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The Clarion Herald
(Romans 8:5-8)

    Have you ever considered the significance of your thoughts? A single thought may lead to far-reaching consequences. The thing on which we set (focus) our minds is a matter of LIFE or DEATH!
    To set one's mind on the flesh will result in such a walk as is designed to fulfil the desires of the flesh. And it must never be forgotten that the flesh is forever at enmity with God. It can NEVER please Him, and inevitably leads to DEATH. But, to set one's mind on the Holy Spirit leads to LIFE and PEACE!
    To be flesh-minded is to set one's mind and desire on the things of the flesh - the fallen and corrupted "self" that always insists on having its own way, and which is always contrary to one's own best interests, (I Cor. 2:14; 3:1-3; Gal. 5:19-21). But, to be spiritually-minded is to set one's mind and desire on the Holy Spirit as a never-failing guide, companion and sustainer in the way that God has appointed for His children.
    Let there be no doubt that there rages a constant warfare between
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(Philippians 2:19-30)

    Having called his beloved brethren to Christ-mindedness, Paul then proposes to send two of his helpers to Philippi in whom that beautiful quality of life will be manifested.
    First, he purposes to send Timothy, who will observe their true state and report back to Rome - hopefully bringing such a report as to encourage the heart of God's prisoner, (vs. 19). He can think of no one else so "like-souled" with himself. Timothy will give his loving, caring and undivided attention to this matter - in real concern for their welfare, (I Cor. 16:10-11; 2 Tim. 3:10-17).
    Others, of Paul's own brethren, sought the furtherance of their own self-interests, (comp. I Cor. 10:24, 33; 13:5; 2 Cor. 12:14; Rom. 13:8; 15:1-3) - NOT the things of Christ!
    To seek after that which honors his Lord ought to be the aim of every child of God. In the heart that manifests the "spirit of Christ" will be found NO PLACE for selfishness. To accept a lesser standard than that to which the word of God calls us is to throw one's life and character open to

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

all sorts of dangers.
    But the Philippians know the proven fitness of Timothy. They recognized his good character. "As a son with his father" he had served Paul in the Gospel, (I Cor. 4:17; 1 Tim. 1:2, 18). This they witnessed with approval. Thus, Paul wil1 send him presently - as soon as he can see his way clear to do so, (vs. 23) - hoping that it not be long before he can come in person, (vs. 24; comp. 1:26). But, it appears that some time elapses before his release. God does NOT always fulfil the exact expectations - even of His most faithful and trusting servants! He DOES honor such trust and love in everything working together with them FOR GOOD! (Rom. 8:28; I Cor. 4:19).
    With some reluctance, Paul will also send Epaphroditus - the messenger that the Philippian church has sent to minister to him in his imprisonment, (comp. 2 Cor. 8:23; Thiil. 4:18-19). As a loving and

sympathetic brother, a faithful companion in the work of the Lord (comp. Rom. 16:3, 9, 21; Phil. 4:3; Philemon 1, 23), and a fellow-soldier in facing the perils of spiritual warfare (Philemon 2; comp. 2 Tim. 2:3-4), Epaphroditus has faithfully and lovingly ministered to the needs of the aged apostle, (Phil. 2:25).
    But all along, the heart of Epaphroditus has yearned after his brethren at Philippi. More than mere homesickness, he was deeply concerned for their welfare. Most of all he was distressed because word had reached them of his own diminished strength because of sickness. He had, indeed, been near unto death: but God had been merciful to him. And that mercy had reached unto Paul also - lest sorrow should be heaped upon sorrow, (vs. 27).
    Some have wondered whether Paul could not have healed Epaphroditus had he chosen to do so. But it must be remembered that Paul did not exercise this "gift" - even upon Timothy (I Tim. 5:23), his beloved "son" - for the sole benefit of relieving physical maladies. This spiritual endowment was designed, as manifested in the life of Jesus, as a sign for UNBELIEVERS - a means of authenticating the message of the one exercising the gift, (Matt. 10:5-8; Jn. 5:36; 10:37-38; 20:30-31; Acts 2:22). Thus, Paul would not abuse it merely for the relief of his dearest friends.
    Now that the health of Epaphroditus has been restored, Paul sends him back to his brethren at Philippi that they may rejoice together

