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The Clarion Herald

    "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away", (2 Tim. 3:1-5).

    This list of evils, characterizing the last days of the present age, was not put together carelessly - without thought and spiritual understanding. LOVE OF SELF is placed first because all the others are its offspring. Self-love leads to such a striving after material gain that, once acquired, becomes a basis for boasting and pride. Such a person gives no consideration to the rightful claims of God upon his life. In fact, he will neglect what he owes to his parents, his friends and everyone else except his well-beloved SELF!
    Self-love is pre-occupied with the satisfaction of one's own pleasure, ego and lusts. Though such a person may maintain a "form of godliness", he will deny any place to its transforming power in his life. Thus, Paul urges
(Continued on Page 4)

(2 Timothy 3:10-17)

    In warning young Timothy of the perilous times that were to characterize the last days, Paul mentioned a three-fold safeguard for the man of God: 1) The example of a godly leader, (2 Tim. 3:10-14); 2) The lessons learned in a godly home, (2 Tim. 3:14-15); and 3) The holy scriptures which, in all circumstances, would be able to make him "wise unto salvation", (2 Tim. 3:15-17).
    The characteristic marks of Paul's life are a sharp contrast to those who were in love with themselves. His "doctrine" and "manner of life" are contrasted with their "form of godliness"; his "purpose" with their "incontinency"; his "faith" with their "boasting"; his "longsuffering" with their "fierceness"; his LOVE OF GOD and the brethren with their "love of self, money and pleasure"; and his "patience" with their "pride". From the time Timothy had first known Paul these things had characterized his consistent life - even in the face of trials and persecutions. And Paul is able to encourage his "son, Timothy" by the assurance that "out of them

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

all the Lord delivered me", (2 Tim. 3:11). Furthermore, he is certain that the Lord will deliver him from every evil work - preserving him unto His heavenly kingdom, (2 Tim. 4:18). Death, to Paul, was not half so fearful as the thought of a breakdown in his own consistent witness for Jesus Christ!
    Furthermore, Timothy would be safeguarded by the lessons learned from a faithful mother and grandmother in a godly home. In this God-honoring home, Timothy had been guided by loving and loyal hearts in his study of the Holy Scriptures. It actually appears that his mother taught him to read from the sacred pages of God's word - leaving such an impression on his young mind as could never be erased. When tempted to turn aside, remembrance of the lessons learned in that godly atmosphere would safeguard him against defection - constraining him onward in a life of fidelity to his God.

    What a contrast between these godly women and those "silly women" who sought their learning in the wrong place. And there must have been quite a contrast between Timothy's home and the sad state of affairs set forth in 2 Timothy 3:2, 3 - where the blessings of parental affection is missing, and where "disobedience" of parents is appalling!
    The written word of God itself stands as the ultimate safeguard of the believing heart in perilous times - for, behind it, stands the God of the Word! Imperishable, and forever settled in heaven, it stands - not only to point the way wherein one should go; it is also the standard by which ALL will be judged in the last day! Given by divine inspiration, the Scriptures fully furnish the man of God "unto every good work", (2 Tim. 3:15-17).
    May God grant us grace, in the perils of this day, to make proper use of the safeguards that He, in His loving and providential arrangement of our lives, has given for our SECURITY! And may we be GRATEFUL: both to Him and to others who have had a part in preparing us TO STAND in the power of His might!


    The true measure of a man's worth is not always the number of his friends, but sometimes the number of his foes. Every man who lives in advance of his age is sure to be misunderstood and opposed - often persecuted and sacrificed.
    "Marvel not .. if the world hate you", (I Jn. 3:13). The Lord says,

"Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you!" (Lk. 6:26). And "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own", (John 15:19).
    Like Him, therefore, we must expect often to be unpopular, often to stand alone, even to be maligned perhaps to be bitterly and falsely assailed and driven "without the camp" - even of the religious world.
    Two things, however, let us not forget. First, let us not be afraid to be unpopular; and, secondly, let us never be soured or embittered by it, but stand sweetly and triumphantly in the confidence of our Master's approval.
-- A. B. Simpson

(Psalm 31:15)

My times are in Thy hand -
That hand pierced through for me. My future, be it dark or bright,
Is known, 0 God, to Thee. And I can trust that hand
Disfigured for my sin,
To guide me in the darkest night,
Or through war's frightful din.
My times are in Thy hand,
How safe their keeping place;
Nor would I for a moment short
Remove them. 0 disgrace!
That I should ever be
Reluctant or afraid, my God,
To trust my times with Thee!
-- Winifred Sandberg


    On February 23-28 Louise and I enjoyed a fast trip to Florida for Dad's 91st birthday and visits with my sister (Katherine) and brother (Albert). On the 25th (my

birthday) I was privileged to speak in the chapel service at Dad's retirement villa. Also Pastor Edward Brown graciously invited me to speak in the mid-week service at the Ardella Baptist Church - where I was warmly welcomed. E.G.


A life that can never be forfeited.
A relation that can never be abro- gated.
A righteousness that can never be
An acceptance that can never be
A judgment that can never be re- peated.
A title that can never be clouded.
A position that can never be in-
A standing that can never be dis-
A justification that can never be
A seal that can never be violated.
An inheritance that can never be
A wealth that can never be depleted.
A resource that can never be dimin-
A bank that can never be closed.
A possession that can never be
A portion that can never be denied.
A peace that can never be destroyed.
A joy that can never be suppressed.
A love that can never be abated.
A grace that can never be arrested.
A strength that can never be vit-
A power that can never be exhausted
A salvation that can never be annulled.
A forgiveness that can never be

A deliverance that can never be
An assurance that can never be
An access that can never be dis-
An attraction that can never be
A comfort that can never be les-
A service that will not go unre-
An Intercessor who can never be
A revelation that can never be de-
A Victor who can never be van-
A resurrection to share Christ's
A hope that can never be disap-
A glory that can never be dimmed.
- Author Unknown


Timothy to "turn away" from such hypocrisy!
    These lovers of self "creep in" to lead captive silly women who are devoted to various lusts. This is strikingly similar to the devices employed by the old serpent to beguile Eve in the Garden of Eden. That they were "ever learning", yet never able to come to "the knowledge of the truth", corresponds to the oft-repeated folly of Eve - when Satan advertised the tree that God has specifically forbidden to them as "to be desired to make one wise"! (Gen. 3:6).
    Paul likens these "lovers of self" to Jannes and Jainbres who resisted the word of Moses by a cheap imitation of the miracles he wrought in the power of God. At Ephesus, where Timothy resided at the time Paul wrote this letter, certain vagabond Jews had attempted to imitate the miracles wrought by Paul, (Acts 19:13-17). Their folly was also made manifest - for the seven sons of Sceva were utterly humiliated by the demon-possessed man whom they presumed to dispossess by the name of One Whom they did not even know!
    Though, in the last days, evil men shall wax worse and worse - deceiving and being deceived - there is a limit, beyond which God will not permit them to Go! He is still in control; and the folly of those who love only themselves will be fully manifested!