(Philippians 2:14-18)
Knowing full well the cost of a complaining, contentious and argumentative spirit among the people of God (Jn. 7:12; Acts 6:1; I Cor. 10:10; I Pet. 4:9), Paul pleads with his beloved brethren at Philippi that they avoid these things. This was to the end that their lives together might count for the glory of God!
If the Philippian saints would BE unblemished "SONS OF GOD" (suggesting their likeness to the heavenly Father); if they would reflect the light of His glory and grace (comp. Matt. 24:27; Luke 17:22-24) upon a darkened, diseased, warped, sin-stained, morally degenerate and hell-bent world (Acts 2:40; I Pet. 2:18; comp. Deut. 32:5); their lives must be without fault (Lk. 1:6; Jude 24; Rev. 14:5) that is, SINCERE - pure, guileless, simple, single-minded (Rom. 16:19; Matt. 10:16); they must be a living example of true CHRISTIAN CHARACTER! (Matt. 5:43-45; Eph. 5:1). Instead of following after worldly fads and entertainment, the REAL Christian will set such an example as will puzzle the world. If faith
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"That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us", (Heb. 6:18).
"REFUGE" suggests the idea of a fortress, hiding place, defense or protection, (Psa. 18:1-3; 17:8; 27:5; 32:7; 64:2-10; 119:114; Isa. 32:2, etc.).
In ancient Israel "cities of refuge" were provided where a person who had slain another inadvertently might flee from the "avenger of blood", (Num. 35:6, 9-28; Deut. 4:41-43; Josh. 20:7-9). Such cities were necessary because of the ancient patriarchal law set forth in Genesis 9:6. The nearest of kin to a slain man had a lawful right to AVENGE the death of his relative by slaying his murderer. Since some might act too hastily and rashly, where vengeance was not proper, these cities were considered necessary if justice were to be done.
As one might previously have fled to take hold upon the horns of the altar (Ex. 21:13-14), until he could receive a fair hearing, he might now flee to one of these "cities of refuge" and find temporary protection from the aven-
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ger of blood until his case could be examined fairly.
Such a trial would be conducted by the magistrate of the city in which the person had been slain and in the presence of the people, or of the elders as their representatives, (Josh. 20:4-6). If the accused was found worthy of death, he was delivered to the avenger that he might be put to death, (Deut. 19:12). If found innocent, he was sent back to the city of refuge to which he had fled; there he must remain until the death of the High Priest - at which time he would be able to return to his home with legal protection. This appears to suggest, in a typical way, that NO SINNER, condemned already because of his unbelief, can be set free from condemnation, or recover his forfeited inheritance, until Jesus (our great High Priest) has died for our offences and risen again for our justification!
There are three things that we
need to consider concerning this idea of a REFUGE:
One of the saddest sights that a true man of God ever beholds is the easy-going, superficial, negligent optimism with which so many deliberately refuse to acknowledge themselves to be unsheltered FUGITIVES - surrounded by a host of deadly enemies that may close in upon them at any moment! We NEED a refuge: a) From the world, the flesh and the devil; b) From the guilt, power, corruption and condemnation of sin; and c) From an accusing conscience.
Does not YOUR conscience sometimes, in the stillness of midnight, remind you of certain EVIL things in your past - of some black page in your biography which you cannot erase, escape or tear out? Then, you need a refuge from the sting of the TRUE INDICTMENTS of your own conscience! And we must not be as brute beasts that have no understanding. As honest people, we must look the facts squarely in the face and ACT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WORD OF GOD - NOT on the basis of what WE THINK the word of God OUGHT TO SAY!
d) We need a refuge from the ultimate WRATH OF GOD!
2) A REFUGE HAS BEEN PROVIDED IN JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD! In Him we have a refuge from the cruel taskmaster that has kept us under bondage to sin. Through His death our Lord has ABOLISHED DEATH for those who trust in Him. By His sacrifice He has borne our grief and carried our sorrows - cleansing
us from the contamination of sin through His precious blood. And He heals us by the stripes of suffering which He has endured in our behalf.
