Life is at its best when it is lived for others. Paul's injunction to the Galatians is needed both in the church and in the home:
"Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ". Home is the field where love must bear its best fruits.
Love is quick to detect a need, and just as quick to supply it.
Love speaks the word the heart is longing to hear, or wipes away the tear that cannot be held back.
Love is always on the lookout to quiet a troubled spirit.
Love is always seeking to correct misunderstandings.
Love has an eagle's eye to see a weakness and remembers, not to reprove, but to strengthen.
Love is always unselfish - always forgiving.
Love forgets an injury and remembers a kindness shown.
Love makes a face kindly in its expression, the voice sympathetic in its tone, the hand gentle in its touch, the arms strong to lift and the step quick to relieve an embarrassment.
Love keeps on loving when the stoutest hearted would tend to grow discouraged.
Ancient Israel had no bankruptcy Laws. When an Israelite exhausted his resources, and borrowed beyond is means, he might sell himself as a slave to a fellow-Hebrew. At the end of six years, however, the law required that he be permitted to "go out free!" (Ex. 21:1-6). If he had been married, at the time he sold himself into bondage, then his family would be permitted to go out with him. If, however, a wife had been given him by his master, and she had born children, the wife and children would still belong to the master; the servant would then go out alone - as he had been when he sold himself into servitude.
If, at the time for release, the servant had found his master kind and generous - conscious that he himself had a master in heaven; if the servant should plainly say: "I love my master, my wife, and my children; I WILL NOT GO OUT FREE", then the master would take him before the judges and publicly "bore his ear through with an aul" and he would serve his master perpetually. His pierced ear would proclaim him the LOVE-SLAVE of a kind and generous master.
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From the day that he lay prostrate on the Damascus Road, Saul of Tarsus became the LOVE-SLAVE of a heavenly Master - a servant "for Jesus' sake"! "Bondservant of Jesus" was his favorite designation of himself! This alone accounts for his break with Judaism, and the courage with which he faced exhausting journeys, sang in a Philippian jail, braved the perils of land and sea, zealously proclaimed the Gospel of the Kingdom and boldly confronted the enemies of Jesus Christ. Yet, no one ever experienced a more glorious LIBERTY than that which Paul enjoyed!
FREE from all men, Paul volunteered his service to all "for Jesus' sake". He refused to exercise his freedom in such a way as to pamper the flesh, and urged his brethren to serve one another IN LOVE, (I Cor. 9:19; Gal. 5:13).
True spiritual liberty is IMPOSSIBLE apart from a voluntary, loving and loyal commitment of one's self to the bond service of Jesus
Christ! (Jn. 8:32, 36). After all, He died for us that we should no longer live for ourselves, but for Him who laid down His life in our stead, (2 Cor. 5:15; Rom. 14:7-9). Bought with the price of His precious blood, we should glorify God in all that we do, (Rom. 12:1-2; I Cor. 6:19-20).
Since Jesus is utterly WORTHY of the eternal consecration of our ALL to His service, let us forever render up the sword of our rebellion against His will - joyfully acknowledging His right to absolute lordship over us IN ALL THINGS. Life in His service is full, free and glorious!
I am the Lord's! It is the glad
Wherewith the Bride recalls the
happy day,
When love's "I will" accepted
him forever,
"The Lord's, to love, to honor,
and obey".
I am the Lord's! Yet, teach me all
it meaneth.
All it involves of love & loyalty.
Of holy service, absolute surren-
And unreserved obedience unto Thee.
I am the Lord's! Yet: body, soul
and spirit,
O seal them irrecoverably Thine;
As Thou, Beloved, in Thy grace
and fullness
For ever and for evermore art mine.
He who grasps for more than God has given him will let slip much real enjoyment only to find that he has grasped calamity instead!