in the abundant mercies of the Heavenly Father, (vs. 28). They are instructed to receive him, in the Lord (I Cor. 16:1-2), and to hold him in such esteem as his proven character deserves, (I Cor. 16:17-18; I Thes. 5:12-13). It was in the work of the Lord that he had hazarded his very life (comp. Acts 20:24; 21:13) in order that he might render toward Paul such service as his distant brethren, at Philippi, could not render, (comp. Phil. 4:10; I Cor. 16:17).
    Thank God for men who, instead of stopping to count the cost, press steadily forward in the cause of God and truth! E.G.

"the flesh" and "the Holy Spirit" within every child of God. To "walk in the Spirit" is the ONLY WAY to avoid the pitfalls of the flesh, (Gal. 5:16, 22-23; Rom. 8:3-4; 13:14; Gal. 5:24).
    One does not triumph in his spiritual life by TRYING NOT TO SIN! In fact, Satan is delighted if he can divert our minds into such a negative channel - successfully distracting us from giving our undivided attention to our loving Lord! It is only as we reckon the flesh to be dead - crucified and buried with Jesus, and yield the direction of our steps fully to the guidance of the Holy Spirit that we may live triumphant, over-coming Christian lives.

    Sometimes a NOBLE FAILURE serves God as effectively as what the world views as Distinguished Service!


    Two young people had been cycling together through the countryside. Arriving at their destination someone asked what they thought of a certain historical landmark they had passed on the way. Though they had passed within a hundred yards of it, neither of them had seen it. They had been so absorbed in each other that they permitted no distractions from the bliss of their fellowship together. They were LOVERS - their attention otherwise engaged!
    So, the word of God teaches that if we "walk in the Spirit" we will "not fulfil the lusts of the flesh".....? So blessed will be the fellowship of the Spirit that our hearts and minds will not be distracted by carnal allurements. Though the world, the flesh and the devil standby the wayside, waving their glittering banners, we will scarcely be aware of their presence; we will be too joyfully occupied - our attention absorbed in Him who is the Lover of our Souls!
    The only effective way to triumph over temptation is to face it with a pre-occupied heart. There must be no loose and dangling affections; no vagrant and wayward thoughts. Instead, we must make sure that temptation finds us joyfully engaged with our Divine Lover. Thus, we will give the flesh no occasion to get the upper hand in our lives.
    In joyful occupation with Jesus we find our surest safety. So occupied, we will not be easily distracted or allured by worldly

pleasure. Our hearts will be to thrillingly occupied to pay much attention to such vanity!


    An anonymous writer has penned the following words concerning the mystery, love and wisdom of divinely-enforce inactivity. May it speak peace to some troubled heart. (E.G.)

Did He set you aside when
      the fields were ripe
   And workers seemed too few?
Did He set you aside and give some-
      one else
   The task you so longed to do?
Did He set you aside when the
      purple grapes
   Hung low in the autumn sun?
And did hands not your own
      just gather them in -
   The trophies you'd almost won?
Did He set you aside on a couch
      of pain --
   There where all you could do
      was pray?
And then when you whispered, 'Oh,
      please let me go,'
   Was His answer always, 'Stay'?
Did He set you aside with no plan
      at all --
   With no reason that you could
While your heart cried out, 'In
      this limited space,
   Lord, how can I work for Thee?'
Did He set you aside with a heavy
   And was your heart filled
      with despair?
Did you think He had gone and left
      you alone,
   Then, suddenly, HE WAS THERE?
And there in the shadows, the world
      all shut out,
   Just kneeling alone at His feet,
Did you learn the answers (though
      not all yet)?
   Say, weren't His reasons sweet?


    Missionary Edgar D. Sullivan is making a good recovery following the removal of a non-malignant tumor from his right lung. It appears to have been a life-saving tumor because it had enclosed a tubercular mass.
    His doctors amazed! Medical Science astounded! But, God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform!