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The Clarion Herald
(Acts 26)

    Fearless as John the Baptist, Paul stands before the nobility of the land to relate the workings of God's grace in his own life. King Agrippa was well acquainted with the customs and questions of Jewish religious life; the same could not be said for Festus. Thus, Paul calls upon the king to hear him patiently.
    First, the apostle reviews his manner of life as a devout Jew, (vs. 4-li). It has been an open book to those who reside in Jerusalem. There he has been brought up at the feet of Gamaliel. He had lived according the strictest sect - a Pharisee. And he had vigorously opposed the Christians there, (22: 3-4). Believing himself right in doing many thing contrary to Jesus of Nazareth, (vs. 9; Jn. 16:2; Rom. 10:2; Phil. 3:6; I Tim. 1:13); He had shut up many of the saints in prison - on the authority of the chief priests, (Acts 8:3; Gal. 1:13 Acts 9:14, 21; 22:5, 19). And he had cast his vote to put some of them to death - evidently being a member of the Jewish high court. the Sanhedrin. Furthermore He had
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    Having asked his brethren at Philippi to "fulfil ye my joy", through loving unity-mindedness and harmonious action, Paul then proceeds to set before them the idea toward which they are to strive in their mutual relationship.
    "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus", (Phil. 2:5).


    The supreme glory of our Lord's condescending identification with us is in the fact that it was VOLUNTARY. From all eternity He had subsisted in the essential form of God - co-equal with the Father in glory and majesty, (comp. Jn. 17:4-5). Nor did He abandon His deity in becoming the "Son of Man"! Yet, He did not regard His divine attributes as something to be preserved for Himself through a tenacious clinging to them. Rather, He CHOSE to EMPTY HIMSELF of these things as the supreme example of humility and self-renunciation! (2 Cor. 8-9). If He was to be a "merciful and faithful high priest" it was necessary that, in all things, He be "made like unto His

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

brethren" - capable of being tempted, at all points, like as we are; thus, able to sympathize and help our need. His divine REPUTATION, therefore, He trustingly left in the Father's hands.


    As the "Servant of Jehovah" so vividly portrayed in the Old Testament Scriptures Jesus Christ truly filled the role of a servant, (Matt. 20:28; 26:28; Jn. 13:13; I Tim. 2:6; Tit. 2:14; Heb. 9:28; Rev. 1:5). Paul's declaration that He "was made in the LIKENESS of men" shows HOW it was that He took the form of a servant, (Jn. 1:14; Rom. 1:3; 8:3; Gal. 4:4; Heb. 2:17; I Tim. 3:16; I Jn. 1:1; 4:2; 2 John 7). While maintaining the essential elements of GODHOOD, He manifested a PERFECT MANHOOD! (Rom. 5:15; I Cor. 15:21; I Tim. 2:5).
    And if we would be Christ-minded we also must renounce our RIGHTS and PRIVILEGES to accept the role

of SERVANTS under the loving lordship of Jesus Christ! Motivated by the love of Christ, and walking in the spirit of Christ, every local New Testament church manifests the very LIFE of Christ! When we so live, others will begin to take notice of the fact that we HAVE BEEN WITH JESUS! (Acts 4:13).


    The self-humbling of the eternal Christ was manifested in His very INCARNATION. The maker and ruler of all came down to the state of a CREATURE - to the state of an INFERIOR creature - of man, instead of an angel. And He came at a time when this state was corrupted by SIN - something foreign to His very nature, which His soul despised! He came to be scorned of men; to be set at a distance from His heavenly Father , and the joys of heaven which He laid aside; to be born on earth - of poor, obscure parents in a despised nation.
    Humility characterize Jesus' earthly life. Born in a stable, He was persecuted in His infancy. As a man, He possessed nothing that He could call His own. He had no place to lay His head. Tempted by the devil (in the same ways that we are), He fully entrusted Himself into the Father's hands. Coming into the world that He Himself had made, He was ungratefully received - even by the very people whom He had redeemed from bondage, and with whom He had established a relationship of covenant-fellowship.
    Humility also characterized the sufferings and death of our Lord, (Heb. 5:8; comp. Matt. 26:39; John

10:18; Rom. 5:19). He died the death of a malefactor - regarded as a SINNER! He suffered the cruel death of CRUCIFIXION - being put to an open shame! (Heb. 12:2; 2:9). The kind of death He died was that on which the law pronounced A CURSE (Deut. 21:23). Such a curse He BE-. CAME for US SINNERS! (Gal. 3:13; comp. Gal. 6:14).
    Thus was Jesus "obedient unto death" - showing the length to which He was willing to go IN OBEDIANCE to His Father's will and command. And we must never forget that His was a SUBSTITUTIONARY DEATH; He died for OTHERS! He died that WE might live!

