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The Clarion Herald

    The word "fear" describes the reaction of man when he encounters force majesty and mystery. The scale of fear may run from a crippling terror to such honor, respect and reverence as come through spiritual understanding and fellowship with God.
    Men regard, with fear and reverent awe, their own fellows who stand in a special exalted relationship with God. It was true with regard to Moses when he descended the mountain with his radiant face, (Ex. 34:30). And of Joshua, whom God had made great in the eyes of Israel, (Josh. 4:14). The Lord expects respect to be shown toward those commissioned by Him for special service, (Num. 12:8; comp. I Thes. 5:12-13; I Tim. 5:17). Israel feared Samuel as the Lord's servant (I Sam. 12:8), and Solomon, because of the divine wisdom they saw in him, (I Kings 3:28).
    The "fear of the Lord" is equated with knowledge, insight and wisdom, (Prov. 1:29; 2:5; 13:14; 14:27 Job 28:28). But that fear may only be grasped in concrete manifestations that are morally oriented. It involves:
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    It was my privilege, on the evening of December 19, 1986, to be in Kilauea, Hawaii, for the ordination of our son, Derek, and Bro. David Torres, to the full work of the Gospel Ministry, by the Garden Island MB Church. Bro. Lonnie C. Ford has done a commendable work on the island of Kauai and is highly respected by his fellow-pastors throughout the Islands.

    On Saturday morning, December 20, a Dedication Service was held for the building in Hanapepe which has been purchased to house the mission sponsored there by the Garden Island Church. This is on the opposite (southern) end of the is-

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

land from Kilauea.
    As usual, the fellowship was superb. A total of 12 pastors were present to participate in both services. (Pictures elsewhere) E.G.


    On Sunday morning, December 21, Bro. Arden Porter, a charter member of Landmark MB Church, was called to be with the Lord whom he loved. His absence from our body will be felt quite deeply.
    Our deepest sympathy to Sister Porter and her family.


    Response to our request for letters during the month of January has been most heartening. During the first 10 days we have received twice as many letters or calls as during the entire month last year.
    Your letters are always encouraging - especially when we are assured of your prayers in behalf

Richard Kamerman, Derek, Eugene and
Albert Garner

Preacher Brethren at the ordination

Members of the Garden Island MB Church

of this ministry. We want to honor the Lord and be a blessing to our brethren. And we are delighted to hear from YOU at any time!    E.G.


    1) The avoidance and hatred of evil, (Psa. 34:11; Job 1:1, 8; 2:3; Prov. 3:7; 8:13; 23:17).
    2) Thus, whoever fears the Lord walks in uprightness, (Prov. 14:2; 16:17).
    3) The fear of the Lord brings many benefits, (Psa. 34:11-14; Pro. 22:4; 10:27; 14:26-27; 19:23).
    4) This fear, as used in the Psalms, has a definite RELIGIOUS connotation, (22:22-25; 33:18-19; 66:16-20; 103:11-18; 147:11).
    5) Since the awesomeness of God is unchangeable; godly fear encourages holiness in the life of a Christian, (2 Cor. 7:1).
    6) And, in "the fear of the Lord", fellow-body-members, in New Testament churches, submit themselves to one another rather than attempting to be overlords, (Eph. 5:21).
    God-fearing men, then, are those whose lives and conduct are orientated to the WILL OF GOD. Thus, they are TRUSTWORTHY (Ex. 18:2) - standing in the conscious presence of His holiness, awe, majesty, glory and power! This "fear" is a divinely-bestowed endowment - enabling men to reverence God's name and to obey His word, (comp. Jer. 32:40; Gen. 22:12; Heb. 5:7).
    In substance, then, "the fear of the Lord" is the HOLY AFFECTION of a trusting soul whereby it is inclined to: reverence God's person, respect his authority, obey His commands and hate whatever is sinful. The soul that truly "fears the Lord" does not turn away from him.


