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The Clarion Herald

    When Paul, in prison at Rome, yearned after the welfare of his brethren at Philippi, he purposed to send Timothy to them - having no one else of kindred spirit who would be genuinely concerned for their welfare. The problem is one that has plagued the welfare of the Lord's churches down through the ages: "For they all seek after THEIR OWN INTERESTS, not those of Christ Jesus", (Phil. 2:20-21, New ASV).
    Giving priority to SELF-INTEREST is not only a violation of Christian love, (I Cor. 13:5); it is SIN! While sin is "ungodliness" - rebellion against God, and transgression of His holy laws - its very essence is ALWAYS SELFISHNESS! It may be recognized by four basic characteristics:
    1) By an attitude of SELF-SUFFICIENCY that refuses to trust in, and wait on, God.
    2) By a stubborn SELF-WILL that refuses to submit to God's authority.
    3) By making a priority of one's own SELF-INTERESTS instead of manifesting loving-care for the welfare of others.
    4) By a proud SELF-RIGHTEOUS-
(Continued on Page 3)


    Though the common meaning of the word "conversation" is "an exchange of talk", its usage in the scriptures ALWAYS refers to CONDUCT BEHAVIOUR or "Manner of living". In its verb form, Paul uses this word in I Timothy 3:15: "That thou mayest know how thou oughtest to BEHAVE thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth".
    When Paul urged his brethren to "Let your CONVERSATION be as becometh the gospel of Christ", (Phil. 1:27), he was calling for such a manner of common, everyday living as conformed to the precepts of the gospel. Though this involved the words that they spoke, it certainly did not END there, but encompassed the whole of their conduct.
    Covetousness is supplanted by contentment in true Christian character, (Heb. 13:5). We know that God will never forsake us, that He will supply all our need, and that He will withhold nothing that is "good" from such as walk uprightly before him, (Psa. 23:1; 84:11; Phil. 4:19). God has promised to manifest His great salvation to whoever conforms his life

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

to the order set forth in His word, (Psa. 50:23).
    Holiness characterizes the conduct of the upright, (I Pet. 1:15). These have been REDEEMED, liberated and set free from the bondage and vanity of their former ways and traditions handed down by their fathers, (I Pet. 1:18). A believing wife may, by her "chaste conversation" (her upright conduct), WIN her unbelieving husband, (I Pet. 3:1-2). And Peter contrasts the "filthy conversation of the wicked" with the "holy conversation and godliness" that ought to characterize the life of EVERY child of God in view of the Lord's coming to judge the world in righteousness, (2 Pet. 2:7; 3:10-12).
    Convicted by the consistent behavior of the upright, and unwilling to repent, the wicked attempt to destroy them, (Psa. 37:14). In his later life Paul rejoiced that, by the grace of God, he had been enabled to set a living example

of "simplicity and godly sincerity" before the saints at Corinth, (2 Cor. 1:12). As regarded his former conduct, while promoting "the Jews religion", his life was characterized by an ignorant and unbridled zeal for persecuting and wasting the church of God, (Gal. 1:13). A child of wrath, by nature, he had patterned his old life in such a way as to fulfil the lusts of the flesh and of the carnal mind, (Eph. 2:3). But, he urged the saints at Ephesus to ABANDON such corrupt and deceitful BEHAVIOUR - putting off the old man with all his ways, (Eph. 4:22).
    The Hebrew writer admonishes his brethren to REMEMBER those who, faithfully proclaiming to them the word of God, have been divinely authorized to rule over them. He urges them to consider the END of their manner of living (the very salvation and spiritual development of those divinely-committed to their care), and to FOLLOW the pattern of faith that has been set before them, (Heb. 13:7). Failure to do so will bring GRIEF to the exemplar, but real TRAGEDY to those who REFUSE TO OBEY! (Heb. 13:17).


    For several years the editor requested that our readers write to us during January. Last year that request was not made. However four people encouraged our hearts by writing anyway. It will be a blessing to hear from YOU this January. If the paper is a blessing we would like to know.

