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The Clarion Herald

     "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us", (Romans 8:18).
    For developing character an inperfect man needs the stimulus and discipline of a developing environment, not yet perfected -- a world of struggle and resistance: obstacles to be overcome, battles to be won, baffling problems to be solved. He needs, not a soft world of ease to lull him to sleep, but a changing environment of action and reaction: cold and heat, summer and winter, sunshine and shadow, light and darkness, pleasure and pain, prosperity and adversity.
    As Dr. Hillis says: He who would ask release from suffering would take the winter out of the seasons, the glory of the night out of the round of day, the cloud and rain storms out of the summer; would expel the furrows from the face of Lincoln; would rob Socrates of his dignity and majesty; would make St Paul a mere esthetic feeling; would steal the sweetness from maternity; would rob the Divine Sufferer of His sanctity.
    When the little girl told her music teacher that it hurt her fingers to practice the piano, the
(Continued on Back Page)


    Many of God's children pray with all sincerity for certain things that, to them, seem necessary and good -- only to have their requests denied. To often this leads to a questioning of the Heavenly Father's love and to a despondency that is not easily shaken.
    It is hard to realize that we sometimes ask for things sincerely that would not be for our good, but would, in fact, be to our harm -- hindering our spiritual development.
    Though we may not understand the ways of God, we ought to trust Him with unquestioning hearts. He knows our needs. His deepest concern is for our prosperity. His love will not fail us. And one day we will perfectly understand the wisdom by which His faithful love has ordered our lives for our eternal benefit.
    Nor should we cease to pray. He delights to hear the voices of is children -- though we, in our ignorance, often ask for things that His love cannot safely grant.

'Strive; yet I do not promise
  The prize you dream of today
Will not fade when you think to
    grasp it,
  And melt in your hand
But another and holier treasure
(Continued on Back Page)

The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald


    For the past 19 centuries no subject has aroused so much controversy among professing Christians as that of "baptism". Some have contended ignorantly, some emotionally but others have degraded themselves by a practice of intellectual dishonesty. For such as are willing to accept ALL the teachings of the New Testament on this subject, there is no basis for confusion or division.
    The subject might best be examined by considering a few important questions: What is baptism? Who should be baptized? Why should one be baptized? Who may administer baptism? and What benefits are associated with baptism?
    WHAT IS BAPTISM? It is not a saving, but a symbolic act wherein one is immersed in water to declare his death to sin, his reception of a new life, his identity with, and joyful submission to the yoke of Jesus Christ, and his expectation of an ultimate resurrection in the likeness of his Saviour. Baptism symbolizes a death to the past. In

submitting to the ordinance one renounces and repudiates his old life of slavish devotion to sin and his alienation from righteousness.
    Baptism is an initiatory act of obedience wherein one submits himself, openly and publicly, under Christ's authority to become identified with Him in His death, burial and resurrection. He has already confessed Christ with his lips; in baptism he demonstrates that he is not a disciple "in word only, but in deed and in truth" -- obeying the expressed will of His master that those who trust Him should follow Him, through the waters of baptism, into a life of divine service.
    Baptism involves an induction into the spiritual army of Jesus Christ -- the company of the sanctified. Here one pledges his full allegiance and loyal service to the one who took his place at Calvary. Here he dresses in the uniform of Christian warfare. This is a necessary step to his becoming "enchristed" --- a member of Christ's body on earth. Baptism preaches the Gospel of Christ's death, burial, resurrection and Second Coming in pictorial form, (Rom. 6:1-14; I Cor. 15:1-3).
    WHO SHOULD BE BAPTIZED? Only adults who have been discipled to Christ are proper subjects for baptism, according to the Scriptures. One must first "believe" Him with a sincere heart, (Acts 8:37). He must be able to give a reasonable testimony of God's working in his heart, and bring forth fruit to evidence his repentance, (Matt. 3:8). He must gladly receive the Word of God -- being willing that it shall direct his life, (Acts 2:41; I Thes. 1:2-10; 2:13). (TO BE CONTINUED)


