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The Clarion Herald


    Word has just come that the Lord has provided sufficient funds for Bro. Steve Montgomery to purchase a used CESSNA 180 airplane for use in the South American mission work. A work so obviously "of the Lord" is a cause for rejoicing for these funds have been given by saints who are not rich in this world's goods.
    This has delayed Bro. Steve's return to Brazil. It will require six to eight weeks to complete the necessary paper work to get the plane into Brazil.
    Let us pray that the Lord will open the way to a more extensive ministry through the use of this plane to transport native workers to distant and remote areas that it has been impossible for them to reach before. Surely there will be many opportunities to rejoice that we had a small part in making this FORWARD STEP a reality.
    Until further notice, mail may be sent to Brother Montgomery
      c/o M. J. Welch
      Route 1, Box 78
      Dry Prong, La. 71423
    A recent letter from missionary Eldwyn Rogers states that he plans to be with us again sometime this month. Pray that God will make him a blessing as he visits the various churches enroute.


    Any pastor who is a faithful and true shepherd of his people will be concerned for their development in those things which are spiritual and profitable. Here are a few of the things your pastor would like to see abounding in our church:
    1. LOVE FOR CHRIST SHOULD BE EVIDENCED IN EVERY MEMBER by a zeal to hear His voice, follow His leadership and serve Him with reverence and godly fear -- giving thanks to the name of Him who called us out of darkness into light, out of bondage into liberty, out of condemnation into justification, and out of death into a life that is abundant joyful, radiant and eternal.
    2. THERE SHOULD BE A MUTUAL LOVE FOR EVERY BODY-MEMBER fulfilling the law of Christ. In honor brethren will prefer each other. We will care for, watch over, exhort and correct one another. Provoking one another to love and good works, we will be slow to take offense, but always ready to be reconciled - making an earnest effort to secure it without delay.
    3. EVERY MEMBER SHOULD EAGERLY GROW IN SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE AND GODLINESS. This yearning will be evidenced by: faithfulness to attend every service, to study an meditate on the Scriptures daily.
(Continued on page 4)


    The "CLARION" was a Medieval musical instrument noted for the crisp brilliant clarity of its tone. Its notes were loud and clear; it made no "uncertain sound". A "HERALD" is a messenger, a harbinger especially one who proclaims the message or coming of a king.
    Envisioned in the name given to this publication, is a high ideal and a holy purpose. It is intended to be a herald of truth for the heavenly King. Its aim is to "hold forth the Word of life" in a manner that will be simple, clear and precise directing the hearts and minds of its readers to Him Who is the worthy object of universal adoration, and in Whose service alone may be experienced the fulness of life for which man was created.
To the extent that this holy endeavor succeeds, Landmark Church will be strengthened; lost men will be    influenced to trust in Jesus; many saints will find help, encouragement and motivation to deeper spiritual service; and the wonderful name of our God will be praised.

    The editor is deeply conscious of his own fallibility, but he is certain that God's Word is perfect. It is immutable, and will not fail! With an eye singled on Jesus, he will attempt to make a clear path, through the muddled maze of contradictory creeds and perilous philosophies, to a spiritual oasis where the hearts of weary pilgrims may drink deeply of the refreshing waters that flow from the eternal hill of God. When he an obvious error, loving brethren will surely attempt (through correspondence) to correct him in the constructive spirit of meekness. This sort of criticism will be deeply appreciated, and acknowledged; any matter of personal castigation, however, will be handled by another department. Vengeance is the Lord's work; any vindication of this editor against personal attack will be handled, by his heavenly Advocate. Nor will the proceedings be mentioned in the columns of this publication.
    With the earnest prayer -- support of those who love the Lord sincerely, the CLARION HERALD will become an instrument of blessing to men and of glory to God. To this end it is dedicated.

    There has been a heartening response to the limited number of studies mailed out recently which deal with "Israel, the Church, and Christ's Return". An elderly pastor in Albuquerque, New Mexico sent his encouragement. A pastor in the Northeast suggested that it be developed into a book. And another pastor requested copies for use in a mid-week discussion group.


    "It is good to see all you FELLOWS here this morning." Some in the congregation appeared somewhat startled by such a greeting from their pastor, but no discrimination was intended. The ladies relaxed a bit when they realized I had used a rather unorthodox method of calling their attention to the SUBJECT of the morning lesson.
    Three basic words in the Greek New Testament are rendered "fellows". "Aner" refers to a man, as regards his sex and age. "Hetairos" is used of a comrade or companion. "Metochos" suggests a partnership -- a sharing or partaking of something in common.
    The word suggesting companionship is used only in Matthew. Once Jesus used it of playmates who called to their "fellows" (Matt. 11:16). And three times it is translated as "friend", (20:13; 22:12; 26:50).
    "Metochos" has a much wider usage in the New Testament. The commonness of men is broadly based; the areas of our sharing are very diversified. Luke uses this word of fishing partners, (5:7). And the Hebrew writer uses it in various ways. The Son of God is anointed with the oil of gladness "above his fellows", (1:9). Holy brethren are "fellows" of a heavenly calling, (3:1). We are "fellows" of Christ, if we "hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end," (3:14). Those urged to go on to maturity are said to be "fellows" -- partakers of the Holy Ghost, (6:4). And all God's sons are "fellows" as regards the experiencing, of His chastening rod, (12:8).
    A slightly different form of this same word is used by Paul in

    First Corinthians. He who plows or threshes in hope should be a "fellow" - partaker of the thing hoped for, (9:10). And the members of a New Testament church are "fellow-sharers" of one bread, (10:17).
    But the idea of fellow - participation in numerous spiritual blessings would be incomplete without the use of the Greek "sun" (meaning "together with") being prefixed to several words. This group of words suggest a great variety of blessings that are ours in Christ. They emphasize the multitude of things that should bring us to a "unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace".
    Under the New Covenant, Gentile believers are no longer aliens and foreigners. They are fellow -- citizens with the saints -- fellows of the household of God, (Eph. 2:19). Thomas once spoke to his fellow disciples, saying, "Let us also go that we may die with Him," (John 11:16). It is God's intention that we be fellow-learners. And Peter spoke of himself as being a fellow-elder with those whom he admonished in his first epistle (5:1).
    In many ways men are said to be fellow-heirs. Such as suffer with Him are heirs-together with Christ. Paul revealed an age-concealed mystery that, in God's intention, believing Gentiles should be heirs-together with God's ancient, covenant people of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the Gospel, (Eph. 3:6). Christian husbands and wives are urged to a relationship of mutual love and respect because they are "heirs together of the grace of life", and to the end that their prayers "be not hindered", (I Pet. 3:7).
(To be continued)

and to seek God's face in prayer.
    4. THE LIFE OF EVERY MEMBER MAY REVEAL A HEART AND MIND SINGLED TO KNOWING AND DOING GOD'S WILL. The heart will be dedicated to His joyful praise; the mind ever searching for a fuller knowledge of His glorious person. And every life will be ordered to promote the spiritual advancement of the whole body.
    5. THE LIFE OF EVERY MEMBER WILL BE ONE OF UPRIGHTNESS -- bearing a faithful testimony before men. Such a person will be just in all his dealings, faithful in all his engagements, and exemplary in his daily conduct.
    6. THERE WILL BE A UNITY OF PURPOSE. Every member should be concerned with the proclamation of the Gospel. We must know and witness to the destructiveness of sin, the grace of God that brings salvation to men, the abundant life to which we are called in Christ Jesus, and the ultimate triumph and glory that awaits the faithful in the coming age. But we must also be united in purpose to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace; to preserve the purity of the body, in doctrine and life; and practice the ordinances as Christ delivered them that His name be not blasphemed.

should witness for Christ without fear or shame. Every member should be faithful to pray for the salvation of specific individuals, and be careful to live in such a way that Christ may be seen in his life.
    8. EVERY MEMBER SHOULD LOVE HIS PASTOR -- praying faithfully for him, and esteeming him highly, in love, "for his work's sake".
    9. EVERY MEMBER SHOULD GIVE REGULARLY, cheerfully, liberally and systematically of his income to spread the Gospel of Christ at home and abroad. While some may be commended in this, others ought to be ashamed.
    10. SUCH A CHURCH, WALKING ORDERLY, WILL HAVE POWER WITH GOD AND MEN. United in heart and purpose, for the accomplishment of God's will and glory, she may ask what she will, and it will be granted. When unbelievers come into her assembly, they will be convinced and judged of all: the secrets of their hearts will be made manifest; and, falling down on their faces, they will worship God, and report that God is with you OF A TRUTH.
    Wouldn't you really like our church to meet the pastor's expectations? Will YOU help him make it what it ought to be? Let us all go FORWARD Together!
    Be in YOUR place at church THIS SUNDAY and bring a friend.

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