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The Clarion Herald

    Having called upon his brethren to fulfil his joy, through like-mindedness, mutual love and harmonious labors together - their hearts beating together in unity; Paul now proceeds to set forth he very principles whereby such an order may be maintained.
    "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others", (Phil. 2:3-4).
    By way of EXCLUSION, the apostle urges that NOTHING be done from motives of "selfish strife or petty ambitions"; they must not look to their own selfish interests or desires!
    "Strife" (Gk. "eritheia") is "faction" - suggestive of ambitious self-seeking and rivalry. "Self- will" lies at the very root of the word. Thus, "faction" involves a party-spirit (politics) - the choosing of "sides"; it is the fruit of "jealousy" (Rom. 2:8; Phil. 1:17) for one's position, reputation or project. Nor is it
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    In relating the call of young Samuel to the prophetic office, the writer of First Samuel refers to the "candlestick", in the tabernacle of ancient Israel, as "the lamp of the Lord", (I Sam. 3:3). It can be both interesting and profitable to give a bit of time to examining what the Scriptures have to say concerning "lamp", "lamp-stand" and "candlestick" - all of which refer to the same thing in biblical usage.
    The candlestick by which the tabernacle was illuminated was made according to the pattern that God gave to Moses in the holy mount, (Ex. 25:3l-40). And Bezaleel made it with great care and a divinely- given artistic skill, (Ex. 37:17- 24). When completed it was set within the "holy place" - on the South side of the tabernacle. Opposite it, to the North, was the table of shewbread. Between the two stood the golden altar of incense, (Ex. 26:35; 40:24).
    The means whereby oil was to be provided, and the order that was to be observed in maintaining the lights, is clearly set forth in Leviticus 24:1-4. The first

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

lighting of the lamps is described in Numbers 8:1-3.
    This "lamp of the Lord" was to be kept burning throughout the night - from evening until morning, perpetually, (Ex. 27:20-21). It was the duty of the high priest to light the lamps in the evening, also to trim and fill the bowls of oil every morning, (Ex. 30:7-8).
    Careful directions were also given for transporting the lamp-stand when the tabernacle was moved from place to place; this was to be done by the Kohathites, (Num. 4:4-15). To Aaron and his sons belonged the responsibility of preparing everything for moving, (vs. 4, 9-10). When all were properly covered and placed on "bars", the Kohathites came and carried the load on their shoulders; but they were never permitted to touch any of the holy vessels of the tabernacle - lest they die, (Num. 4:15).
    Like everything else connected

with the tabernacle, the lamp-stand symbolized something very important, (Ec1. 4:1-14; Rev. 1:12-13, 20; 2: 11:3-4).
    Consider a number of practical observations relative to "the lamp of the Lord".
    1) Though the minister of the sanctuary (the high priest) was responsible for maintaining the proper "order" within the tabernacle, the people themselves were required to prepare and furnish the oil whereby the lamps were kept illuminated. There is ALWAYS something for God's people to do in maintaining the order He has established!
    2) The lamp-stand, in the tabernacle, represented the united congregation of Israel as they were designed to reflect the light and glory of God in the outer world-court where the altar of sacrifice and layer were located. Its rays illuminated the MEANS of forgiveness and cleansing. And, as its rays shone upon the veil that covered the most holy place, it indicated that the TRUE SOURCE OF LIGHT came from "within the veil".
    3) According to the passage in Zechariah 4, the olive oil represented the power of the Holy Spirit - through which the light of Israel was to be kept burning.
    4) In the book of Revelation, Jesus Christ is pictured as walking in the midst of 7 golden lamp-stands - each of which had seven bowls. The 7 lamp-stands represent the 7 churches of Asia. The 49 lamps (or bowls) represent individual members of the 7 churches. The T0TALITY OF LIGHT is representative of that

institution to which our Lord once said: "Ye are the LIGHT OF THE WORLD", (Matt. 5:14). As Aaron daily trimmed and replenished the oil in the lamps of the tabernacle, so, our Lord is pictured in His high priestly garments - moving among the churches to maintain the lights that He has set burning in the world!
    5) Finally, our Lord insists on a grouping of our lights - according to His own plan, (Matt. 5:15-16). In shining into our sin-darkened hearts, God has commanded that light shine out of darkness, "to given the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ", (2 Cor. 4:6).
    "Light", in this sense, has to do with our Christian testimony. Our light is to be placed ON A LAMPSTAND - identified with that of others IN A NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH where there can be a real impact upon the world of darkness around us. The influence of an individualistic, free-lance Christian - who refuses to identify himself with a New Testament church - may be likened to the flickering light of a firefly in comparison to that of the SUN!

