted that "What I really needed was not the solution to a special problem, but the contagion of a triumphant spirit".
    Don't forget: your life is also an influence -- for evil, or for good. You may be able to pack up and move if the going gets tough, but your influence will stay behind. And one day you will meet
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(Heb. 9:9). Once "purged" and "remitted", there is no more "conscience" or "offering for sin," (Heb. 10:1-3, 10). And there is NO BIBLICAL EVIDENCE that ANY Israelite was ever exempted from the "sacrifices and offerings" wherein were made "A REMEMBRANCE...of sins every year", (Heb. 10:3).
    Also associated with baptism is the "gift of the Holy Spirit", (Acts 2:38). All true Baptists recognize that Jesus made a promise to His church, as represented by the apostles, with whom the Holy Spirit ALREADY DWELT (Jn. 14:17), concerning a future manifestation of the Spirit in a larger and more permanent role. The specific promise of Jesus to those with whom the Spirit ALREADY DWELT was that "He.. SHALL BE IN YOU," (Jn. 14:17). This was a promised blessing --- some thing that Jesus declared: "the Father will send in my name", (Jn. 14:26). On the day of Pentecost the Spirit came To INDWELL and ENDUE the church in a special way, (Acts 2). Many brethren are timid or cowardly about facing up to this truth. The fact is that Jesus DID or DID NOT promise some SPECIAL WORK of the Spirit to His church. If He did, What is it? and Why be so hesitant to talk about it? The thing that happened at Pentecost was "unique", and signified something, or else my brethren are not practicing New Testament Christianity! Nothing like this is happening among us today.
    If Peter associated the Spirit's coming on Pentecost with the Father's promise, and its CONTINUING EFFECTS with baptism, then I can see no reason for quibbling about it. It is only when one has a half truth that quibbling, dodging and

wresting of Scriptures from their plain meaning is found necessary. It is high time Baptists ceased to allow the perverted emphasis of other religious groups to rob us of the truth!
    Finally, the apostle Paul associates "mature sonship" and "heir-ship" with baptism: "For ye are all the children (mature sons) of God by faith in Christ Jesus," (Gal. 3:26). And that he clearly does NOT mean "at the point of first believing" is evidenced by his explanation: "For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ", (Gal. 3:27) -- suggesting a relationship to Him as "members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones", (Eph. 5:30).
    Too many have for too long minimized the importance of baptism in Christ's order for His people. Until one is saved he is NO FIT SUBJECT for such baptism. Without a yielded and loving heart, and a life dedicated to Christ's faithful service, BAPTISM IS SHEER MOCKERY. In the ordinance itself RESTS NO MERIT OR MYSTERIOUS POWER. But to reject it, as unimportant, is to: assume a role of judgment superior to that of the Son of God; reject His order for Christian living;
render one's self incapable of entering fully into the fellowship of the Father and Son; hinder one's spiritual development; and forfeit the most glorious of blessings - which are reserved for "the just" who "LIVE by faith".
    If your LIVING is rooted in the faith principle, you will not reject God's counsel for the maturing of His little ones; in THIS baptism fills an essential role!

God and be judged by the guide-book He has given for your direction.
    YOU decide who influences your life by the choices you make -- the company you keep. This pastor and church yearns to encourage you in the pursuit of God and a life of godliness.
    DO ACCEPT OUR LOVE! And let us be an encouragement TO EACH OTHER!!
    "The power to help others depends on the acceptance of a tramp led life."
    "It is good to have things settled by faith, before they are unsettled by feelings."
    "Are YOU a pilgrim or a tramp?"

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