From across the continent, and even beyond, our beloved brethren are coming to SHARE OUR BLESSINGS at "Fellowship '87" in Rockford, Illinois, on November 25-27. No less than 20 times, during the past 32 years, it has been the privilege of Landmark Missionary Baptist Church to welcome our brethren for such an occasion.
The flood of cards, letters and offerings that have come as a result of my hospitalization last month has been overwhelming! How I do thank God for caring brothers and sisters throughout the world!
Your words of encouragement, the liberality of your financial help (totaling around $5,000.00) and your earnest appeal to hour Heavenly Father have had a lot to do with the rapid recovery and constant peace that has flooded my very soul.
Since it is not practical, at this time, for me to undertake the addressing of a personal letter in response to every greeting that I received, please accept THIS Note as an expression of my DEEP APPRECIATION and SINCERE LOVE.
I have been able to resume my normal preaching schedule. And,
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We deeply appreciate the fact that you have chosen to meet with us this year as we endeavor to honor our Lord and to encourage one another to exalt and extol His worthy name.
Though well aware that there is not a complete CONFORMITY - either in doctrine or method of service - on the part of those attending these meetings, I am confident that every participant will manifest "the spirit of Christ - - a spirit of loving gentleness and considerateness toward others. Where, in such a spirit, loving and trusting hearts are lifted in adoration, worship, awe and praise to our lovely and worthy Lord, He will be drawing us closer together - enabling us to abandon our own private theories, dogmatic philosophies and denominational stereotypes - that we may be more fully CONFORMED TO HIM, in both our understanding of sound doctrine (as contrasted with human traditions),
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and in the practical implementation of the work to which He has called us, as we are enabled to recognize and follow the pattern that He Himself has appointed in His word.
-- Pastor Eugene L. Garner
(Phil. 1:25-30)
In writing to his beloved Philippians, Paul has expressed his perplexity in knowing how to choose between "life" and "death". But he knew that it would be better for his brethren if he could continue in the flesh - thus, encouraging and teaching them in the way of righteousness. Assured of this, he was confident that God would restore him to them for their progress and joy in a faith that was REAL. He was certain that his coming to them would be an occasion of great rejoicing (boasting) in Christ Jesus, (vs. 26; comp. 2 Cor. 7:4; Phi]. 2:16).
The beloved apostle well knew
that Christian conduct is determined by one's evaluation of the WORTH of the Christ of the gospel, (vs. 27a). If He is truly our LIFE, He will express Himself in our walk before men. We will reflect His image and glory, (2 Cor. 3:18). The glory-light that others see in us, however, will be: a borrowed light, one of which we are not at all conscious, and yet, one that is irresistible.
The secret of triumphant and holy living is the indwelling dynamic of the living Christ, (Phil. 2:12-13; Rom. 8:1-3). When our hearts are truly held and swayed by His indwelling power our very personalities become instruments through which His glory is manifested; our lives the expression of His incarnate presence.
It should be understood that a true estimate of His worth is evidenced - NOT by the way we TALK when things run smoothly and while we are among brethren who truly love and adore Him. Rather, how do we think and act when the way gets rough - when troubles begin to multiply and trials become severe - and when, in answer to the cry of our aching hearts, God wisely answers, "NO!" - "WAIT a little while!"
Do we then panic? fret? complain? Do we foolishly question God's faithfulness and love? Are we tempted to take the situation into our own hands? Or, do we patiently await His will, His time, and His way - being confident of His fidelity and stedfast love? (See Heb. 3:17-19).
An inescapable witness of the
Christ-life within us will greatly affect the attitude of others toward us. Our lives inevitably determine the reaction of others toward us - whether friendly or hostile, for evil or for good, (vs. 27b-30). So long as we live there will be adversaries for us to face; we will be called upon to suffer "for Jesus' sake". But, let us remember that IN HIM we are anchored, hidden and ensphered. Nothing can touch us without His permission. And, as we love Him, He will work with us IN EVERYTHING for our ultimate and eternal good! (Rom. 8:28).
In times like these, nothing will bear more profound evidence of the indwelling Christ than a demonstration of the affinity of our hearts and souls as ONE BODY IN CHRIST - when we stand together (as a local New Testament church) in "one spirit and one soul"! When we are NOT DIVIDED over men, doctrines, methods or things; but UNITED, attuned to Christ, harmonious and preserving the "unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace" - giving eloquent testimony that TO US Christ is REAL!
May our hearts yearn to enter so fully into the experience of Christ, as OUR LIFE, that we may truly and confidently say with Paul: "I live, yet not I, but CHRIST LIVETH IN ME!"
Jesus is a friend of mine,
Friend unfailing, friend divine,
In the hour of greatest need
He will prove a friend indeed;
Healer of the hearts that bleed
Jesus is the sinner's friend;
His is love that has no end;
Is it YOURS?
Once He took the sinner's place,
Love reflecting in His face!
Oh, the wonders of His grace;
Is it YOURS?
You will need this friend one day;
Need Him as your strength and stay;
When your earthly race is run,
When you face Life's setting
Would you miss His glad "Well done?
Is He Yours - this friend of mine?
Is He YOURS, this friend divine?
Faithful,, loving, loyal, kind;
--- Author Unknown
though I am still not permitted any strenuous labor, it is possible to walk a mile without any problem.
May the Lord bless each of you for what you mean to me, for what you done (in expressing genuineness of your love) - so filling your lives with the "riches of His grace" as will enable you to be a blessing to many!
-- Eugene L. Garner
WE WELCOME Sister Michelle Gill on the profession of her faith in Christ. She is to follow the Lord in baptism this Sunday Morning.
It is not only his parents, but, the whole of Landmark MBC, who wait in joyful anticipation the return (next week) of Derek Garner with Maria, his new bride.
For almost a year and a half Derek has been working with Pastor Lonnie C. Ford and the Garden Island MBC, on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. Under Bro. Ford's leadership and ministry Derek has gained some practical experience that will benefit him for the rest of his life.
We anticipate GREAT THINGS AHEAD as we all work together at Landmark. To God be the glory!
LET'S SHARE THE PRAYER-BURDEN of Bro. Jon Hanes for a public meeting place in Downer's Grove, Illinois.