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The Clarion Herald
(Philippians 3:1-3)

    In a transition of subject matter, Paul affectionately addresses his beloved brethren in a series of warnings. But, first, he urges them to "Rejoice in the Lord!' (4:4 comp. 2:17-18; Lk. 10:20; Neh. 8:10).
    In the latter past of verse 1, Paul appears to be saying that the repetition, which seems necessary to safeguard them against peril, is not tiresome or irksome to him, (2 Pet. 1:12-15; 3:1-2; 2 Tim. 4:1-4). This evidently recalls a number of things that he has already mentioned: 1) Their spiritual antagonists, (1:15; 3:2, 18; Acts 20:28-29); 2) The need for them to stand fast, (1:27; 4:1; I Jn. 4:1-2; 2 John 7-11); 3) Dissensions and the need of unity, (1:17; 2:2-4; 4:2). The antidote for all this is to GLORY IN CHRIST - remembering the blessed union that exists between Him and His people, (1:20- 23; 3:3, 15; 4:7).
    The "dogs" of which they are to beware is an obvious reference to those Judaising teachers who were troubling the churches. They are likened to prowling dogs - sug-
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(I Thessalonians 2:1-6)

    The saints at Thessalonica were aware of the circumstances under which Paul first came to them. His preaching there, however, was in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. This is quite evident from the effects that his message produced there, (I Thes. 1:9-10). It was through his ministry that: 1) They had turned TO God (Acts 14:15) and FROM idols, (I Cor. 12:2 I Pet. 4:3).
    2) They had also devoted themselves to SERVE the living and true God - the God after whom the souls of men thirst, (Psa. 42:2). He is the God who makes His temple within a people whose hearts are right toward Him, (2 Cor. 6:16). And the "little flock" at Thessalonica was viewed as the "house" and "church of the Living God", (I Tim. 3:15). Our hope is to be set on the Living God "who is the Saviour of ALL MEN, specially of them that believe", (I Tim. 4:10). The great tragedy of unbelief (on the part of church members) is that it involves a "departing FROM the Living God!" (Heb. 3:12). A shameful thing after the blood of Christ has cleansed the conscience from dead works to en-

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

able one to "serve the Living God"! (Heb. 10:31). Why, the New Jerusalem itself is described as the City of the Living God - where He and the creatures RENEWED TO HIS IMAGE are joined in a fellowship of eternal blessing, (Heb. 12:22).
    3) It was also through Paul's ministry that the young Christians at Thessalonica had pledged themselves to AWAIT, with eager longing, the return of God's Son from heaven, (Matt. 16:27). Thus, his entrance unto them had certainly not been IN VAIN, or fruitless!
    In spite of what he had previously suffered for the sake of the Gospel, Paul boldly proclaimed the same message at Thessalonica; he would not permit opposition to turn him aside from the service to which God had called him. He was a strong and courageous leader. However, it should be noted that: 1) His boldness was "IN GOD"; he knew the faithfulness of God to the faith of His servants, (Acts 17:1-9). 2) Thus, he faithfully preached

the Gospel of God at Thessalonica. It was "unto the Gospel" that he had been separated, or set apart BY GOD, (Rom. 1:1-5). And Paul would have all men understand that there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOSPEL! (Gal. 1:6-7). 3) Here was such a man as refused to compromise the truth of the Gospel - even in the face of adversaries who contended mightily with him! (comp. I Tim. 6:12; 2 Tim. 4:7-8; Heb. 12:1-4).
    This man never forgot WHO HIS MASTER WAS! Thus, it is to be noted that he was a man APPROVED OF GOD (Vs. 4); whom God has approved MEN REJECT AT THEIR OWN PERIL! (2 Cor. 2:17; comp. 2 Tim. 2:15). To him God has entrusted the Gospel, (Gal. 2:6-9; I Tim. 1:11; I Cor. 9:16-17; 4:1-2). Thus, with a deep consciousness of a DIVINE COMMISSION, and of God's sustaining grace, Paul speaks: 1) NOT with the intention of pleasing men, (Gal. 1:10-12), but, 2) With a desire to please GOD "who proves (tests and discerns the intents of) our hearts', (I Sam. 16:7; comp Rom. 8:26-27; Psa. 7:9; 139:1-4; Lk. 16:15; Rev. 2:23).
    Conscious of His responsibility, as God's man, and, CONCERNED for the welfare of his brethren, Paul was careful about his ministerial conduct, (vs. 5-6).
    Never could one rightfully charge him with using flattering words to gain followers for himself (Prov. 29:5; 26:28). God is his witness that his wardrobe was VERY LIMITED; He did not even OWN a "cloak of covetousness"! (I Thes. 2:10; Acts 20:33-35; contr. 2 Pet. 2:1-3). He sought no glory of men