    In many biblical usages "the name" refers to THE PERSON. This is especially true in those contexts where personal extinction is expressed by the "cutting off", destroying, taking away, blotting out or rotting of a "name", (Josh. 7:9; Deut. 7:24; Num. 27:4; 2 Kings 14:7; Prov. 10:7). God Himself is sometimes spoken of simply as "The NAME", (Lev. 24:11; Prov. 18:10; Isa. 30:27).
    Again, "the NAME of the Lord" is used as the revelation of God's character: of His righteousness, (Psa. 89:15-16); faithfulness, (Psa. 89:24); salvation, (Psa. 96:2); goodness, (Psa. 100:4-5); mercy (Psa. 109:21); love, (Psa. 119:55); truth, (Psa. 138:2) and glory, (Psa. 148:13).
    That which is done "for His name's sake" is done out of LOYALTY to His revealed character, (Psa. 23:3; 25:11; Jer. 14:7-8). One's attitude and action toward "the name of the Lord" is seen as being toward the Lord Himself, as revealed in His attributes. Thus, His name may be: blasphemed, (Isa. 52:5); Polluted, (Jer. 34:16); and handled violently, (Prov. 30:9). Yet, the people of God may: love, (Psa. 5:11); praise, (Joel 2:26); walk in, (Micah 4:5); think upon, (Mal. 3:16); wait on, (Psalm 52:9) give thanks to, (Psa. 54:6; fear, (Mal. 4:2); call upon, (Psa. 99:6); proclaim, (Isa. 12:4); and BLESS (Psa. 145:10) God's name!
    Sometimes "the name" suggests the ACTIVE PRESENCE of the person

in the fulness of His revealed character. On Mt. Carmel, Elijah proposed a contest between "names", (I Kings 18:24); the REALITY OF DEITY would be demonstrated by a PRESENT and PERSONAL activity on the part of the deity represented by "the name", (Psa. 76:1).
    At times the Lord is said to act "for His name's sake - out of regard for His personal reputation, (Psa. 79:9-10; Ezek. 36:21-23; Ex. 34:14). Prophets, messengers and letters were sent "in the name" - that is, with the will, consent and personal authority of, the PERSON NAMED. They are to be regarded AS IF the person named were PERSONALLY PRESENT and active, (2 Cor. 5:20).
    To impart a blessing from God is to "put His name upon" someone, (Num. 6:27) - a prayer that the one so blessed may know the active presence of God in the fullness of His revealed character, (Jn. 17:11-12).


    Throughout the book of Malachi God is pictured as stretching out His hand of entreaty toward a disobedient and gainsaying people. Rebuking the sins of Israel, He has called upon them to REPENT and RETURN to Himself as their Father, Lord and King. But, the wretchedness of their attitude is soon evidenced in their snarling response to the divine initiative of love.
    1) "I have loved you", said the Lord to the covenant people. And

they retorted: "How can you say THAT? WHEREIN have you loved us?" In other words, "Where is the evidence of your love?" (From the very beginning God had chosen Jacob as the instrument of His service, and recipient of His covenant-grace. And He has ever been faithful to his offspring.)
    2) Deserving of reverence and honor, God charges the priests of Israel with DESPISING His name, (Mal. 1:6). "WHEREIN?" they asked. And God told them that they were offering polluted sacrifices on His altar - the blind, sick and lame from their flocks!
    3) The Lord will not accept such sacrifices as show CONTEMPT for His NAME (being contrary to what He has appointed): the Gentiles will have more respect for him than does rebellious Israel! (Mal. 1:11).
    4) Then they are charged with PROFANING His name by the deceptiveness they practice relative to their offerings. They seem to forget that He is "the great King, the Lord of Hosts, whose NAME is held in awe among the Gentiles!" (Mal. 1:14).
    5) Since they refuse to give GLORY TO HIS NAME, THE Lord has sent a curse upon them - in faithful remembrance of the covenant of Levi who (in the person of Phinehas) "stood in AWE of the Lord and held His NAME in reverence", (Mal. 2:1-5).
    6) Furthermore, the speech of this people has wearied the Lord, for they call good "evil", and evil "good" - assuming that it really makes no difference to the Lord! (Mal. 2:17).

