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The Clarion Herald

    One of the most common sins to be found among God's people is that of prayerlessness. We sin against a friend or a brother if we fail to pray for him. In fact, there is no better way to provethe sincerity of one's love than to be faithful and true in prayer for others.
    God knows so much better how to help those we love than we do. In fact, our offered help many times is a hindrance to what we yearn to see accomplished --- even when our desires are right. We are tempted to lift burdens that are better borne a little longer. We would smooth the path that is better left rough. Our help often hinders God's work in the lives of others. But it is always safe to pray.
'Yes, pray for whom thou lovest;
  if uncounted wealth were thine,
The treasures of the boundless deep
  the riches of the mine,
Thou couldst not to thy cherished
  friend a gift so dear impart
As the earnest benediction of a
  deeply prayerful heart.
Yes, pray for whom thou lovest;
  thou mayst vainly, idly seek
The fervid thoughts of tenderness
  by feeble words to speak.
Go, kneel before thy Father's
  throne, and meekly, humbly there
Ask blessing for thy loved one
  in the silent hour of prayer'.


    When Jesus knelt to wash Peter's feet he explained: "What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter". This is a thought each of us would do well to ponder seriously. It is never wise, or right, to pass judgment on any of God's providences while we are able to read only part of their meaning. No work may be judged fairly while it is still in progress; we must await the finished product.
    How often do we judge God harshly because we do not yet understand what He is doing in our lives. He makes uncomfortable, or awakens us to our own wretchedness (that we may lean heavily on His strong arm) and we conclude that He has turned His back and ceased to love us.

'I think if thou couldst know,
  O soul, that wilt complain,
What lies concealed below
  Our burden and our pain;
How just our anguish brings
Nearer those longed-for things
  We seek for now in vain,
I think thou wouldst rejoice,
  and not complain.
I think if thou couldst see,
  With thy dim mortal sight,
How meanings dark to thee
  Are shadows hiding light;
(Continued on back page)

The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald


    The Scriptures describe Satan as the originator of sin -- a liar and murderer from the beginning, (John 8:44). He is the serpent who be guiled Eve by his subtilty, who deceives the whole world and seeks to corrupt the minds of God's people, (Gen. 3:4; Rev. 12:9; 2 Cor. 11:3). Jesus Christ came into the world to break his power; otherwise he would have continued to hold men in eternal bondage and oppression, (I John 3:8; Heb. 2:15; Acts 10:38).
    As a wicked spirit Satan works in the children of disobedience, (Eph. 2:2). He is the god of this present world-system whom the wicked serve; he keeps them in his service by blinding their minds so the light of the Gospel does not shine in unto them, (2 Cor. 4:4). As a foe of all Christians he is exceeding strong. To prevail against him it is necessary that we "put on the whole armour of God", (Eph. 6:11-13).
    Not only does Satan attempt to hinder the belief of men; he also tries to win back those who have

already believed, (2 Cor. 11:3). He tempts to sin and to unbelief, and unless one vigilantly stands guard against his wiles he will be led to spiritual ruin, (I Pet. 5:8).
    In the garden of Eden Satan persuaded Eve to doubt God's word and transgress His command, (Gen. 3:1, 6). From that day to this he has been behind every sin men have committed. He tempted Peter to deny his Lord; he put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot to betray the Saviour; and filled the heart of Ananias to lie to the Holy Ghost and keep back what he professed to offer unto God, (Lk. 22:31; Jn. 13:2; Acts 5:3). It is he who tempts all men and leads them on in the ways of sin.
    Seldom does Satan reveal his actual purpose in temptation. He is exceedingly subtle and cunning. The statement that he goes about as a "roaring lion" merely suggests his power and blood-thirstiness for the souls of men; it does not describe the manner of his approach. He poses as a friend and well - wisher - transforming himself into an "angel of light", (2 Cor. 11:14). He pretended to be showing Eve how to attain greater happiness (and HOW we will try ANYTHING for happiness!); he seemed pained to see the Saviour suffer hunger, (Gen. 3:4-5; Matt. 4:3). He points the course he desires us to follow and insists that it is our surest route to happiness. He minimizes its sinfulness and its danger. He suggests that God surely does not expect us to deny ourselves all pleasure in life, and points to the example of others who do as he desires us to do.
    Satan tempts us through the desires of our own hearts, through

(Continued on Back Page)

(Continued from last issue)

