During the past few weeks the heart of this editor has been thrilled by unexpected contact with a number of brethren in other areas who share many of the precious truths that mean so much to us. This is God's way of preventing us from becoming like Elijah - imagining that we stand alone, and that the purveyors of a warmed-over protestantism are seeking our lives.
No, I have not questioned these brethren to make certain that we are in agreement on every "fine point" of doctrine! It is enough for me to know their concept of, and attitude toward, the church established by our Lord and purchased by His precious blood.
From Verona, Ohio there came a call from Bro. O.B. Baker - desiring some printed materials and THE CLARION HERALD. He later sent copies of his works on: 1) The Holy Spirit and His Dwelling Place, and 2) A Simple Study of Hebrews - both of which I quickly devoured.
Later there came a call from Pastor Lawrence Baker, of Starkville, Mississippi, who sent a copy of a work by Pastor Joe Bell, en-
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Studies in Philippians
Not everyone is able to discern, the hand of Divine Providence in the turbulent affairs of life as clearly as Paul did. His brethren at Philippi were deeply concerned for his welfare. Would he be deeply discouraged - after two years of imprisonment at Caesarea, and no more than a year in Rome? It is just possible that Epaphroditus had brought Paul a letter inquiring about this possibility. At least, Paul is able to rejoice in the midst of sore trials. He knows that God is faithfully working out His own glorious purpose IN SPITE OF HUMAN OPPOSITION! Thus, he writes to encourage his brethren in their faith and to assure them of the progress of the Gospel in Rome.
Faithful to the Gospel of the Christ whom he served, and whose prisoner he was, Paul's very "bond" became an eloquent witness - a sort of "badge of honor". It proclaimed the living Christ to all who saw it and knew WHY HE WAS BOUND! Each day he had opportunity to bear witness to a new guard who was actual-
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ly chained to him. And the Lord marvelously blessed his witness!
Through this prison ministry the entire Praetorian Guard, the most elite young men in the Roman army, were set to thinking and talking about Jesus Christ - the Son of the living God, and the Saviour of all who placed their trust in Him! Observing his buoyant optimism and radiant joy, they knew that Paul's trust in Jesus was at the root of it. And his contagious love for the Master began to spread throughout the Imperial City.
Following the example of "the apostle extraordinary", as Reginold E.O. White designates him, others were emboldened to proclaim the word of God without fear. Naturally timid and hesitant, because of the peril of the times, Paul's zealous witness rebuked their lethargic cowardice, deeply stirred their consciences and enabled them to find their tongues and to witness with a courage they never before possessed!
And there are always some who only await the example of a bold, loving and courageous leader whose life is radiant with the joy of the Lord! (Psa. 40:3)
Pitiful as was the motivating power behind their actions, some began to preach Christ "of envy and strife". That ugly motive had raised its bloody head in connection with the trial and death of Jesus, (Matt. 27:18). Because of jealousy and resentment, these men permitted a destructive spirit to gnaw its way into their hearts and lives. But, these were not the last men that undertook to destroy the influence of another preacher!
God often blesses the witness of such men (He CARES for the precious souls who hear their witness); but such witnesses need not expect a reward for labor rendered with such despicable motives! We need to remember that "power belongs unto the Lord" Who sometimes works "in mysterious ways His wonders to perform"!
There were others in Rome who rallied around Paul as the brethren had done at Lystra, (Acts 14:20). Knowing that he was "set for the defense of the Gospel", they loved him and stood by him as a faithful servant of their Lord and Master. In this they did well, (comp. Matt. 25:40, 45).
Paul's attitude in this situation is most exemplary, (vs. 18). He will not waste precious time enumerating the scandalous faults of disagreeable brethren. Nor will he permit bitterness to take the
titled: "God's Priesthood on Earth" This work was such a blessing that I immediately called Bro. Bell and made arrangements for a supply of this book to share with others whom I feel will be able to profit by it.
