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The Clarion Herald

    Our hearts are encouraged by word that a number of brethren are already making plans to "Share our Blessings" at the Fellowship Meeting being hosted by the Landmark M.B. Church, of Rockford, Illinois, on November 25-27 - starting with the Wednesday evening service at 7:00 P.M.
    We look forward to a good time in the Lord - always praying for unity-mindedness among the brethren as we give ourselves to a mutual feasting on the precious truths of God's word.
    Let all enmity, strife, contentiousness and suspicion be left outside - as unbecoming in those who fill the role of spiritual leaders among Christ's "little flocks". Rather, may these services mark an outstanding manifestation of mutual love, respect, brotherliness and Christian considerateness (the very "spirit of Christ") as will redound to the glory of Him who purchased us with His own blood - redeeming us from all iniquity, that we might be unto the praise of the glory of His grace, and entrusting to us a priestly ministry wherein we may offer spiritual sacrifices and zealously DO HIS WILL!

(Phil. 1:22-24)

    Having expressed his desire that Christ be magnified in his body - whether by LIFE, or by DEATH, and knowing that "to depart and be with Christ IS FAR BETTER", Paul is still perplexed as to which he would choose - even if the choice were left to him. But, it was not. Our times are in God's hands; nor should we wish it otherwise.
    Paul is certain that if God is pleased for his continued living, in the flesh, it is because much fruitful labor still awaits him. In that case he would choose what would bring practical benefits to his brethren, and glory to God, rather than that which would be to his own immediate betterment.
    Continuance in life, as a mere cumberer of the ground, or one laid on the shelf as useless, had no charm for this man of God. Were the choice (between life and death) really his, he would find it difficult to make. Yet, if he could be useful - of some help in pointing lost men to the Saviour, and his brethren on toward maturity - then LIVING would not only be worthwhile; it would be THRILLING! His experience of the full riches

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

in Christ, which awaited him beyond death, COULD WAIT!
    To be "in a strait" carries the idea of being in the jaws of a vice - a word that Paul used again (2 Cor. 5:14) of being "constrained" by the love of Christ.
    Above all, It should be noted that Paul did not tenaciously CLING TO HIS PHYSICAL LIFE. He was perfectly willing that his ship be loosed from its moorings (in death) and his bark set assail on the adventurous Sea of Death - headed for a distant shore from which he would make no return until the day he would accompany his Master on His return to establish on earth His kingdom of righteousness. He was, to say the least, willing that the TENT (suggestive of his earthly journey as a pilgrim and stranger) should be folded up, (2 Cor. 5:1; 2 Tim. 4:6). The fulfillment of this expectation lay beyond the experience of death. To be "absent from the body" would mean to dwell

in the immediate presence, and intimate fellowship, of his dear Lord. And such a prospect was most tempting to one who learned to love his precious Lord Jesus as Paul had.
    However, since he recognized a need in the lives of his brethren; since he would really hate to leave an unfinished task; he was willing "to continue in the flesh". He is no shirker. That has been demonstrated, quite amply, by the labors of his faithful ministry while imprisoned in Rome.
    The purpose of his life - whether bond or free; whether by life, or by death - is to so honor his worthy Lord as to lead others to bow at His feet in humble, but joyful, worship, adoration and praise.
    Have YOU ever been in such a "strait"? Can you, and can I, face the prospect of death - not merely without fear, but with joyful anticipation, as this man did, because we know we will, through its instrumentality, be ushered into the immediate presence and fulness of intimate fellowship with our wonderful Lord?
    0! that our hearts might be fixed on Him as the object of our greatest love, the anchor of our eternal souls and the abundant giver of supernal joy! E.G.


    On November 25 and 26 we are expecting a number of over-night guests for our Fellowship Meeting. If you would be willing to provide sleeping rooms for these two evenings it would be greatly appreciated. Just let me know.
- Pastor Garner.


