Selling Carnality to the Churches
At an alarming rate, over the past 20 years, the Christian ministry has succumbed to a world-psychology that long ago declared the FAILURE of the Lord's churches! With many there has developed such a deep-rooted obsession for "SUCCESS" that they have forsaken the way of God's appointment to follow a course charted by self-promoting "Christian" (?) psychologists who assure them success. But, this success will require the REPUDIATION and abandonment of the FAILED WAYS of their elders who have been "TOO CHURCH-MINDED" to make a wave in the world! Rebellion is truly bound up within the hearts of children; when discipline is abandoned too soon that evil tendency - instead of being driven out - often remains to plague them for a life-time!
Instead of submerging themselves in a hungering and thirsting exploration of our divinely-given guidebook - the true, trustworthy and infallible word of God - an ever- increasing number of our spiritual leaders are tending to adapt to the "world-psychology" of Protestant methods and programs. And, when unable to prod their intellectually
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In the House of God
This is the title of a book recently published by Pastor Edward Byrd, of Kailua, Hawaii. How I wish that I might have had access to it as a young minister! Not because this author has received any new revelation! Nothing of the kind is involved. But he has set forth so clearly the very essence of true spirituality and in such a powerful way as MIGHT have made mine a more tender, compassionate and caring ministry had I been confronted by such a work in the formative years of my ministry.
"The spirit of Christ", as set forth in this work, describes such a temper, disposition, or frame of mind as manifests a genuine Christ-likeness in life - the compassionate tenderness, loving gentleness and patient, longsuffering faithfulness that was perfectly demonstrated in the life of Christ.
A ministry characterized by mere scholarship, organizational and promotional expertise, zeal, strategy, doctrinal straightness and legalistic dogmatism may succeed in producing flesh-satisfying results and ego-baiting statistics, but it will NOT be a spiritual ministry!
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It is not enough to proclaim the FACTS of the historical cross - though that truth is essential; the truth of the cross must be DEMONSTRATED by the manifestation of its power in lives that are loyally and wholeheartedly devoted to the Christ! (Gal. 6:14; 5:24). The very "fragrance" of Christ must be evident in the lives of His people!
Mere words, however true, do not assure spiritual communication. In fact, there may be spiritual communication without intellectual elucidation or doctrinal explanation - the communication of a SPIRITUAL PRESENCE (the very spirit of Christ in someone) that brings joy, strength, hope and a deepening of faith. That same spiritual presence will arouse uneasiness and fear in the hearts of lost men.
The very presence of God, before which men stand in awe, is sensed - even by lost men - wherever the "spirit of Christ" is manifested in His people. In its presence
sinners are brought to such a consciousness and conviction of their sin as recognizes a NEED of the Saviour! It is such a witness that God desires to produce in both the corporate and individual lives of His people.
To obtain a copy of this book, just address:
Pastor Edward Byrd
205 N. Kalaheo Avenue
Kailua, Hawaii 96734
Enclose $5.00 and request this particular book. If that does not cover the cost I hereby authorize him to bill me for the balance. EG
This was the heading of a chapter in Edgar A. Guest's book entitled Between You and Me. In this work he set forth his own philosophy of life.
Under the above heading Guest submitted his opinion that "the joy of accomplishment" is often tainted by blind conceit and arrogant pride. When one forgets, or chooses to ignore, the kindly encouragement and assistance that he has RECEIVED - assuming himself to be the sole architect and developer of his own brilliant achievement, he plays the fool!
Each of us is the sum-total of that which we have RECEIVED! There is no such thing as a SELF-MADE MAN. All along the way OTHERS have contributed to the success, fame and glory of the man who walks in the limelight and receives public acclaim for his greatness.
(Continued on Page 4)
SEMINAR ... Continued
inferior brethren into swallowing their latest enthusiasm, said leaders sometimes promote themselves to positions of self-assumed superiority over mere churchmen - offering (usually for a fee) to conduct seminars that will "bless and strengthen" both the ministry and churches that sponsor their programs.
