Philippians 1:21
Life means many and varied things to the common run of humanity - money, power, pleasure, sensual indulgence, getting one's own way, comfort, etc. But, the man who penned the words of this text was totally indifferent to personal inconveniences. His chief concern was that CHRIST SHOULD BE MAGNIFIED IN HIS BODY - whether by LIFE or by DEATH! To him Jesus Christ was truly the origin, essence, model, aim, comfort and reward of life, (Jn. 14:6; Col. 3:4).
But Paul is here affirming more than that Christ IS LIFE: he declares that "LIVING is CHRIST, and dying IS GAIN". He has a deep consciousness of Christ living within him, (Gal. 2:20) - Christ having so fully possessed Himself of His willing servant that Paul has lost his autonomy and willful independence. The joyful slave is identified with his loving Master through crucifixion - thus, initiated into the mystery of Christ, (Col. 2:2).
For Paul, then, LIFE IS CHRIST; this is the real essence of his being. For him to go on living will mean a continuing manifestation
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"Be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord", (Isa. 52:11).
The above words appear to have been written with Judah's return from Babylon in view. It was because of their spiritual uncleanness, rooted in rebellion against the Lord and His order, that the nation had experienced the divine judgment of a 70-year servitude in the land of the Chaldeans. If they were to enjoy the blessings of the Lord, in the land of promise, they must remember their divine calling and keep themselves FIT for God's service.
A special responsibility rest upon the "shepherds" of God's flock in any age. It is necessary that their lives be above reproach. NO PRIEST IN ISRAEL was permitted to marry a woman who had been divorced (Lev. 21:1, 6-8). His was a HOLY CALLING! God would permit no entanglements that would bring dishonor upon the priestly office, and upon His own holy name. Nor has He lowered the standard for the pastors of New Testament churches. He is no less jealous for His holy name than in ancient times.
God's covenant people have ever been intended to be channels of
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communication through which His blessings may reach others - to the ends of the earths. We are to be instruments through which God can bring others to a saving knowledge of Himself. Every local New Testament church exists as a LIVING MANIFESTATION OF JESUS CHRIST among men. The world will never know God through His word alone, but through the WORD INCARNATE manifesting Himself through the lives of a HOLY people. He lives within us - working within us "both to will and to do of His good pleasure", (Phil. 2:13).
The church of Jesus Christ is the depository of divine riches in this age. This is NOT merely for our own enrichment, but for the benefit of the whole race! And God's purpose is fulfilled as each local assembly, made up of common men and women, share the very life of Christ - that we may walk in the light of His word, and in the power of His resurrection!
But, if the Lord's church is to fulfil her divinely given task, she must BE CLEAN. The indifference of men toward God is often caused by the shameful failure of those who profess to be HIS PEOPLE in this matter of purity, cleanness or holiness.
If we are not PURE, we are NOT FIT to bear the vessels of the Lord (Isa. 1:16; comp. Lev. 22:1-3; 2 Cor. 6:14-18). It is nothing less than spiritual insanity for one to PRESUME that he can be an acceptable vessel in the Lord's hand if his life is not PURE - no matter how winning his personality, or how greatly he may have been used of the Lord in the past!
Well may we all cry, with the psalmist: "Create in me a CLEAN HEART, 0 God; and renew a RIGHT SPIRIT within me!" (Psa. 51:10). The "spirit of Christ" is not vindictive or defensive. It will take the attitude expressed in the beloved hymn:
"Search me, 0 God, and know my
heart today;
Try me, 0 Saviour, know my
thoughts, I pray.
See if there be some wicked way
in me;
Cleanse me from every sin and
set me free!"
As we enter upon the 18th year of this printed ministry, we want to thank those of you who have stood behind us with your prayers and offerings. Will you continue to pray that the Lord may make this witness an ever-increasing blessing to those who receive it.