Nothing in the life of man will serve as an acceptable substitute for true devotion. One may have great knowledge, a fairly correct creed; he may possess a ready utterance and have courteous and engaging manners; but his life will count for little if he is not heartily and thoroughly devoted to God. Without this he will never really be happy; nor will he be able, as he ought, to promote the welfare of his fellow-men. He may be pleased with himself - his attention often diverted from his problems; but this is not happiness.
True happiness comes as a sober and abiding guest. It is something that lives with us - attending us night and day. It remains with us through every season of the year, and through all the changes of this mortal state. That for which the soul of man yearns is no momentary pleasure, or passing dream; it is a lasting and satisfying portion. And it may only be found in the favor of God, the testimony of a good conscience and in labors of love and devotion. Here the soul may truly rest, and here alone: these make a heaven on earth! In the whole universe one will not find an ungodly man who is truly happy; such a person is NEVER happy. Greatness, luxury, fame and power, with all their splendors and indulgences, are NOTHING to the soul. In their midst the soul is as a feeble bird - driven wildly to and fro as by a whirlwind.
But to him who is truly devoted to God comes true joy. Such a per-
son may have little of this world's pleasures; nevertheless, his portion is the RICHEST in the world. He is at peace with himself. He is approved of God. He is an heir of heaven. He lies down to sleep without fear and awakens in the morning with a thankful heart. Breathing in an atmosphere of love, the storms of evil passion are all hushed around him. In his good wishes for others he finds a feast of pleasure for himself. In lessening his brother's sorrows he increases his own joy. His homely fare is far sweeter to him than the most dainty morsels of the sinner; he eats it as his Father's gift, and regards it as a pledge of RICHER THINGS TO COME!
For the past two years I have been reading THE PILLAR, published quarterly by the Hallmark Baptist Church, of Simpsonville, S.C. It is with real delight that I look forward to each issue of this well-edited, well-written and well-rounded magazine which encourages Baptist unity around the belief and pratice of "Scripture truth alone".
Frome what I have read, the principles set forth in THE PILLAR - relative to the origin, nature, authority, ordinances, discipline and independence of a New Testament Church - are the same that has always been espoused by this editor.
Within the U.S. you may receive this 16-page publication (in magazine format) by sending $5.00 to:
P.O. Box 205
Simpsonville, S.C. 29681
FAMILY Camp '87
A letter from Pastor Willard Spilman informs us that the Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, of Arvada, Colorado, is sponsoring a Family Camp July 13-17 at Camp Eden, near Wonderview, Colorado (about 25 miles West of Denver, on Highway 72). Though I have never attended one of these camps, others have reported real blessings.
Costs are as follows:
Adults - $55.00
8-11 yrs. - $40.70
3-7 yrs. - $33.30
0-2 yrs. - No Charge
For information, or reservations contact:
Pastor Willard Spilman
6705 Fenton St.
Arvada, Co 80003
Telephone 303-421-2130
Mere human powers shall fast decay,
And youthful vigor cease;
But those who wait upon the Lord
In strength shall still increase
They, with unwearied feet shall
The path of life divine;
With growing ardor onward move,
With growing brightness shine.
On eagles' wings they mount & soar,
The wings of faith and love,
Till, past the cloudy regions here,
They rise to heaven above.
Response to our request for letters during the month of January have been very encouraging. Your kind words, and testimony of blessings received from this ministry, may best be summarized by a single sentence from a beloved fellow-pastor in Texas. He wrote: " I like the way you challenge my thinking with your use of the precious word".
In addition to these letters, Editor Willard A. Ramsey wrote an editorial in THE PILLAR commending THE CLARION HERALD as containing "no wasted words" and being "consistent with the descriptive words in the masthead" - that is, our "sounding a call to salvation, sobriety, watchfulness, fidelity and brotherliness in view of our Lord's return". As a result of that editorial we have received additional requests for the paper.
We desire your continued prayers in behalf of this ministry and will be delighted to hear from our readers at ANY time! E.G.