    7) Except for the Lord's unchanging faithfulness, the Sons of Jacob would have been consumed long ago. From the days of their fathers they have turned aside from the Lord's statutes - refusing to keep them. And He calls upon them to "RETURN to me, and I will return to you!"
    But their retort is: "How shall WE RETURN?" - with the implication that THEY HAVEN"T GONE ANY PLACE - having faithfully presented their gifts at God's altar ALL ALONG!
    8) Next, the Lord accused the nation of ROBBING HIM! And, to their amazed questioning of "HOW?" He patiently tells them that the WHOLE NATION is ROBBING HIM in the matter of tithes and offerings, (Mal. 3:8-10).
    9) And, when He accuses them of hard and obstinate WORDS against Himself, they act SO SURPRISED! HOW have they done such a thing as THAT? And God tells them: "YOU have said it is USELESS to serve the Lord;" that to walk mournfully before Him will profit nothing; and that the only way to happiness is to be so PROUD and ARROGANT as to get one's own way!
    Very SIGNIFICANTLY, it is in the very MIDST of such SPIRITUAL ROTTENNESS that the Lord approvingly calls attention to a precious REMNANT. By their attitude and activity they DELIGHT HIS DIVINE HEART; and He speaks GOOD concerning them. "THEN they that feared the LORD spoke often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD and that

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thought upon his name", (Mal. 3:16).


(Malachi 3:16-4:3)

    Consider the attitude and activity of a Faithful Remnant in Israel, while the covenant-nation, as a whole, was characterized by apostasy and spiritual rottenness. They "FEARED THE LORD" - maintaining such reverent awe before Him as caused them to: depart from evil and to walk in the way of His commandments.
    They also "THOUGHT UPON HIS NAME" - a very fruitful source of profound and edifying meditation. Yet, the emphasis is not so much upon "meditation" as upon the way they REGARDED that name. The same Hebrew word, in other settings, casts light upon its meaning here.
    1) In Isaiah 13:17 it is rendered "regard". The Medes set NO VALUE on silver; but this precious remnant VALUED the Lord's name!
    2) In Isaiah 33:8 the word is translated "regardeth". The spoiler placed no personal value on ANY man; but the saints placed a HIGH VALUE on the name of the Lord!
    3) in the beautiful prophecy concerning the "suffering Servant", (Isa. 53:3), it is written: "He was despised, and we ESTEEMED him not!" The nation counted Him OF NO VALUE; thus, they rejected Him. But, the holy remnant "thought upon His name" - setting GREAT VALUE on it.
    4) Our Lord declared that "Where

your TREASURE is, there will your heart be also". And the wise man wrote: "As a man thinketh in his heart, SO IS HE! (Prov. 13:7).
    This passage, therefore, reveals a company of people who valued the name of the Lord and counted it their CHIEF TREASURE. As a result, their character became responsive to all that the Name signified, and their lives grew in closer correspondence to the will of God.
    The richness of the titles associated with that Name, in the Hebrew mind, is quite marked.
    a) Jehovah-Jireh - "the Lord will provide".
    b) Jehovah-Tsidkenu - "The Lord our Righteousness".
    c) Jehovah Shalom - "The Lord send peace".
    d) Jehovah-Nissi - "The Lord our banner".
    e) Jehovah-Shammah - "The Lord is there".
    What a marvelous heritage belonged to this faithful remnant in the very NAME of Jehovah, their God! He had progressively revealed to them, by His very titles, new beauty and glory. Thus, they highly regarded the Lord's provision and His righteousness. They valued His Banner as the proof of His love in His conflict with sin. They valued His very PRESENCE. And, thus, valuing the very essence of His NAME, they were gradually being transformed into His likeness!
    Doubtless, their evaluation of THE NAME led to meditation and fellowship around that Name. Their thoughts were of God Himself:
    a) In the fulness of His majesty and authority.

    b) In the infinite reach of His knowledge.
    c) In His justice & judgment.
    d) In His goodness and mercy.
    e) In His faithfulness & truth.
    f) In the marvel of His saving strength.
    g) And in His own marvelous person, character, attributes and glory! (Read Heb. 10:19-25).
    This little remnant is seen drawing closer to the Lord and to each other for edification and mutual encouragement - a true COMMUNITY OF SAINTS!
    1) The "JOY" of the Lord" was their strength.
    2) The "NAME of the Lord" was their refuge and high tower.
    3) The "PRAISE of the Lord" was the occupation of their lips.
    4) And "WORSHIP of the Lord" was the attitude of their grateful Lord and obedient hearts!
    It is thrilling to note the Lord's regard for this people. He is pictured as LISTENING. He "hearkens" - bending His ear. Then he is pictured as bending over them in order to catch their slightest whisper - not as they talk TO Him, but ABOUT Him! (Eph. 1:3-12)
    This activity is recorded in a "Book of Remembrance"; He will not fail to reward those who have brought such pleasure and delight to His yearning heart! They are declared to be "special" to Him - His own prized possession; His TREASURE - which He HIGHLY VALUES! In the coming judgment, designed for the rebellious, the Lord will SPARE these as a tender father would spare his most loving and

