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The Clarion Herald

    The accompanying picture shows an abandoned fire station, in Downers Grove, Illinois, that Landmark Missionary Baptist Church, of Rockford, hopes to obtain for the use of a mission in this Southwest suburb of Chicago.
    Bro. Jonathan Hanes, recently ordained, by our church, to the full work of the Gospel Ministry, was reared in Downers Grove, and has had a real burden to see a New Testament Baptist Church bearing witness in that community. He will be leading in this work. And we expect the Lord to pour out His blessings upon it.
    There are THREE THINGS that our brethren may do to help in this work.
    1) First, you may PRAY WITH US for an "open door of utterance", (I Cor. 16:8-9; Eph. 6:19; Col.
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    "If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded . .." (Phil. 2:l-2a).
    Though Paul constantly urges his Philippian brethren to rejoice in the Lord, his own heart is not fully at ease concerning them. Word of contention among them has reached his ears in far-off Rome. Thus, he urges Euodia and Syntyche to "be likeminded", (4:2). He calls for forbearance (4:5, peace (4:7) and unity (1:27) in the face of common adversaries. He sees signs of their developing a pious complacency (1:9) when they ought to be progressing courageously, and in constant loyalty, under the banner of their risen and loving Lord Jesus.
    In this appeal, the great-hearted apostle employs a rhetorical device designed to arrest the attention of his brethren. In rapid succession he employs four conditional clauses - the conditions of which he assumes to be true. In hypothetical form, he touches upon the very basic elements of their experience in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us, con-

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

sider the basis of his appeal.
     "If there be therefore any consolation (encouragement) in Christ." This refers, NOT to the comfort derived FROM Christ, but to the stimulating power of the indwelling Christ the Advocate who pleads God's cause in the hearts of those who are truly His. It is by His indwelling presence that one is moved toward that which is right. When the heart of man is not motivated toward the noblest endeavor, by the power of Christ within, it is useless to appeal for right action. Since response to stimuli is a sign of life, lack of response indicates that something is terribly amiss in the spiritual experience of one claiming to BE His.     "If any comfort of love". Again "comfort" (Ok. "paramuthion") might better be rendered "exhortation". It speaks of a gentle, tender persuasiveness - INCENTIVE of love! Whether Paul means his own love, or the love of Christ for

the Philippians, he does not say. The important thing is whether their hearts may be captivated and compelled to action by the consciousness of a love manifested toward them that is stedfast and true. The Philippians were objects both of such apostolic and divine love as would not let them go!
    "If any fellowship of the Spirit". Whoever walks in conscious participation in the life and blessing of the Holy Spirit will be ready to hear Paul's plea for oneness. The Holy Spirit is the most effective unifying principle in any local assembly, (Rom. 13:30; 2 Cor. 13:15; I Cor. 12:4-11). Where His rule is not recognized there may be excitement and action, but there will also be chaos and confusion. Only through submission to His control will there be such harmonious functioning of every body member as to maintain "the unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace".
    Paul's final ground of appeal is that of a compassionate heart: "If any bowels and mercies". One of Paul's words here refers to the seat, or organ, of compassion; the other to the compassion itself. It is as if the apostle pleads: "If you have the SLIGHTEST TINGE OF COMPASSION in your heart, then, GIVE HEED TO WHAT I SAY!" Then comes the bottom line: "Fulfil ye my joy, that ye BE LIKEMINDED", (Jn. 3:29; comp. Phil. 1:27). His loving heart could not be content so long as there was the slightest discord among his beloved brethren. Doubtless, his heart was one with that of the beloved apostle John

who said: "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth", (3 Jn 4).

    2) Then, you may send word of anyone you know, in that area, who might be interested in being a part of this new work - or, simply, friends or loved ones for whom you are praying.
    3) And we would deeply appreciate any FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE that you feel the Lord would have you to give.
    Cost of this property, as it stands, is $31,000. It may be purchased for 6,000 down - the balance to be paid off in five years at 2% above prime.
    Though I have often urged the assisting of other churches in such situations, I have not previously asked such assistance for Landmark. In this case, however, we deeply appreciate any assistance that our brethren feel free to offer, in what we believe is a REAL MISSION OPPORTUNITY. 0fferings may be sent to Landmark Missionary Baptist Church - designated "For Mission Property".
-- Pastor Eugene Garner

    Landmark Church was very greatly blessed, over he Thanksgiving holiday, by a wonderful time of fellowship with brethren from far and near. The name of Christ was exalted; a spirit of love prevailed.
    We sincerely appreciate all who contributed to the success of these meetings. May God bless you! E.G.


With restless and ungoverned rage
   Why do the heathen storm?
Why in such rash attempts engage,
   As they can ne'er perform
The great in counsel and in might
   Their various forces bring;
Against the Lord they all unite,
   And his anointed King.

"Must we submit to their commands?"
   Presumptuously they say.
"No, let us break their slavish
   And cast their chains away."
But God, who sits enthrone on high
   An sees how they combine,
Does their conspiring strength defy
   And mocks their vain design.

Thick clouds of wrath divine shall
   On his rebellious foes;
And thus will he in thunder speak
   To all that dare oppose.
"Though madly you dispute my will,
   The King that I ORDAIN,
Whose throne is fixed on Zion's
   Shall there securely reign!"

Attend, 0 earth, whilst I declare
   God's uncontrolled decree;
"Thou art my Son, this day my heir
   Have I begotten thee. Ask and
receive thy full demands;
   Thine shall the heathen be:
The utmost limits of the lands
   Shall be possessed by thee".

"Thy threatening scepter thou shalt
   And crush them everywhere;
As massy bars of iron break
   The potter's brittle ware."
Learn then, ye princes; and give

   Ye judges of the earth;
Worship the Lord with holy fear;
   Rejoice with awful mirth.

Appease the Son with due respect,
   Your timely homage pay;
Lest he revenge the bold neglect,
   Incensed by your delay.
If but in part his anger rise,
   Who can endure the flame?
Then blest are they whose hope
   On his most holy name.


    A young lady, asked by a friend to explain what is meant by a devotional reading of the Bible, made answer as follows: "Yesterday morning I received a letter from one to whom I have given my heart and
devoted my life. I freely confess to you that I have read that letter five times; NOT because I did not understand it at the first reading, nor because I expected to commend myself to the author by frequent reading of his epistle. It was NOT with me a question of DUTY at all, but simply one of PLEASURE! I read it because I am devoted to him who wrote it. To read the Bible with the same motive is to read it devotionally; and to one who reads it in that spirit it is indeed a love letter".
    This young Christian's explanation is beautifully clear and satisfying. It shows a soul with deep spiritual insight. The heart certainly has not a little to do in rightly interpreting God's Word.


    Frank Higgins, the lumberjack evangelist, was taking his meal at a lunch-counter at the rear of a saloon. The drinking woodsmen laughingly invited him to drink with them.
    "I'll tell you what I'll do, boys; if my dog will drink the stuff I'll join you", said Higgins. He called the dog to him, but on smelling the beverage Bess turned away.
    "Can't do it, boys! I'd hate to set a bad example to my dog. She has good sense; you'd better follow her lead!"
-- Parish of the Pines
    True Christianity enables one to love the unlovable.
    Selfishness reverses the machinery of the moral universe.