There are many sincere Christians who contend that the ancient prophets wrote concerning many of our modern vehicles of transportation and instruments of warfare. A close examination of their proof-texts, in context, will reveal that such involves a very questionable handling of the Word of God.
Nahum 2:4 has often been quoted as a prediction of the modern automobile. This, however, appears to strain the contextual mean of the passage with unreasonable license. It was written as a direct prophecy concerning the destruction of Nineveh and describes the mad rush of those in chariots to escape the enemy.
Others have imagined that Isaiah 60:8 predicted the coming use of airships; but, here once more, the direct meaning is obvious: in the days of Judah's prosperity, ships will flock to her shores as doves to the windows of their dovecotes. Habakkuk 1:8 is also thought, by some, to suggest the flight of men in ships that are lighter than air. It is far more likely, however,
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"Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit", (Luke 23:45}.
In the death of Jesus were elements of fearfulness which those trusting in Him can never know. With Him it was the execution of a penal sentence. The sins of a lost world were bearing Him down! The very voice of His God was giving the terrible summons: "Awake, 0 sword, against my shepherd!" Yet His was a death of PEACE and of TRIUMPH!
Ere He closed His eyes in death, light broke through the curtains of thick darkness. In the calm composure of filial confidence, He breathed away His soul - "Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit!" What was the secret of such tranquility? He Himself gives us the key: "I have glorified Thee on earth; I have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do".
Will it be so with YOU at the hour of death? will YOUR work be done? Have YOU already fled to Jesus? Are YOU resting in Him as your only Saviour, and following Him as your only pattern in life? Then, let death come when it may; you
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will have nothing to do BUT TO DIE! The grave will, for you, be radiant with His presence and smile.
There can be no true peace until the fear of death is removed by the consciousness of SINS FORGIVEN through the blood of Jesus! Only when this is a reality can you be a quiet spectator of the open grave into which you must soon descend. "The sting of death is SIN, but thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ!"
Oh, for such a walk of nearness with God that, when the hour of our summons does come, we will be able, without irreverence, to take the very words of our dying Lord, and make them our own: "Father! into Thy hands I commend my spirit!" FATHER! It is truly a home-going! the heart of the child joyfully leaps at the thought of parental love, welcome, security and bliss!
The "fear of death" should be
banished from the hearts of those who trust in Jesus. In our behalf He has already vanquished its tyranny. Death, for the child of God, is but a SERVANT who comes to break down the dungeon-doors of our imprisonment and lead us into everlasting day. It is the avenue through which we enter upon the world of our birthright; our exile is ended. It is as the soldier, at nightfall, lying down in his tent in peace - awaiting the morning that he may receive the honors to be bestowed upon his brave and courageous deeds!
Oh! that we might ever live in such a state of holy preparation and readiness! the eye of our minds gazing upon the vista-view of an opening heaven - confident that every moment is bringing us nearer to the kingdom of God, and our eternal inheritance! How soon will we be bowing, with the church of the firstborn, in adoring rapture and worship before our heavenly king - bathed in floods of infinite glory - being " Like HIM" - seeing Him AS HE IS, and sharing the blessedness of His fellowship forever and ever!
"And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as He is pure!"
Oh, to be LIKE HIM!!
that the figure suggests the great haste with which the Chaldeans will come agsinst the land of Judah. EG
LIFE is not "salvage" to be saved out of the world, but an "investment" to be made IN THE WORLD!
There are those who insist that Jesus was omniscient - even as a child - because He was the God-man and the express image of the Father's person". But, it should be noted that Jesus is said to have "increased" in wisdom, as well as in stature following the temple-incident recorded in Luke 2:41-52.
Not only is it REASONABLE TO BELIEVE that our Lord experienced some curtailment of his divine attributes while he walked, as a man, among men; Paul specifically declares that some of those divine rights, privileges and attributes were voluntarily "laid aside", (Phil. 2:5-8). In fact, our Lord Himself declared that He could, of His own self, DO NOTHING! It was, rather, the Father's words and deeds that moved effectually through Him while He, as the ideal man, totally committed Himself to the Father's mastery!
We read of our Lord being weary, of his weeping and praying, of His being hungry, thirsty and "tempted in all points like as we are" - though without sin! It was AS A MAN that Jesus spoke saying: "My Father is greater than I", (Jn. 14:28) - though they had been co-equal from all eternity!
Thus, we conclude that a part of His humiliation was in His voluntarily divesting Himself of some part of His divine prerogatives. This would account for His startling statement: But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father",
(Mark 13:32).
Since the finite cannot comprehend the infinite, the human mind cannot possibly explain the mysteries of the divine trinity. One thing is certain: the very PRAYER- LIFE of Jesus indicates that, during the days of His earthly sojourn, there was a distinction between Father and Son that is utterly incomprehensible to us!
But, one must NEVER conclude that, because He admitted an ignorance of some things - while made "like unto his brethren" - that he, therefore, was NOT GOD! That would be the ULTIMATE FOLLY!
Since the last issue of this paper was published we have been blessed with two sets of visitors from the First Missionary Baptist Church of Elgin, Illinois. First, the Aaron Barrett's (missionary- designate to the Jews in the Chicago area) were with us, on the morning of November 10 - sharing with us his burden for this particular work.
Then, on Sunday evening, November 17, Pastor Terry Wilson, Pastor of the First MBC, of Elgin, visited with us - along with his family and another young lady, and he brought a very challenging message.
It is delightful, after so many years of forced isolation, to discover a number of brethren, and churches, who hold like views on the Lord's church, its ordinances, discipline and practices - and who are, at the same time, open to fellowship in the Gospel. May their drive INCREASE!! E.G.
Be still, my soul and listen,
For God would speak with thee,
And while the tempest's raging
Thy refuge He would be.
Be still, and cease to struggle,
Seek not to understand;
The flames will not destroy thee,
Thou'rt in the Father's hand.
And when the burden's heavy,
He seeks to make thee pure,
To give thee faith and patience
And courage to endure.
The way is not too hard for thee,
Endure the chastening rod;
Thy gold shall only be refined,
Be still, submit to God!
The bank had closed; my earthly
store had vanished from my hand;
I felt that there was no sadder
one than I in all the land.
My washerwoman, too, had lost her
little mite with mine,
And she was singing as she hung
the clothes upon the line.
"How can you be so gay?" I asked;
"Your loss don't you regret?"
"Yes, ma'm, but what's the use to
fret? God's bank ain't busted
I felt my burden lighter grow; her
faith I seemed to share;
In prayer I went to God's great
throne and laid my troubles
The sun burst from behind the
clouds, in golden splendor set;
I thank God for her simple words:
"God's bank ain't busted yet!"
And now I draw rich dividends, more
than my hands can hold
Of faith and love and hope and
trust and peace of mind untold.
I thank the Giver of it all, but
still I can't forget
My washerwoman's simple words:
"God's bank ain't busted yet!"
Oh, weary ones upon life's road,
when everything seems dread,
And losses loom on every hand, and
skies seem not to clear;
Throw back your shoulders, lift
your head, and cease to chafe
and fret.
Your dividend will be declared:
"God's bank ain't busted YET!"
-- Alice P. Moss