obedient son from unnecessary discipline!
    Judgment is CERTAIN upon sin - even upon the rebellious and disobedient among God's own people, (2 Cor. 5:10). In that day it will be quite evident that God makes a difference between the RIGHTEOUS and the WICKED - between those who serve Him, and those who do NOT serve Him. The pride and arrogances of the wicked will be consumed by the fire of divine indignation!
    But, to those who FEAR THE NAME OF THE LORD, "the Sun of righteousness will arise, with healing in His wings". This surely refers to THE CHRIST - the Hope of Israel and Light of the world. Through the brilliant rays of divine grace, He will quicken, enlighten, heal, purify, refine and sustain every soul that trusts in Him. His people, so blessed, will go forth liberated and rejoicing - like calves that manifest exuberant delight in their freedom - something that is surely appropriate for CHILDREN OF THE GREAT KING!
    And the righteous will gain the ultimate TRIUMPH over the wicked - an ETERNAL VICTORY!


Sovereign Lord of light and glory,
   Author of our mortal frame,
Joyfully we bow before Thee,
   And extol Thy holy name:
   Ever sacred be the theme!

Kind Dispenser of each blessing
   Which surrounds the human race,
May we, gratefully possessing,
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    Those who have an abundance of wealth face the constant danger of extravagant self-indulgence. When people possess means of procuring for themselves more than they need, their expenses are seldom kept within just bounds. Among those who profess to love and serve the Lord, there is a shameful squandering of wealth in our day - wealth that might be so used, for the glory of God, as to lay up "treasures in heaven" by faithful stewards of that which the Lord has enabled them to accumulate.
    When a poor man errs, a hundred people are ready to reprove him; but when a rich man does the same thing, all tongues seem to have become mute! Politeness will not allow one's rich friends to reprove him; fear, or lack of proper acquaintance, shuts the mouths of the poor - who certainly are not blind to the error. The poor man is reproved, for his sins, both by friend and foe; if his secret sins are not made a basis of firm reproof it is only because others have not been able to detect them.
    Even professing Christians, and church members, who are rich, face the temptation to DESERT the company of their poor brethren - preferring the company of others nearer their own financial status. Thus, they are likely to be led farther and farther from the simplicity of Jesus Christ!
    Furthermore, the rich are in peculiar danger of FORGETTING GOD! Because of their wealth, their

cares increase, their associations are multiplied, life becomes more hurried around them, and, in the multitude of their thoughts and activities, there is scarcely room for solemn thoughts of God and of His will for their lives. If they tend toward a selfish life-style, they have an added reason for forgetting God; the very THOUGHT of God becomes troublesome to one who has determined to walk in a way that is contrary to His will, His way and His word.
    There is also the danger of becoming enslaved to worldly fashions. There is an all-too-common
enslavement to fashion on the part of the rich. If they do not tend toward this way, of their own choosing, they are apt to fall under the influence of wealthy associates, and be drawn into their pernicious ways.
    Finally, the rich are in special danger of ruining their children by: 1) bringing them up softly, 2) allowing them ruinous indulgences, 3) training them in dangerous, character-compromising ways, and 4) giving into their possession wealth for which they have not the wisdom or virtue to use responsibly. What utter INSANITY for God-fearing parents to leave their godless children such fortunes as can only lead to their DESTRUCTION!
    Though it is hard for those who have riches to enter into the kingdom of God; how FEW there are, among the rich, who lay it to heart!!
    ( -- from Joseph Barker, in The


   Still adore Thy boundless grace:
   Praise to God, immortal praise!

Thus, with humble adoration,
   We attend before Thy throne,
And, with grateful exultation,
   Thine abundant mercy own:
   Praise belongs to Thee alone.

In Thy every dispensation,
   Love and mercy we descry;
Thou, the God of our salvation,
   To preserve us, still art nigh:
   Glory be to God on high!