Fleeing to Jesus we will find REST for our souls: rest from our labors, from our fears and anxieties, from our enemies and from the burden of our sins, (Acts 10:43). Fleeing to Him we will find PEACE! Peace with God (Rom. 5:1); Peace with ourselves; and Peace as a gift from God (Jn. 14:27) - a peace that passes understanding, flooding our very souls as we HIDE in Him. And, finally, fleeing to Him we will find JOY! - the "joy of the Lord" which will be our sufficient strength for every trial, every disappointment, every heartache and failure, (I Jn. 1:1-4). In the "shadow of His wings" there is true REFUGE - In the "shadow of His wings" there is REFUGE - perfect rest, sweet peace, and joy unspeakable!
is REAL the world will SEE A DIFFERENCE, (Acts 4:13; comp. Jn. 7:14-18). If there is NO DIFFERENCE, then one must still be WALKING IN DARKNESS!
Into the hands of His church our Lord has committed the Gospel message; the very WORD OF LIFE - life that is spiritual, abundant, eternal, glorious and free! It is such a word as ministers spiritual life while imparting the knowledge of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ (Rom. 1:16; Jn. 6:63; Heb. 4:12).
The Philippians hold within their hands the power to fill the heart of this "prisoner of Jesus Christ" with overflowing JOY as he anticipates the "DAY OF CHRIST" - knowing that, on them, his labor has not been spent in vain. And any New Testament church has the ability, through a walk of faith- obedience, to so rejoice the heart of her truly loving and caring pastor!
In their obedient faith-walk before God, Paul can rejoice - even if his own life-blood should be poured out (2 Tim. 4:6-8; 2 Cor. 12:15) upon the "sacrifice and offering" which God viewed in such a walk, (Rom. 12:1; 15:15-16; Eph. 5:2; Heb. 13:15-16). Not only can Paul rejoice in the prospect of being with Christ "which is far better"; he wants his brethren to SHARE in the joy of such a libation as made it a reality! Thus, the beloved apostle urges them to SHARE THIS JOY through the mutuality of their faith, hope, love and commitment to the service of Jesus Christ - their common Saviour, Lord and coming King!
Within the past month we have learned that Bro. Edgar D. Sullivan, one of our long-term missionaries, has been stricken with cancer of the lung and has returned to the States for possible surgery. Doctors in Judsonia and Little Rock Arkansas are now making tests to determine the most practical action to take in dealing with this affliction.
A number of brethren have al-
ready been alerted to the gravity of Bro. Sullivan's condition and are joining hands and hearts to meet his need - both spiritual and material.
Should YOU like to send a liberal offering to assist in this brother's medical care, you may make your checks payable to:
Judsonia Missionary Baptist Church
c/o Jim Nixon
P.O. Box 364
Judsonia, Arkansas 72081
Within the next two weeks Landmark church will have the privilege of hearing two of the missionaries that we help to support.
Bro. EDGAR POTTER (and son, Jeff) will be with us on the weekend of July 3. The Potters are home
from Madeira on a very short leave from the field.
BRO. CARLTON ELKINS (from Japan) will then be with us on July 5-6. Bro. Elkins is also moving as fast as possible because the time he and his wife have allotted themselves Stateside is also very short.
BRO. JAMES BYRD, longtime pastor in Fernandina Beach, Florida has, for some time, been fighting a losing battle with cancer. He maintains a good attitude, but is in a great deal of pain. He and his beloved wife would appreciate your prayers in their behalf.
We rejoice to hear that the wife of Pastor Ken Murphey, of Warm Springs, Arkansas, is making rapid progress from surgery to close a hole in her heart.
According to a recent report, Bro. STEVE MONTGOMERY has been in a Little Rock, Arkansas hospital seeking treatment for a problem which causes him to go to sleep while he wants to be awake - a problem that has plagued him for some time, but has become more serious.
And Bro. ELDWYN ROGERS leaves, on June 22, to return to Chile alone. His wife (Sister Alice June) will be staying behind until the arrival of a new grand-child sometime in September.
Pray for ALL these!
"Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed ..... The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!"