John, the youngest of our Lord's disciples, recognized the spirit of anti-christ which denies both the Father (God) and the Son (Jesus Christ) - the spirit that is to characterize the final dark days of the present age, (I Jn. 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 Jn. 7). To be "anti" Christ may mean "opposed to Christ" or to set one's self "in the stead of Christ", (comp. Matt. 24:5, 24).
Paul, the final apostle chosen by our Lord, declared that in the last days ALL who attempt to live according to godliness " shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived", (2 Tim. 3:12-13). And Jesus warned His disciples that a time would come when those who KILLED them would imagine themselves to be doing GOD'S SERVICE! (Jn. 16:2) It is only through much tribulation that ANYONE will enter into the kingdom of God, (Acts 14:22).
Thus, it should not be surprising that, as the coming of Christ draws near, the very forces of hell
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(Phil. 2:9-11)
"Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure", (Phil. 2:12-13).
It is upon the basis of what he has written in verses 1-11 that Paul admonishes his beloved brethren. Such a manifestation of tenderness and affection should lend weight to the injunction that follows, (comp. 4:1).
Paul commends these saints for having ALWAYS obeyed the Lord according to his instructions. In this they have followed the example of Christ Himself, (Jn. 8:29). Nor should it ever be forgotten that OBEDIENCE, in any age, is the spontaneous expression of a FAITH THAT IS REAL! (Rom. 1:5; 15:18; 16:19; 25:26; Acts 6:7; Heb. 13:7, 17).
There existed between Paul and the Philippian church a relationship of mutual joy and trust. When he was with them Paul's very PRESENCE lent tremendous weight to theexaltation, God raised our Lord
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cause he espoused. But, at the time of this writing, he is no longer with them. In his absence, therefore, they ought to be more deeply conscious of their desperate need of Jesus Christ. Such faith as constantly depends on His unseen sufficiency will ALWAYS fulfil His will!
Thus, he urges his beloved brethren to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling". Such a work may be effected ONLY through diligent labor, (Eph. 6:13; Phil. 1:19, 28). And it should be recognized that "salvation", in this context, involves "deliverance from present evil". But there can be no such deliverance apart from an attitude of deep reverence which trembles at the consciousness of utter unworthiness of God's grace.
Wherever the expression "fear and trembling" appears in the Scriptures, it is always associated with a call to OBEDIENCE, (2 Cor. 7:15; Eph. 6:5; comp. Psa. 2:11).
It suggests a consciousness of God's nearness and a careful watchfulness against any attitude or conduct as will displease Him or grieve the Holy Spirit, (Eph. 4:29-32; contrast Isa. 66:2 with 2 Peter 2:10).
Paul would encourage in his brethren an attitude of holy awe before God and a joyful, unwavering trust in Him as their Heavenly Father. It IS possible for them to go on to maturity in their spiritual experience since: "it is God which worketh in you both to WILL and to DO of his good pleasure!" (comp. Job 23:13-14) "TO WILL" is an inward attitude - involving the impulses and affections of the heart; God puts them there! And, in the willing heart, He works to bring those holy impulses to completed action. It is always God's "good pleasure" to act in the carrying out of His good and holy will (comp. Matt. 11:26; Lk. 2:14; 10:21; Eph. 1:5, 9).
How vastly improved would be the character of our lives if we always acted on the holy impulses that God Himself arouses within our hearts! But, instead of joyfully yielding ourselves up for God to accomplish His holy purpose through us, we too often consider the impossibility of such a thing in our own wisdom and strength - never laying hold on the divine adequacy that is always available to the trusting heart!.
Will we consider this in the future - permitting God (with our consent) to accomplish the beautiful things that He has purposed in our lives? E.G.
BEWARE!.. Continued from Page 1
will be unleashed against our lord and those who would walk in the light of His eternal word. The forces of Anti-God are at work in every area of life! But, there has been an alarming increase of anti- Christian bias and propaganda in America during the past decade.