    That "success" in the eyes of the world does not necessarily constitute a truly successful life is evident. Few ever consider what is required for a successful life. Men drift through life hoping, somehow, to receive the Lord's ultimate commendation: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant", but their efforts in this direction are vague and disorganized. Granted that one is a Christian, what then are some of the things required for true success?
    First, there must be a life purpose -- involving clearly defined goals. Without this one will be unstable and unlikely to achieve success in any area of life. The most outstanding men of the past have been those who, early in life, established definite goals and pursued them relentlessly. Because the direction of most lives has not been brought into such clear focus, there is grave danger of deception. Satan, as the master deceiver, "walks about seeking whom he may devour". Now, the nature of deceit is such that the one being swindled, cheated, or otherwise tricked is not at all aware of it. Otherwise there could be no deceit. Hence the danger of deceit; such as drift aimlessly through life are apt to find themselves "taken captive by him at his will", (2 Tim. 2:26). Rather than commendation, they may hear the Lord's condemnation: "Depart from me...I never knew you!"
    Knowing the importance of a definite life-goal, one should consider what goals are really worth while. True success requires a goal that is not only attainable, but

worth attaining. Mere human wisdom must not be trusted to make such a judgment; "there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death", (Prov. 14:12).
    The validating principle of every worthwhile life-goal is stated by Solomon: "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: For this is the whole duty of man", (Eccl. 12:13). Moses, David, and Paul all recogmized the importance of choosing God, His will and His work, above all else, (Psa. 19:9-11 Heb. 11:24-26; Phil. 3:8, 13-15). The lasting value of such a lifegoal is evident in the reward it receives in the end. The Bible speaks of an incorruptible crown, a crown of righteousness, a crown of glory, a crown of rejoicing and a crown of life "which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him", (I Cor. 9:26; 2 Tim. 4:7-8; I Pet. 5:4; I Thes. 2:19; Jas. 1:12).
    Having selected a worthwhile goal, one must not presume that he has attained; there must be a life long education in things pertaining to that goal if one is to succeed. This begins with our trusting in the Lord for salvation. Once saved we must "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" --- submitting our lives to His full control, (2 Pet. 3:18). Such growth will come by giving serious attention to God's word (2 Tim. 3:16-17), and through the experiences of life into which God leads us for good, (Rom. 5:3-5; Jas. 1:2-4).
    To have a successful life one must, therefore, give attention to three things: (1) Dare to be dif-
(Continued on next page)

teacher answered: "I know it hurts, but it strengthens them, too". Then the child packed the philosophy of the ages in her reply: "Teacher, it seems that everything that strengthens, hurts".
    God never wastes His children's pain!
    God loves much those whom He trusts withsorrow, and designs some precious soul enrichment which comes only through the channel of suffering. There are things which even God cannot do for us unless He allows us to suffer. He cannot have the result of the process without the process. If you are among "them that love God", ALL THINGS ARE YOURS! The stars in their courses fight for you. Every wind that blows can only fill your sails.
-- from, "Springs in the Valley"

ALWAYS FOR OUR GOOD -- continued
  You would now, perchance, dis-
Will come when your toil is over,
  And pay you for all your pain.
Wait, yet I do not tell you
  The hour you long for now
Will not come, with its radiance
  And a shadow upon its brow;
Yet far through the misty future,
  With a crown of starry light,
An hour of joy you know not
  Is winging her silent flight.

Pray; though the gift you ask for
  May never comfort your fears,
May never repay your pleading,
  Yet pray, and with hopeful tears;
An answer, not that you long for,
  But diviner, will come one day;
Your eyes are to dim to see it,
  Yet strive, and wait, and pray.'

THE WAY TO SUCCESS -- continued
ferent, and establish clearly- defined goals; (2) Make sure that the goal is worthwhile -- with eternal value; (3) Arrange every activity of your life to fulfil the will of Him Who has a goal for you, and is undertaking to fulfil it by conforming you to the image of His own dear Son.
    (This is the gist of a message delivered at Landmark by Bro. Ben Ward on July 19, 1970.)

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