WHOSE INTERESTS? ..... Continued
NESS - which is the opposite of a humble and reverent attitude toward God. And this is one of the most dangerous snares that we face today. One may easily TALK humility while ACTING so proudly as to assume that, by his "humble petition" before the throne of grace, he can manipulate God into doing his bidding - with not the slightest thought of "Thy will be done"! If, in spite of the self-righteous man's petition, God is pleased to do the very thing that has been requested; the self-centered god-player has no qualms about "humbly" advertising the fact that HIS PRAYER may be credited with having accomplished the desired end!
    Rather than putting SELF first, the Corinthian saints were commanded to seek the welfare of their brethren, (I Cor. 10:24). And Paul) as his Lord, preached what he practiced! (I Cor. 10:23; 2 Cor. 12:14; comp. Acts 1:1). He knew that the Lord loved His church - having purchased it with His own blood, (Acts 20:28). He reminded the members of the church at Corinth that they were sanctified in Christ - called saints, (I Cor. 1:2). And he warned them that to act in such a way as to shame the poor among them was to despise the church of God, (I Cor. 11:22).
    Paul was deeply ashamed of the contemptuous attitude he had once held against the Lord's church - an attitude that led him to persecute and make havoc of the Lord's body, (Acts 8:1-3; 22:4; 26:11). Remembrance of this caused him to declare himself UNWORTHY to be called

an apostle, (Gal. 1:13; I Cor. 15:9). It was only by God's grace that he was transformed into a vessel of honor for God's glory and service, (I Cor. 15:10).
    Once proud in his self-righteousness, that which had been regarded as GAIN, under the Judaistic system, he came to regard as "LOSS FOR CHRIST", (Phil. 3:7). Thus, he carefully instructed young Timothy concerning proper conduct IN and TOWARD the house of God, (I Tim. 3:15). And Timothy appears to have walked in the spirit and power of the great apostle - denying SELF that he might effectively devote himself to the interests of his wonderful Lord Jesus!
    How very RARE are such unselfish fellow-helpers of the truth, in our day! (3 Jn. 8). 0, for more FAITHFUL MEN to whom the word may be committed - that they may teach others! (2 Tim. 2:2). E.G.

Is It Doing You Any Good?

    Through Micah, the prophet, God confronted His ancient people, who were giving little heed to the impending judgment hanging over their heads, with two searching questions: 1) "Is the Spirit of the Lord straitened?" and 2) "Do not my words DO GOOD to him that walketh uprightly?" (Mic. 2:7).
    The spirit of the Lord may be straitened, limited or restricted through the "disobedience of unbelief" on the part of His people. To TURN BACK from walking in the way He has appointed both tempts and limits the Holy one of Israel, (Psa. 78:41; comp. Mk 6:4-6). Not

only does such an act deliberately REJECT HIS LORDSHIP; it invites His JUDGMENT! How presumptuous! to imagine that God will bless one's delighted devotedness to religious innovations designed to pamper the flesh, encourage the ego and soothe the feelings, when he has ceased to rejoice in God's LIVING WORD (Heb. 4:12), and to walk in the path that He has appointed!
    Ancient Israel rejected God as her king; the people cried to the prophet, Samuel, to give them a king like the nations around them. They wanted to be LIKE THE WORLD! And many New Testament churches are being torn asunder today by that same spirit of the world -
an ever-increasing number of their members deliberately turning aside from God's standard to "go where the ACTION is"!
    Though the word of God has been faithfully proclaimed, it has ceased to bless them. They are no longer thrilled, awed and bowed in worship by the reminder of God's holiness, majesty, glory and power. Church life is not exciting; in fact, it has become DULL! And they are just not "happy" there. They must go where they can see some evidence that GOD IS DOING SOMETHING!
    But, God's question to Israel is still worthy of consideration? "Do not my words do good to him that walketh uprightly?" To the Psalmist the word of God was regarded as being "forever settled in heaven", (Psa. 119:89); before it his heart stood in awe, (Psa. 119:161). It was a lamp to his feet (119:105); hidden in his heart, it was a safeguard against sin, (119:11). Jesus declared the word to be spiritual and living, (Jn. 6:63), and that all men would ultimately be judged by it, (Jn. 12:48). And Paul declared the scriptures able to make one wise unto salvation, (2 Tim. 3:15). Furthermore, he declared them profitable for: doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in the way of righteousness, (2 Tim. 3:16). By a proper response to the Word of God, the man of God is brought to spiritual completeness and fully equipped "unto every good work".
    Is the word of God doing YOU any good? if not, may the problem be suggested in Micah 2:7? E.G.