    The words of David have brought peace and assurance to many a weary heart. In Psalm 31:14-15, He confided: "Thou art my God. My times are IN THY HAND."
    This editor is deeply and joyfully conscious of this, as copy is being prepared for the October edition of The CLARION HERALD. On October 3, an X-ray scan revealed an obstruction in his colon which caused the doctors to show some anxiety. A colonoscopy is scheduled for October 6 when a biopsy will be made to determine whether there is malignancy, and whether there are any additional problems. If the answer is "yes", immediate steps will be taken for its removal. If not malignant, the obstruction will still need to be removed - though the danger (relatively speaking) will be lessened, and such haste will not be required.
    I face this ordeal with confidence in God - trusting Him to grant wisdom and skill to attending physicians, and healing to my body - provided such can be in accord with His will and purpose. There are no accidents with Him; no tragedies where He is in control. Thus, I accept this as WITHIN HIS WILL, and pray that through it all - and whatever the outcome - His worthy name may be praised, and that He will get glory to Himself through it.
    Nor will I fret about "the high cost of medical care". My confidence has always been in a Heavenly Father whose resources so far exceed the combined resources of the

Insurance giants that earth's securities are not worthy of comparison! He NEVER FAILS!
    Your love and prayers are always appreciated. - Eugene L. Garner

    On October 8, an operation was performed for the removal of about half my colon - including a malignant tumor and another section badly inflamed with diverticulitis. The Lord has granted a marvelous recovery! There was never any fever or infection during my hospital stay. Was released 10-14, and am gaining strength rapidly.
    Though I received a "passing grade" on the tissue gathered during the operation, they revealed some malignancy outside the colon. The doctors HOPE to have removed all of it. However, careful surveyance will be necessary for the next five years - though the outlook is bright. Thanks for your prayers, love, concern and liberality! I LOVE YOU ALL!
-- Eugene L. Garner


    Throughout the Old Testament Israel was taught to expect the coming of One who, as her rightful King, would rule in righteousness over all the earth. He was to be of the "seed" and "house" of David, (I Chron. 17:7-15; Psa. 89: 20-37). There was the possibility of sin in David's immediate offspring - causing them to forfeit their right to participate in the, covenant-

promise. But God will NOT change, break or alter His covenant with David - the man after His own heart.
    In reality, the descendants of David DID SIN. The nation was divided and scattered to the ends of the earth. And the Davidic crown has been cast down until He comes whose right it is to wear it, (Ezek. 21:31-32).
    Isaiah revealed that the King would come, offering Himself to the nation of Israel, only to be "despised and rejected", (Isa. 53). They would even put Him to death, but they could not make an end of Him.
    Habakkuk (ch. 3) pictures His return to this earth in power and great glory. It will be at this time that He establishes His kingdom and begins His glorious rule
over all the earth, (Isa. 2:2-5; Dan. 2:44-4.5). David's once-divided kingdom will be reunited, (Ezek. 37:21-28). His ruined "house" will be rebuilt, (Amos 9:9-15). And Ezekiel sees a GREAT RESURRECTION - likening it to the "birth of a nation", (Ezek. 37:7-14).
    Again, the coming of our Lord, and His reign of 1,000 glorious years on this earth, is referred to as "the Day of the Lord", (Joel 3:1-2, 9-21; Isa. 2:10-22.; 63:1-6). The Deliverer of Israel will have come - though the nation had long despised Him, (Isa. 43:1-7; 48:16-22; 44:1-4; 21:23; Psa. 18:1-3, 46-50). In that day the Lord will be a "Sanctuary" for His people, (Ezek. 11:16-20).
    This coming One is further portrayed as the "Conquering Star" of Balaam's prophecy, (Num. 24:17). He will be a victorious King, (Psa. 24; 110). And it is most significant that He will be "a priest upon His throne" - something that was impossible under the Mosaic economy (Zech. 6:12-13).
    A righteous King and Judge (Psa. 47; 50; 72; 93; 95-100); He will execute judgment in the earth, (Zeph. 1:14-18; 2:1-3; 3:8-20; Psa. 96:10-13). The Land of Palestine, and the inhabitants thereof, will be purified, (Ezek. 36:25-35). And there will be a wonderful transformation of nature, (Isa. 35).
    The King of the Earth will be the King and Prince of PEACE! (Zech. 9:9-10). And the lot of the righteous in His kingdom will be JOY and BLESSINGS FOREVERMORE! (Psalm 91).
    0, TO BE READY! E.G.