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The Clarion Herald

    Beautiful church buildings multiply while men run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and do not find it, (Amos 8:12). We see on every side a zeal for God, but not according to the Bible - or even common sense! Ignorant religious zeal is FANATICISM! Ignorant zeal crucified the Lord of glory! (Acts 3:13-17). Zealous fanatics are always self-righteous and expert at throwing stones. The eighth chapter of John opens with the Pharisees bringing a guilty woman to Jesus, for stoning, and closes with zealous men seeking to stone Jesus! (Jn. 8:59). One sentence stripped the accusers of self-righteousness: "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone!" The accusers slipped away while Jesus wrote on the floor.
    It is easier for Fundamentalists to throw stones than to be sinless. Reforms fail because the reformers are not sinless. Of sects there are many; none are sinless. The air is filled with flying stones - many of them well aimed!
    A zealous Pharisee went to the temple to pray. Few could match his zeal. Upright in business, moral, he tithed and fasted twice in
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    True Christian discipleship involves a three-fold commitment: 1) to Christ, 2) to His church, and 3) to the salvation of a lost world of men. By falling short in any of these areas one renders fraudulent his claim to discipleship; his commitment incomplete. And the commitment must follow this exact order.
    Surrender and commitment to Jesus Christ, as Saviour and Lord, is the necessary starting place toward a life of true Christian discipleship. Conscious of his sin-guiltiness, and of the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ that has made his redemption possible, the sinner - under deep conviction of his sin's wretchedness - turns, to faith, to Jesus as his only hope of salvation. It is a loathing of his own moral filthiness that brings him, under the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, to Jesus Christ FOR CLEANSING through the blood of Calvary. And he comes with a willingness to be changed, transformed and to have his life wholly re-directed under the rightful lordship of His gracious Redeemer.
    In the conscious exhilaration of a NEW LIFE, and liberation from the bondage of sin, the redeemed

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

sinner - desiring to please, honor and obey his loving Benefactor - then commits himself to a life of loyal identity with Christ in a local New Testament church which is the visible manifestation of that institution purchased by our Lord with His own precious blood. By his burial with Christ in the waters of Christian baptism, he declares himself DEAD to the old life of self-centered independence and rebellion toward his Maker - henceforth pledging his loyal and lifelong devotion to Jesus Christ in joyful, loving and obedient service. Recognizing the church as "the body" of which Christ is the Living Head, and through which He manifests His own life during this present age, the true disciple regards the privilege of sharing in the life of the body as an indescribable privilege that must never be taken lightly. it is only in the company of one's fellow-body-members - all functioning together

as a united and harmonious whole - that ANY can make such spiritual progress as leads to maturity and reflects a true likeness of the Saviour.
    But, commitment to Christian discipleship is still incomplete until it involves one in an actual, active effort to take the "word of life" to a world that is dead in trespasses and sin. Since the work of "making disciples" has been committed into the hands of the Lord's church, the third phase of true Christian commitment is possible ONLY in those who have FIRST APPROVED that "good, acceptable and perfect will of God" wherein He purposed to receive glory through the church purchased by His beloved Son at such infinite cost. If human hearts will not be melted by that love; if men will not turn from their sins and entrust their all into the hands of such a wonderful Saviour; they must forever PERISH IN THEIR SIN! But ours is the privilege and responsibility to take the message of His infinite love - of full and free salvation - to the ends of the earth!
    Is YOURS the commitment of one who is a "disciple indeed"? (John 8:31-32) E.G.
    On Sunday morning, September 21, Bro. Jerry Kennedy declared his trust in Jesus Christ and requested baptism. At the end of the service he and Sister Jeanette Thompson were buried in the waters of Christian baptism. We welcome them and pray the Lord's riches blessings upon them.