During the past few months I have been utterly and disgustingly AMAZED at the variety of "Christian Seminars" that have been promoted via my mailbox! For example: there is the offer of seminars on Christian Charm (for the young ladies) and Christian Gallantry (for the young men); the use of Christian cosmetics; Christian fund-raising; Christian investments; Christian recreation; Christian aerobics and Christian "Rock". One may attend a seminar on: Divorce, Single Parenting; Time Management; The Family Youth Conflicts; Aging; Discipline; Discipling; Pastoral Burnout and Missionary Deputation!
Not many months ago I received an invitation to participate in a seminar on Christian INTEGRITY - involving the loving acknowledgement and acceptance of homosexuals and lesbians within the body of Christ!
And now I see Baptist brethren offering to conduct seminars on Spiritual Gifts - wherein they will help poor, unspiritual churchmen to DISCOVER and use THEIR VERY OWN GIFTS! According to the Word of God it is the Holy Spirit alone who endows members of the body of Christ with such spiritualities
as are essential to the proper function of the particular bodies of which they are members. But, isn't it a pity that the third person of the divine trinity can no longer be trusted to alert the recipients of His gifts to the FACT of their possession, and adequately direct them in the use thereof WITHOUT the necessity of a seminar conducted by someone who, according to "world-psychology", is learning to capitalize (for self promotion and monetary gain) on the carnality that exists within the Lord's own churches?!
When Baptist pulpits begin to exalt Freudian psychology to a higher place than that granted the Gospel of the Son, grace and kingdom of God; THIS IS AN ALARMING DEVELOPMENT!! And it is a time for straight-talk and courage on the part of those who still believe in the ALL-SUFFICIENCY of the Word of God for our rule of faith and practice. That is what this article is all about! E.G.
Like love, the grace of God, as set forth in the Scriptures, is beyond our comprehension. However, that we may appreciate it more fully, let us note a few of the many ways that the word is used in the Word of God.
Grace describes:
1) The free, eternal love of God, and the root from which every good springs forth, (2 Tim. 1:9).
2) The free impartation of the righteousness of Jesus Christ, by which we appear as righteous in
the sight of God, (Rom. 5:20).
3) The work of the Spirit - renewing the soul after the image of God, and assisting us in the various duties that He requires, (2 Cor. 12:9).
4) The position of covenant fellowship wherein we stand as reconciled to God and identified with His Son, (Rom. 5:2).
5) The free love, favor and bounty of Christ, (2 Cor. 8:9).
6) The Christ-like disposition wrought in the Christian heart by the Spirit, (2 Cor. 8:7).
7) Spiritual instruction and edification, (Eph. 4:29).
8) The stewardship divinely bestowed, and the ability to administer it acceptably, (Eph. 3:8).
9) A consciousness of such divine endowment as is a support in times of affliction, (Rom. 1:7; 2 Cor. 1:12; Phil. 1:7).
10) The fulness of life that is to be ours at the revelation of Jesus Christ, (I Pet. 1:13).
Marvelous grace of our loving Lord,
Grace that exceeds our sin and
our guilt!
Yonder on Calvary's mount out-
poured -
There where the blood of the Lamb
was spilt.
Grace, grace; God's grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse
Grace, grace, God's grace;
Grace that is greater than all our
"WHAT I OWE" .... Continued
Nor can there be any real spiritual progress, in any of our lives, except as we build upon a foundation that has been laid by OTHERS! Each of us have RECEIVED SO MUCH! In fact, apart from that which has been HANDED TO US we would be NOTHING! (See I Cor. 4:7).
I thank God for the many, many people who, by a word of loving council, encouragement, instruction or rebuke, have influenced my life for good. Many authors whom I have never met, a number of them long- dead, have added immensely to the depth of my understanding, joy and peace in the Lord.
By the grace of God, I am deeply indebted to "the other fellow"!
"By the grace of God, I am what I am", (I Cor. 15:10). E.G.