    The Scriptures give some notable examples of men who fell through a failure to give heed to God and His Word. Consider: Adam, (Gen. 3); King Saul, (I Sam. 15:22-30 (; David (2 Sam. 11:2-9); Solomon, yielding to his idolatrous wives, (I Kings 11:1-8); Peter, denying his Lord, (Luke 22:31-34; 54-62); John Mark, forsaking Paul and Barnabas, (Acts 15:38); and Demas, who forsook Paul -- "having loved this present age", (2 Tim. 4:10).
    To fall, through heedlessness, is to lose much that is of great value. Fellowship is lost; with God and one's brethren. Influence for good is lost -- and what a sad thing it is to lose one's testimony (2 Sam. 12:14). And it is possible to lose one's reward (Col. 2:18; 2 John 8; Matt. 10:42).
    No one, however strong he may presume himself to be, is exempt from the possibility of a fall. A haughty spirit prophecies it, (Pv. 16:18; 10:8; Hos. 4:14; I Tim. 3: 6-7). There are many biblical warnings against falling through unbelief, (Heb. 4:11).
    It is not a disgrace for one to fall; but to remain in a fallen state is. When the just person falls he gets up and starts over, (Prov. 24:16). But there is a way whereby one may avoid falling (2 Pet. 1:10). Lives fully yielded unto God are preserved from falling, (Psa. 56:13; 116:8; Jude 24).
    It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. How much better to confess our sins and fall upon His mercies, (Heb. 10:31; 2 Sam. 24:14; I John 1:9).


    One of the 3,500 messengers to the 1970 convention of Southern Baptists is reported to have remarked, "It's been said that we've got room for the most conservative and the most liberal in the Southern Baptist Convention. But, brother, I say that's too much room".
    He was not the only messenger to express concern about Southern Baptist inclusivism. By an over - whelming majority (5,394 to 2,170) the convention messengers demanded the withdrawal of a Modernist-slanted commentary on Genesis published by the Southern Baptist Sunday-school Board, last year's Convention president, Dr. W. A. Criswell, following up the publication of his book, "Why I Preach That The Bible Is Literally True", is reported to have said that termites are gnawing at the convention's fundamentalist foundations.
    The troubles that are disturbing Southern Baptists should be a warning to Evangelical believers every where. Co-existence with termites spells destruction. Contemporary ecumenical inclusivism is a deadly enemy of the cause of ruth. "What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?" (2 Cor. 6:14-16). The toleration of termites can have only one final result -- the collapse of the house. Religious organizers who suppose that there is room for fundamentalists and modernists need to be told plainly "That's too much room". (Copied)


Truth's efforts crossed and vexed,
Life's purpose all perplexed, --
  If thou couldst see them right,
I think that they would seem all
  clear, and wise, and bright.'
-- Adelaide Proctor

TEMPTATIONS -- Continued
the objects of sense around us, through wicked men, and sometimes even through those who really mean to be our friends, but who are themselves deceived.
    If we learn to resist the devil he will flee, but if we yield to him he will come with an increasing array of his cunning schemes and ultimately bring us under his full dominion, (Eph. 4:27; Jas. 4:7). Let no one underrate his power, for he heads up a powerful kingdom of evil, (Eph. 6:12). To fight against him is far more difficult than to resist men. We cannot possibly win by our own strength. But, with God's faithful help (if we will believe Him), we may all be "more than conquerors", (Eph. 6:16; Rom. 16:20; 8:37).
    To resist Satan successfully requires: watchfulness, the Word of
God, faith and prayer, (Eph. 6:15-18). With these weapons Christ won a victory in the wilderness of temptation, (Matt. 4:1-11), and with them we too may conquer. If we suffer defeat it will ONLY BE BECAUSE WE HAVE REJECTED THE WEAPONS GOD HAS PLACED AT OUR DISPOSAL!
    Powerful as Satan is, he cannot harm one who walks by faith. Though we may not understand, the testings God permits us to face at his hands are for our spiritual development and ultimate good. So, let's keep our eyes on Jesus. HE NEVER FAILS!


    Our trust in God should be a child-like dependence on Him. A little child places absolute, unwavering confidence in its father and mother. It does not worry about anything it may need to eat or wear but looks confidently to them for a supply of its needs. When danger threatens, it runs to them for safety and help. The child trusts in them because it is confident of their love. In this same way we should trust in God. For "like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him," (Psalm 103:13).

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