    How utterly unfathomable is the concept of God as set forth in the Word which He has given as a self-revelation of Himself and His own glorious purpose! God is a SPIRIT of infinite power, majesty and absolute perfection, (Jn. 4:24; Matt. 5:48). He is the one ETERNAL, un-created being, (Jer. 23:24; Psa. 90:2) - UNCHANGABLE, (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8); OMNIPRESENT, (Psa. 139:7-10; Prov. 15:3; Isa. 66:1; Jer. 23:24; Acts 17:26-27); OMNISCIENT, (Psa. 139:2; 147:5; I Jn. 3:20; Heb. 4:13); and OMNIPOTENT, (Lk. 1:37; 2 Chron. 29:2; Job 26:12; Psa. 62:11; Rom. 16:25-27).
    In His relationship to mankind God is HOLY, (Isa. 6:3; Lev. 19:2); JUST, (Gal. 3:10; Rom. 2:6); ALL-WISE, (Col. 2:3; Eph. 1:8); MERCIFUL (Lam. 3:22-23); LOVING, (I Jn. 4:8-10); KIND, (Matt. 5:45; Rom. 2:4); FAITHFUL, Dt. 7:9; I Kings 8:56; I Cor. 1:9; 2 Tim. 2:13 I Pet. 4:19); and TRUE, (Num. 23:19). God can ALWAYS be depended on to do what He has PROMISED or THREATENED - the one being in all the universe upon whom absolute reliance may be safely placed! (Psa. 100:5; Rom. 10:11).
    Is it not to our shame that we are so reluctant to entrust ourselves into His loving, wise and all-powerful hands?
    How much more beautifully appropriate it would be if we could say: "God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid", (Isa. 12:2). Or as Job said: "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him!" (Job 13:15).


the week. A publican, who could boast of nothing, prayed: "God, be merciful to me, a sinner!" This man returned to his house JUSTIFIED! The Pharisee returned home proud, sinful, unloving and GUILTY still! (Lk. 18:9-14). The temple was for SINNERS who knew that their tithes, fasts and morality could not blot out one sin!
    Jesus left heaven and came to earth TO SAVE SINNERS! (I Tim. 1: 15). He sent the "chief of sinners' to preach to other sinners a message of forgiveness through the blood of Jesus! And churches are for FORGIVEN SINNERS who seek fresh supplies of grace!
    Boasting of numbers, pure doctrines and financial success is not becoming; yet, this is the essence of the impression one gathers from most churches. Salvation is within the reach of ANY MAN; nearer than the nearest church. "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!" The Lord is to be regarded as being at the side of the humblest sinner - ready to pardon and cleanse! CALL! THIS IS the WORD OF FAITH which we preach. For this we should be zealous "according to knowledge".
    A lukewarm church, like the Pharisee, may see its need of nothing. The Lord rebukes: "Be ZEALOUS! REPENT!" Zeal is the opposite of lukewarmness. The sinful publican was not lukewarm, (Rev. 3:15-19). Jesus was not lukewarm, but zealous - casting a gang of thieves out of His Father's house! (Jn. 2:17).
    There is a zeal "according to

knowledge", but it is never self-righteous. It is this Sort of zeal that ought to characterize our lives.
-- from Orson P. Jones


    Since Bible studies are being held regularly in homes of our members, in Downers Grove, Illinois and in Madison (actually Monona), Wisconsin, we would like the assistance of our readers in helping to locate others in those areas who might be interested in attending these studies - in the hope of ultimately establishing New Testament churches in those areas. If you will send names and addresses, we will attempt to contact them and encourage them in the way of the Lord. E.G.

     In the midst of a world rushing madly toward destruction, the child of God finds stability, assurance, peace and joy in the anticipation of our Lord's Second Coming - when we shall see him as He is and be changed into His glorious likeness. Someone has set that expectation in poetic dress, as follows:

I shall see Him in His Beauty,
For myself shall see the King!
In the far-off land elysian
Have that beatific vision;
In His beauty I shall see Him
When the wailing nations flee Him.

I shall see Him in His beauty,
Who for me was crucified,
By whose cruel foes surrounded,
Scourged and buffeted and wounded;
From man's judgment who was taken,
And of God Himself forsaken.

I shall see Him in His beauty!
See Him on His glorious throne;
With these eyes shall I behold Him,
See the prophets who foretold Him,
Saints and martyrs of Time's story,
And the angels in their glory.

I shall see Him in His beauty,
On His palm my worthless name:
"Mid convulsions and dire wonders,
"Mid earth's voices and heaven's
I shall see Him; He will own me,
And beside Himself enthrone me!

    What a "blessed hope" indeed - of sharing the glorious fulness of our Lord in His coming kingdom!
    May our lives be lived, from day to day, in the conscious anticipation of this great and glorious privilege!