With the American political, judicial, educational and communication systems paying their homage at the altar of "No-God", it should be no surprise that mobs of students at some of our greatest universities are beginning to cry out: "Western Civilization MUST GO!" And this with the backing of many of their college professors!
Western Civilization, of course, has been deeply oriented toward the Christian ethic - the very principles on which this great nation was founded and by which it has prospered beyond any other nation that ever existed!
Does this outcry mean that these students and professors REALLY want a return of slavery and the harem (where women are enslaved to the lusts of the rich and powerful, and where men are both enslaved and castrated that the women in the harem may be safely entrusted to their care)? Do these who cry for Western Civilization to GO actually want a return of child-marriages? and the burning of widows? Do they propose to subject the women of America to such conditions as existed before the influence of Christianity set them free?
Or course, we realize that the double-speak of a humanistic educational system is not conducive
to moral consistency or intellectual honesty. Bombarded from youth by the proud humanistic "gospel" of self-reliance, self-confidence and self-sufficiency, it is little wonder that there has evolved a generation whose intellect is largely darkened by a babble of confusing half-truths - made darker still by the "light" of perverted science!
The anti-Christian syndrome appeared quite prominently in a recent poll of PhD's in American colleges, where one out of three expressed a belief that CHRISTIANITY is the enemy of the democratic system. Still further evidence of the anti-Christian mind-set is evident in the search for a way to stop the dreadful spread of AIDS. ABSTENANCE from sexual involvement OUTSIDE MARRIAGE is not even considered an alternative ; that viewpoint (according to someone who is obviously feared) is said to be too RELIGIOUSLY (specifically "Christian") oriented!
The Jewish Defense League is very militaristic in its crusade against anti-Semitism. And the American Civil Liberties Union is quite vociferous in its defense of many who insist on their rights to indulge such indecent liberties as are neither American or CIVIL! But, WHO STANDS FORTH TO RESTRAIN THE PROLIFERATION OF ANTI-CHRISTIAN BIAS in the fields of legislation, education, adjudication and communication?
May God grant that true Christians may recognize the challenge of the adversary. Let us "be strong in the Lord, and in the power of
HIS MIGHT" - putting on the whole armour that our God has provided - that we may be a to withstand the devil, with all his wiles and cohorts! E.G.
To Bro. Edward Gilbreath upon his coming graduation from Auburn High School. Our hearts also rejoice in his selection as one of two speakers at the Baccalauerate Service for his graduating class on Tuesday evening, May 31.
We thank God for Bro. Ed's testimony and pray that He will greatly use this brother for His glory.
We extend our warm congratulations to Michelle Gill and Dan Wade upon their April 16th wedding. They
will be making their home in Roselle, Illinois.
It is our earnest prayer that the Lord will be given first place in their home, and that theirs will be such a home as will truly honor Him.
The Son of God came into this world not merely to give us LIFE, but that we might be able to experience it in an abundant way. Our failure to experience this abundance is largely due to wrong attitudes. The early Christians never bemoaned over "what the world had come to". Rather, they joyfully exclaimed: "Look what has come to the world!" Their focus was not on the RUIN, but on the RESOURCES for reconstruction! Nor were they demoralized by a consciousness of abounding sin; their attitude was one of exuberant hope because of the super-abounding grace of God!
It is a significant statement that is attributed to Dr. E. Stanley Jones: "The whole secret of abundant living can be summed up in this sentence: 'Not your responsibility, but your RESPONSE to HIS ABILITY!'"
Are you being discouraged by constant reminders of the tremendous weight of responsibility that rests upon you? It would be far wiser to concentrate on the DIVINE SUFFICIENCY that is available to meet our need as we set our trust, and the gaze of our heart's adoration, upon THE LIVING CHRIST!
Should the Lord call on you THIS SUNDAY, will He find you faithfully DOING HIS WILL?