- being concerned ONLY for the glory of God, through the cross of His dear Son! (Gal. 6:14; contr. John 5:41-44; 2 Cor. 4:5-6). And, though he might have claimed the right of COMMANDING THEIR SUPPORT, as an apostle of Jesus Christ, he preferred to so labor as to support himself; he WOULD NOT BE BURDENSOME to them!
    Loving, caring and gentle in dealing with his brethren, Paul would have gladly laid down his very life for their sakes! And he constantly urged them to "walk worthily" before Him Who had called them to share in His own KINGDOM and GLORY! THANK GOD! the Thessalonians saints were noble-hearted in their response to his ministry, (I Thes. 2:13).
    Brethren, there is something DRASTICALLY WRONG with a people, though they claim to be God's people, who are not willing to FOLLOW SUCH A MAN - as he follows the LORD and the order that is set forth in HIS WORD! E.G.
A SAFEGUARD .... Continued
gesting: wildness, savagery and defilement, (Isa. 56:10-11; comp. Matt. 7:6). This terminology may express either contempt or apprehension, (I Sam. 24:14; 2 Kings 8:13; Psa. 22:16, 20; Matt. 15:26; Rev. 22:15).
    The "evil workers", of whom they were to "beware", suggests the proselytizing efforts of the Jews, (Matt. 23:15) - possibly alluding also to their false concept of JUSTIFICATION by the works of the flesh, (Rom. 3:27; 11:6; Gal. 2:16; 3:2; comp. 2 Cor. 11:13-15). They were spiritual "hucksters", (2Cor.

2:17; Matt. 7:15-17).
    Paul also warns his brethren to "Beware of the concision!" - those who place great emphasis on a "cutting off" - a mere mutilation if the flesh! (Gal. 5:1-3; 6:12- 13). They had so mutilated the divine ordinance of "circumcision" as to make it essential to salvation!
    Then Paul assures the Philippians that "WE ARE THE CIRCUMCISION!" "WE", here, refers to THE CHURCH (used in a generic sense) - as opposed to the Judaistic system, (Rom 2:28-29; 9:6; Gal. 6:15; 5:6). The circumcision that God desires is NOT MERELY PHYSICAL; Israel practice that quite legalistically! (Col. 2:11-12). It is a SPIRITUAL circumcision that God requires - a putting off of MORAL IMPURITY and whatever pertains to the OLD MAN. "And they that are of Christ Jesus HAVE CRUCIFIED the flesh with the passions and lusts thereof", (Gal. 5:24, ASV).
    Then three reasons are given to demonstrate that the church is the TRUE CIRCUMCISION.
    1) "We worship God IN SPIRIT", (Jn. 4:23-24; 6:63; I Jn. 4:13; Gal. 5:16, 25; Rom. 8:2-4, 14-16; 5:5). This is through the instrumentality of the Holy Spirit. True worship must involve an ATTITUDE of: love, gratitude, thanksgiving, adoration and AWE before the glory, majesty and holiness of our wonderful Lord. And the habitual practice of a mere religious ritual is abominable in His sight! (Isa. 1:10- 15; Acts 7:51-53; Jer. 6:10; 4:4).
    2) "We REJOICE (or glory) IN CHRIST JESUS", (Jn. 15:11). The

glory of the Judaizers was in their habitual observance of national and ritualistic exercises. But, the loyal and dedicated Christian glories in the crucified, risen, ascended and interceding CHRIST Who is the EMBODIMENT of all our glorious privileges, (Gal. 6:24). He is our Saviour, Keeper, Bridegroom, and coming King; our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption; our shield and exceeding great Reward; and our very LIFE! He is all we want, or NEED!
    3) "We have NO CONFIDENCE in the flesh!" (the old self) however religious, moral and attractive he may appear. The flesh does not submit to the Spirit's rule; it CANNOT obey the LAW OF GOD! (Jn. 1:13; Col. 2:20-23; Jude 20-23).

Saved by grace, I live to tell
   What the love of Christ has done
He redeemed my soul from hell;
   Of a rebel made a son:
0, I tremble still to think
   How secure I lived in sin,
Sporting on Destruction's brink,
   Yet preserved from falling in.

In a kind, propitious hour,
   To my heart the Saviour spoke;
Touched me by His Spirit's power,
   And my dangerous slumber broke:
Then I saw and owned my guilt;
   Soon my gracious Lord replied,
"Fear not; I my blood have spilt;
   'Twas for such as thee I died."

Shame and wonder, joy and love,
   All at once possessed my heart:
Can I hope thy grace to prove,
   After acting such a part?
"Thou hast greatly sinned", he said
   "But I freely all forgive:
I myself thy debt have paid;
   Now I bid thee rise and live!"

Come, my fellow-sinners; try;
   Jesus' heart is full of love;
0 that you, as well as I,
   May His wondrous mercy prove!
He has sent me to declare
   All is ready, all is FREE:
Why should any soul despair,
   When He saved a wretch like me?
-- Author Unknown

    Our hearts share the burden of Bro. Glen Nunally and family in the recent loss of his father who was buried on August 14, at Lynn, Arkansas. E.G.