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The Clarion Herald

    As we go to press, word has just been received that Roger Murrell and family have finally received their visas and are leaving for Madeira on September 24.
    This family is going to work with the Ed Potter's in Madeira under the sponsorship of the West Bronston Baptist Church of Bronston, Kentucky. Support may be sent to them in care of the:
West Bronston Baptist Church
c/o Paster Sam Arnold
219 S. Horseshoe Drive
Somerset, KY 42501


    From St. Louis, Missouri comes word that the Calvary Cross Missionary Baptist Church has authorized the organization of a new church in St. Louis County by four families from their membership. Though this will, doubtless, place a temporary (financial) strain on Calvary Cross, the Lord's grace will prove sufficient to all those who are fully committed to it.
    It is our earnest desire that both groups will bear a faithful and effective witness to our Lord's saving strength, and that many precious
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    "He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter", (Isaiah 53:7).

    How great was the PATIENCE of Jesus! With what forbearance He endured the blindness, misconceptions and hard-heartedness - even of His own disciples! Though he had walked with the Master for three years, Philip had not really known Him, but was strangely ignorant of His Lord's dignity and glory. Yet, how tenderly did the Master deal with him - offering promises of grace!
    The honored and trusted Peter became a renegade and coward. His dishonored Lord, stung by such unrequited love, might have, justly cut the unworthy cumberer down. Instead, He spared him, bare with him, gently rebuked him and loved him more than ever!
    Behold the Divine Sufferer in the final scenes of His own disgrace and woe! How patiently he bears up under it all! "As a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so He opened not His mouth". In those awful moments outraged Omnipotence might have summoned twelve legions of angels - placing in the hands of each a vial of wrath. Instead, He submitted in meek and majestic

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

silence. Truly, in him "Patience" had her perfect work!
    Consider His patience with his church since he ascended to the Father, and the glory that was His before the world existed. How Patiently He has endured the ingratitude of his own people - their perverse resistance of His grace, their wanderings, their hardness of heart and contempt of His holy word! His hand of mercy is stretching out still!
    Are you undergoing some bitter trial of faith? The path God has chosen for you may be filled with mystery. No footprints of love are discernable; there is no light in the clouds overhead; no ray illuminating the dark prospect that lies ahead. BE PATIENT! "The Lord is good to them that wait for HIM". "They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength!"
    Perhaps you have, for a long time, been confined to a bed of sickness -- with days of pain, and

nights of weariness, being your divine appointment. BE PATIENI! By this very affliction the Lord is nurturing within you the beautiful grace that radiated so conspicuously from the character of your dear Lord. With Him it was lovely habit of the soul. With you, the patience-working "tribulation" is a necessary discipline. It is good for a man that he should both HOPE and quietly WAIT for the salvation of his God!
    Again, you may be suffering some undeserved wrong - unkindness, exposure to such harsh and cutting accusations as are difficult for flesh and blood to bear. BE PATIENT! Beware of retaliation - even with the tongue. Much evil may be done by a few inconsiderate words spoken unadvisedly. Remember how Jesus stood before a human tribunal in the silent submissiveness of conscious innocence and integrity. Leave your cause with God: "O God, I am oppressed! Undertake Thou for me!"
    It is "in patience" that men "possess" their souls. Let it not, therefore, be considered a grace for peculiar occasions only. May it, rather, become the habitual manifestation of Christlikeness in our lives - observable in the calm serenity of our daily walk; the fixed purpose of the heart to WAIT ON GOD, and to cast its every burden upon him.

LIGHTHOUSE ... Continued

souls may be brought to acknowledge Him as Saviour and Lord - to the honor and glory of His precious name.        E.G.


    Though I make no claim to understanding the full ramifications of this new piece of legislation, I do feel an obligation to inform my brethren of the VERY LIMITED OPPORTUNITY that EXISTING CHURCHES have to escape the compulsion of becoming collecting agencies for the IRS.
    Unless Form 8274 is filed (before October 30, 1984) with the IRS Service Center for the state in which each local church is located, each church will be responsible to withhold (and, evidently, to match) social security taxes from the wages of each employee.
    This is something that every church must decide for itself, but TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!!    E.G