It is now only a few short weeks before the Fellowship Meeting hosted by the Landmark Missionary Baptist Church here in Rockford, Illinois. In times past these meetings have been a real blessing to Landmark Church and to those who have contributed to their success by their presence and participation.
Though we do not anticipate as large attendance as at some past meetings, we DO expect a number of brethren who have been with us in the past PLUS others who have never before "shared our blessings"
In addition to preaching, praying, devotions and special singing, we expect, on the evening of November 26, to ordain Bro. Jonathan Hanes to the full work of the Gospel Ministry. We especially invite our brethren, of like faith, to sit in counsel with us as we consider Bro. Jon's spiritual, moral and doctrinal soundness.
It is our desire that this be a harmonious meeting - characterized by genuine brotherliness and real Christian love. Since our last meeting we have observed a gradual, loosening of moral standards on the part of some brethren - resulting in an alarming disintegration of the fellowship we once shared when all eyes were focused on Jesus and every heart devoted to the high principles set forth in His word.
Services will begin on Wednesday evening, November 25, and continue through noon on Friday, November
27. Meals will be served at the church and, so far as possible,
guests will be entertained in the homes of our members.
"Come thou with us, and we will do thee good!" E.G.
of the life of Christ - by whom is every step is energized. He lives only to serve, honor and magnify
his Lord. No secrets are kept from Him; no locked doors bar Him from any chamber of Paul's life-
house. Christ is in full possession - the sole occupant!
This man was not satisfied with mere EXISTENCE! Surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ filled
his life with meaning; his heart with peace; it involved the experience of VICTORY in the truest
sense. Ensphered in Christ, his all in all, Paul had no eye for any other so long as he lived.
Death itself would assure such a man of a deeper, fuller, richer experience of the ever-living Christ! That will be to "gain Christ" - realizing the full profit of his life-interest. That 'will mean liberation from the limitation of the flesh - like loosing an eagle from its cage and permitting it to soar joyously into the blazing brilliancy of the noonday sun!
Here is a man for whom death held no terror, (Heb. 2:14-17). He viewed death as a friend in disguise; a servant who would usher him into the eternal presence of his loving Lord; an entrance into complete and glorious union with Christ!
Here, then, is a man who is "ready also to die" - though he is perfectly content to honor
Christ, in life, until the time appointed for his PROMOTION! E.G.
This command of Moses, to ancient Israel, must have sounded insane - considering the circumstances under which it was spoken. The magnificent army of Egypt was moving in for the kill! But, however foolish it may have appeared at the moment, Moses' command manifested the very wisdom of God.
Israel was really in a checkmate position; in fact, the situation looked hopeless! Before her was the Red Sea. Impassable mountains and desert land flanked her on either side. And the armies of Egypt, moving at the command of an outraged Pharaoh, sweeping down upon her from the rear.
It was at this strategic point in time that Moses commanded: "Stand still!" Why? To be slaughtered? To be mowed down by the warriors and chariots of Egypt? NO! "Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord!" The battle IS HIS!
How marvelous it is to serve a God whose ways are as high above our ways as the heavens above the earth! He is not limited to human alternatives or plans. The Creator of all things can MAKE A WAY - a way of which man would never have dreamed. He parted the waters of the Red Sea that His people might cross over on dry ground! And, when the Egyptians attempted to follow, He let the waters loose again, so that they destroyed the might of Egypt!
What a God! No situation is hopeless when He is counted in on it. If one will but "wait on God", and "give God time", he will never have cause for disappointment or shame. In EVERYTHING God is working together for good to those who love Him; to those who are called according to His purpose!
For the child of God, it is always TOO SOON to despair! Whatever perplexing situation suggests the hopelessness of your case, "Stand still!" and watch God solve the problem - as you wholly entrust it to Him!
and best wishes to Jeanette Thompson and Gerald Kennedy who were united in marriage in Madison, Wisconsin, on Saturday, August29.
May your home be one in which Christ is supreme. E.G.