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The Clarion Herald

    Though we neglected any reference to it in last month's paper, the Edgar Potter Family (missionary to Madeira, Portugal) visited with us briefly on August 21-22. It was good to have them back home - even for so short a time. What a blessed time of fellowship!
    On September 29, Bro Mike Bragdon and Family were our guests in the evening service. Bro. Mike is a missionary to Japan under the sponsorship of the First Missionary Baptist Church of Elgin, Illinois.
    Next Sunday (October 20) we anticipate a visit from Bro. Jerry Ross and Family who are preparing for missionary service in Brazil, under the sponsorship of the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, of Greencastle, Indiana.
    It is always a blessing to share the fellowship of missionaries and their families - people who are devoting their lives to the Lord's service. And it is especially good to see an increasing number concerned to labor according to the order that our Lord has established in His word.
    May the Lord bless them RICHLY!


    JONATHAN HANES: Some years ago Brother Jon Hanes came to us after the church of which he had been a member disbanded in the Chicago area. He has always been a blessing and encouragement to the body here in Rockford. When the Lord called him to the Gospel Ministry we rejoiced greatly, and his development has been a constant source of encouragement to us.
    Brother Jon is eager to preach and has consistently brought messages that were rich in biblical content - while being well ordered. He is willing to go anywhere to
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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald


    ".. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world", (John 17:14).

    Our Lord did not try to maintain His holiness by avoiding all contact with the world. Rather, He mingled in its busy crowds. He frowned on none of its innocent enjoyments; He fostered, by His example, no love of seclusion. He gave no encouragement to mortified pride, or disappointed hopes, to rush from duty. Yet, with all this, what a halo of heavenliness encircled His pathway through His earthly journey. "I am from above", was breathed in His every look, word and action - from the day He slept in the guileless infancy of the manger, in Bethlehem, until He said "I leave the world, and go to my Father!" He had moved, without contamination, through its varied scenes - like the sunbeam, which,

whatever it touches, remains as unsullied, as when it issues from its great fountain.
    Though tempted in all points as we are, He successfully resisted the world's malignant influences. It is also a matter of significance that He never, unnecessarily, faced any of them. He knew what power of seduction that same world would exercise on His people - of whom He said, with a touch of divine sympathy: "These are in the world!" He knew the MANY would be involved and ensnared in its subtle worship, who, "minding earthly things", would try to slake their thirst at its polluted streams.
    Jesus has already solved FOR US the problem of being "IN the world, and yet not OF it". To abandon it would be as serious a dereliction of duty as that of servants deserting their work or soldiers fleeing from the field of battle. So LIVE in it that your influence therein may count for Good! On its cares and duties, its trusts and responsibilities, its employments and ejoyments, inscribe the motto: "The world passeth away!" Beware of everything in it that would tend to deaden the spirituality of your heart - unfitting the mind for serious thought, lowering the standard of Christian duty and inducing a perilous conformity to its false manners, habits, tastes and principles.
    As the best antidote to the love of the world, let the inner VACUUM of your heart be filled with the love of God. Know the nobility of the new life-principle that is

yours through regeneration - that you have a nobler heritage to care for than the transitory glories encircling "an indivisible point, a fugitive atom".
   Strangers, pilgrims, sojourners: our citizenship is in heaven! Why covet tinsel honors and glories? Why be concerned about the smiles of that which knew not its Lord?
    Let us learn to live above the corroding cares and anxieties of this world - remembering the words of our dear Lord concerning His true followers: "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world!"
    Let us arm ourselves with THIS MIND!


    "Who is like unto thee, 0 LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?" (Exodus 15:11)
    In Jesus Christ we have a Savior who is truly WONDERFUL! Of the many qualities and characteristics that make up His personality one is that of His HOLINESS - something that He desires to see reproduced in His people. In fact, without it, one will never be permitted to "see the Lord" in all His glorious fulness, (Heb. 12:14).
    In Moses' day God performed some very marvelous things to demonstrate; His glory, and the holiness of His character. Midst lightnings, thunder, and a trembling earth, at Mt. Sinai, He gave to Israel His perfect law. In spectacular judgment upon men and nations, He demonstrated His displeasure over

sin, (Babel, the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the plagues in the land of Egypt). And, through His prophets, He urged men to behold the unlimited worlds in space and the perfection of His creative work - all of which show forth His righteousness and His truth. ALL, ALL THINGS are upheld by the unchanging word of His power!
    The noblest example of holiness, among the commonplace things of a hostile world, was set before us in the life of Jesus Christ, God's Son. Holiness was revealed in every aspect and activity of His life. The miracle of His birth is set before us in the marvelously chaste story of Bethlehem. Our example of holy toil is given to us in the carpenter of Nazareth. An exemplary dealing with temptation is hallowed, for all time, in Christ's vanquishing of Satan in the wilderness temptation.
    Does someone inquire: "But how may one be pious, pure and holy when everything has been swept away - when forsaken of friends and destitute of all the good things of life?" We must not forget the humble life of our wonderful Savior as He walked with the underprivileged and had no place to lay His head.
    Have we crises that sweep us off our feet? Jesus faced such in Gethsemane and came forth victorious! Do we sometimes feel like Paul - when we would do good, evil is present with us? This is why Jesus went to Calvary - that He might throttle and destroy every
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preach that is within driving distance of His home. Contact him at:
1133 W. 63rd Street
Downers Grove, IL 60516

    DEREK GARNER: He has been the Music Director at Landmark Church for the past four years, and recently surrendered to God's call to the Gospel Ministry. Derek has a heart that is eager to serve the Lord, and, though preparing to enter upon a course of special training, in January, will be happy to use whatever opportunities that may arise for him to preach. Contact him at:
4861 Linview Drive
Rockford, IL 61109


    Several weeks ago Landmark Church was blessed by the coming of Sister Pat Hanes to unite with us in fellowship and service. We had prayed for her for some time and felt that her coming was a definite answer to prayer.
    You are indeed WELCOME, Sister Pat. Failure to note this in past issues of the CH was due to lapse of pastoral alertness; it was not intentional. E.G.

WONDERFUL ... Continued

vestige of the powers against us - the world, the flesh and the devil. With "all power" in His hand, He bids us, IN HIS STRENGTH, to "Be ye holy, for I am holy"!
    Holiness must not be confined to the sanctuary; it is a matter of THE HEART!

Exalted Prince of life, we own
The royal honors of thy throne;
'Tis fixed by God's almighty hand,
And seraphs bow at thy command.

Exalted Saviour, we confess
The sovereign triumphs of thy Grace;
Where beams of gentle radiance shine
And temper majesty divine.

Wide thy resistless sceptre sway,
Till all thy enemies obey;
Wide may thy cross its virtue prove,
And conquer millions by thy love.

Mighty to vanquish and forgive,
Thy ransomed shall repent and live;
And loud proclaim thy healing
Which gives that life who wrought
   thy death.