Bro. Joe Bell is a pastor in Dothan, Alabama. From my telephone conversation with him I gather that he is a very gracious Christian gentleman, and look forward to an opportunity to visit with him, Lord willing. Chapter headings of his
reins of his heart just because his preacher brethren are not all PURE! God will deal with them! So, he grasps that which is most important: "Christ is preached!" Therein his benevolent heart was able to REJOICE! And he urges his beloved Philippians to SHARE that joy.
There are times when, observing the gross immorality practiced, or winked at, by some of my preacher brethren, there is a strong temptation to SHOUT OUT against their shameful desecration of my Lord's precious name! Then I remember that "Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, THE LORD REBUKE THEE!" (Jude 9)
The Lord "WILL JUDGE HIS PEOPLE"! His word declares that, even for his unrepentant children, "It is a FEARFUL THING to fall into the hands of the living God!" (Heb. 10:30-31).
118 - page book are: 1) God's Priesthood on Earth, 2) Speaking the Same Language, 3) Where Has He Chosen to Place His Name? 4) The Birthright, 5) The Blessing, 6) The Laying on of Hands, 7) The Anointing, 8) The Priesthood of the Lord's Church, and 9) Exposing a Great Delusion.
In exposing the God-dishonoring delusion that "salvation from hell takes care of everything", Bro. Bell illustrates by God's dealings with ancient Israel. He writes:
"None of the Old Testament histories of God's dealings with His people linger long around an initial act of redemption, though this act is never to be forgotten. Even before Israel left Egypt Canaan lay ahead of them. The Passover and the crossing of the Red Sea which put Egypt behind them was but crossing the threshold enroute to their possession. The promise and prospect of every Israelite who departed from Egypt was to enter into that land. Not one of Israel was allowed to return to Egypt, but ONLY TWO males above twenty years of age WHO CAME OUT OF EGYPT ENTERED THE PROMISED LAND. (editor's emphasis) They were Joshua and Caleb. The grave-strewn wilderness is a grim reminder that while one may be judicially behind the safety of the blood of the Passover Lamb this does not GUARANTEE an entrance into 'the rest that remaineth for the people of God'." (p. 105).
Without necessarily approving every idea set forth in this little book, I do whole-heartedly recommend it as a thrilling experience
for those who really want to know the true value and significance of a right relationship to the Lord WITHIN a Scriptural, New Testament, Baptist Church!
If you wou1d like a copy of this work, just write and ask us for it. If you want to help with the expense of publication, I will be happy to pass it along to the author. -- Eugene L. Garner
For a number of years Bro. Edgar R. Potter and Family have labored faithfully on the island of Madeira - a Portuguese possession off the coast of North Africa. Following 4 years of mission service in Brazil (where he learned the language) Bro. Potter felt the Lord's call to this little island. Stepping
out on faith (without any specific guarantee of support), he went to Madeira under the sponsorship of the little flock where he had ministered in Brazil - with a commitment (by the grace of God) to the firm establishment of a New Testament church. Religious persecution had, for centuries, managed to silence the witness of all who attempted to invade this stronghold of Roman intolerance with the truth of the Gospel.
Though there have been many obstacles, trials, hardships and disappointments, years of faithful service are beginning to bear rich fruit. Now the work is in need of a meeting place of its own.
In his last monthly report, Bro. Potter mentioned the possibility of acquiring a small piece of property for around $35,000. But this would only meet their present need - with no provision for future growth!
Landmark Church (of Rockford) dearly loves this missionary and desires to see his work move forward without the hindrance of having no adequate meeting place. So, we are planning what we hope will be a liberal offering in support of this endeavor.
If you would like to share in this, you may send your check marked "Madeira Building Fund" to:
Banner Baptist Church
c/o Pastor Wayne Ruff
1650 Banner Road
Avondale, Co. 61022
No investment pays higher dividends than that JOYFULLY GIVEN toward the spread of the Gospel!