It doesn't pay to do much talking,
When you're mad enough to choke,
Because the word that stings the
Is the one that's never spoke.
Let the other fellow wrangle,
Till the storm has blown away;
Then he'll do a heap of thinking,
Bout the things you didn't say!
-- Author Unknown


Thou boundless Source of every good
   Our best desires fulfil;
We would adore Thy wondrous grace,
   And mark thy sovereign will.

In all thy mercies may our souls
   Thy bounteous goodness see;
Nor let the gifts thy hand imparts
   Estrange our hearts from Thee.

Teach us, in time of deep distress,
   To own thy hand, 0 God,
And in submissive silence learn
   The lessons of thy rod.

In every changing scene of life,
   Whate'er that scene may be,
Give us a meek and humble mind,
   A mind at peace with thee.

Do thou direct our steps aright;
   Help us thy name to fear;
And give us grace to watch and pray
   And strength to perseveres.

Then may we close our eyes in death
   Without a fear or care;
For death is life, and labor rest,
   If thou art with us there.
    Nothing shows more accurately what we are than the way we face trials and difficulties.

    It is always easier to hate something than to understand it.

WITNESSING .... Continued
carried this battle "even unto strange cities".
    Then Paul analyzes the case that the Jews have brought against him. He is being judged "for the hope of the promise made of God unto our Fathers". This was the hope of the resurrection of the dead and the restoration of the Davidic kingdom, (2 Sam. 7:12; Isa. 9:6; 40:10; Jer. 23:4; 33:14; Ezek. 34: 23; 37:12; Dan. 12:2; Mal. 4:2). Like many of his brethren, Paul had not fully understood this until he met the RISEN CHRIST on the road to Damascus, (vs. 12-15). This experience had changed his whole life; he could no longer "kick against the pricks"! Never again could he be the same! (Phil. 3:7-11). Ready to admit his former error, he could but, henceforth, submit himself
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    In my haste to get the CLARION HERALD in the mail on time last month I overlooked a letter from Pastor Sam Arnold announcing plans for an encampment in Kentucky this Summer. He wrote:

    "It is the desire of the West Bronston Baptist Church to sponsor a 'Family Camp' again this year at Mountain View Baptist Camp in Monticello, Kentucky. The dates that have been allocated for this camp are June 26 through July 1 1988".

    Anyone desiring information concerning this camp should contact;

Pastor Samuel D. Arnold
219 S. Horseshoe Drive
Somerset, Kentucky 42501
WITNESSING .... Continued

under the rightful authority of Jesus, his risen Lord!
    He is, furthermore being judged for obeying a divinely-given commission to preach to the Gentiles, (vs. 16-22). He has been specifically CALLED to the Gospel Ministry, (Acts 22:15). He did not choose it. But, seeing it as the Lord's will for his life, he did not hesitate to yield himself to it wholeheartedly. And, though he was permitted to speak to his own people, his commission was specifically to the Gentiles, (22:21). As God's instrument, he was sent "To open their eyes", (2 Cor. 4:6; Eph. 1:18) - turning them from darkness to light, (Eph. 4:18; 5:8; Col. 1:13; I Pet. 2:9), and from the power of Satan unto God, (Eph. 1:21; 6:12 Col. 2:15; 2 Thes. 2:9; 2 Cor. 11:14). This was to the end that they might become sharers in the blessings belonging to those who are "sanctified in Christ Jesus", (20:32; I Cor. 1:30; Eph. 5:26; Heb. 2:11; 10:10, 14; I Pet. 1:22). This would involve both the forgiveness of their sins and an eternal inheritance.
    Nor has Paul been disobedient to this heavenly vision. From that time he has EVERYWHERE called on men "to repent and turn to God" - demonstrating "the obedience of faith" in their daily lives.
    Finally, he is being judged for his claim that Jesus is the true Messiah of Israel - proving that His sufferings, death, resurrection and giving of LIGHT, both to Jews and Gentiles, was clearly revealed in the Old Testament Scriptures!