always difficult for Satan to convince a man that what he has already set his heart on is THE WILL OF GOD - moving him to such stubborn pride and contentiousness as utterly repudiates the loving counsel and combined wisdom of the plurality of his brethren.
    "Vain (empty) glory" involves a carnal (fleshly) conceit that

    is nothing short of stupidity! It involves such an ambition after honor for one's self as is manifested in provocation and envy, (Gal. 5:26). The vainglorious person may imagine himself so spiritually superior to his brethren as to actually despise them - even while envying the esteem in which they are held, and the liberty they enjoy through the Holy Spirit.
    SELF-INTEREST, even under the guise of honoring the Lord through the success of one's own designs, is antagonistic to the Gospel and to the spirit of Christ. But unselfishness is something that can be learned ONLY at the Master's feet! (Rom. 15:1, 3; 2 Cor. 8:9; comp. Gen. 13:9).
    There are true grounds for "glorying", but these are NEVER rooted in SELF; not in one's attainments, labors or even his observance of religious ordinances. The only true basis for glorying is in "the cross of Christ" (Gal. 6:14), and in what God's abundant grace has done for us, or worked through us, (Phil. 3:3).
    By way of POSITIVE ACTION, each of us must learn, with humility, to treat our brethren as spiritual superiors (Rom. 12:10; I Pet. 2:17; 1:22; Jn. 13:34; Heb. 13:1; I Peter 3:8-12), and to place their interests before our own - the welfare of "the body of Christ" ABOVE ALL OTHER INTERESTS!
    "Lowliness of mind" is simple humble-mindedness (Acts 20:19; Eph. 4:2; I Pet. 5:5), as contrasted with "high-mindedness", (Rom. 11:20; 12:16; I Tim. 6:17). Humility always becomes the people of God,

(Mic. 6:3; Matt. 11:29; 8:8; Eph. 3:8; Lk. 14:11; Prov. 15:33; Isa. 57:15). Here is a moral quality of SUBMISSION, in response to the love of Christ and power of the Holy Spirit Who constantly labors to conform the believing one to the CHARACTER of Jesus Christ!
    In urging his brethren to "Look ... every man also on the things of others", Paul is not advocating that they become busybodies in the affairs of others. Rather, he is laying upon them (and us) the responsibility of so entering into fellowship with their feelings, desires and hopes as to ACT FOR THEIR WELFARE - and to do so in a spirit of utter SELF-FORGETFULNESS. As a matter of fact, there is no greater joy in life than that which comes through unselfish ser-
vice to those we love in the Lord! Our supreme example of such unselfish service is that of our Lord Himself. Looking upon our dire needs, as sinners, He EMPTIED HIMSELF of His glory and majesty - taking the form of a Suffering Servant that He might minister to our HELPLESSNESS! (Matt. 20:28; comp. I Peter 5:5-7).
    Thus, it becomes evident that, where the life of Christ is unobstructed, peace-ableness (Heb. 12:14) guilelessness (I Pet. 2:1-2), lowliness and unselfishness are the natural and inevitable expression of His mind. The practice of such positive qualities will soon assure the removal of faction and friction from any New Testament church. And, wherever discord is found, there is ample evidence that SOMEONE is NOT practicing the principles! E.G.


So let our lips and lives express
The holy gospel we profess;
So let our works and virtues shine,
To prove the doctrine all divine.

Thus shall we best proclaim abroad
The honors of our Saviour God,
When his salvation reigns within,
And grace subdues the power of sin.

Religion bears our spirits up,
While we expect the blessed hope,
The bright appearance of the Lord,
And faith stands leaning on His
-- Isaac Watts
    A satisfied car owner tells 8 people; a dissatisfied one tells 22. We wonder about church members.