"This man receiveth sinners", (Lk. 15:2).
This ironical taunt of proud and censorious Pharisees formed the glory of Him who came, "not to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance". Publicans and outcasts; those covered with an affliction deeper than any bodily leprosy laid bare their wounds to the "Great Physician". As there crept, unabashed and imploring, to His feet men with conscious guilt and timid penitence, they found a forgiving, cleansing and gracious welcome!
His ways were never as the ways of men! The "watchman", in the Song of Solomon, might smite the disconsolate one who sought her lost Lord - harshly removing her vail, and mocking with chilling unkindness her anguished tears. Not so the "chief shepherd" and bishop of souls. "This man RECEIVETH SINNERS!"
Under the shadows of night, Nicodemus comes stealing secretly to Him - a symbol of myriads who, in every age, have gone trembling in their night of sin and sorrow to this Heavenly Friend! Does our Lord
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Paul and Celeste Rose
Landmark church was blessed last Sunday by a visit from Bro. Paul Rose and his wife - a young missionary couple on their way to minister to the Quechua Indians in the mountains of Peru. The son of missionary-parents, Bro. Paul is going out under the sponsorship of the Bethel Baptist Church of Porter, Indiana. He may be contacted do that church at:
217 Francis Street
Porter, Indiana 46304
It is our prayer that the Lord will give them an open door for the planting of indigenous New Testament churches in the unreached villages of the Andes Mountains. E.G.
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rebuke his timidity by shutting His door against Him - refusing him admittance to His presence? No, He will not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax!
And Jesus is still the same! He who arrested a persecutor in his blasphemies, and tuned the lips of a felon with faith and love, now stands with all the garnered treasures of redemption in His hand - proclaiming, "Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out!"
Are we, then, to think lightly of sin? or, by example and conduct, to excuse and overlook its enormity? NEVER! Sin, AS sin, can never be sufficiently stamped with the brand of reprobation. But we must be careful to distinguish between the offence and the offender. Nothing shou]d be done, by word or deed, to mock the penitent cryings of a guilty heart, or send the trembling outcast away with the despairing feeling of NO HOPE! "This man receiveth sinners", and
should we not do the same? Does our Master permit the very dregs of human depravity to crouch at His feet, and to gaze on His forgiving countenance with the uplifted eye of hope? Dare WE, then, deal out harsh, severe and crushing vindicatives upon an offending brother? Shall we, indeed, pronounce those who are "crimson and scarlet" to be beyond the realm of mercy, when our Lord does not?
When wretchedness, depravity and backsliding cross our path, let us NOT, with bitter taunt or an ironical retort, bid them depart! Rather, let us bear, endure, counsel and rebuke with a gentle and loving tenderness. Jesus DID so; Jesus DOES so!
If there dwelt within us His unconquerable love of souls, and His yearning desire for the eternal welfare of sinners, we would more often be found in earnest and loving endeavor toward those who have hitherto received from us nothing but harsh thoughts and repulsive words!
If this "mind" were REALLY in us, which is in Christ Jesus, we would ask ourselves more frequently whether we have done our best to pluck some brand from the burning! Have we remembered what grace HAS wrought; what grace CAN DO?
"Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins!" (James 5:19-20).
"Arm yourselves likewise with the same mind!"
ONLY a blast of rams' horns and a shout - and God made the walls of proud Jericho crumble to their foundations, and the key of all Canaan was in the hand of Israel, (Joshua 6).
ONLY an ox-goad - but with it six hundred Philistines were slain, and Israel was delivered by Shamgar's God, (Judges 3:31).
ONLY a trumpet blast, the smash of lighted pitchers, and a shout - but by these, and Gideon, God delivered Israel from the seven-year yoke of the Midianites, (Judg. 6-8).
ONLY the jawbone of an ass - yet heaps upon heaps of Philistines fell before it, because God strengthened Samson's arm that wielded it, (Judg. 15).
ONLY a sling, and a stone with unerring precision, and directed by Almighty God - and that day Philistine mighty men were put to shame; the Philistine giant, Goliath, licked the dust, and God's honor was vindicated, (I Sam. 17).
ONLY a few ignorant, unlettered, yet whole-hearted and consecrated men and women - but by the power of God they made men believe in that One whose life seemingly was a failure, and taught men the way of salvation which transforms its possessors into the likeness of the Son of God himself, and ultimately lands them in eternal glory, (Acts 1-2).
God uses the base, despised, weak and foolish things of this world to do His own glorious work, (I Cor. 1:27-29. If you are such in your own eyes, and content to
be such in the eyes of others, then the very same power, from the very same Lord, for the very same purpose, may be YOURS! -- Selected
Go when the morning shineth,
Go when the noon is bright,
Go when the even declineth,
Go in the hush of night;
Go with pure mind and feeling,
Fling earthly thought away,
And, in thy closet kneeling,
Do thou in secret pray.
Remember all who love thee,
All who are loved by thee;
Pray, too, for those who hate thee,
If any such there be;
Then for thyself, in meekness,
A blessing humbly claim,
And blend with each petition
Thy great Redeemer's name.
Or, if 'tis e'er denied thee
In solitude to pray,
Should holy thoughts come o'er thee
When friends are round thy way,
E'en then the silent breathing,
Thy spirit raised above,
Will reach his throne of glory,
Where dwells eternal love.
0, not a joy or blessing
With this can compare -
The grace our Father gave us
To pour our souls in prayer
Whene'er thou pin'st in sadness,
Before His footstool fall;
Remember, in thy gladness,
His love who gave thee all!
(I Corinthians 9:3-14)
As an apostle of Jesus Christ, and minister of the gospel, Paul had a right to expect his material needs to be supplied by those to whom he ministered. The Lord Himself ordained that those who "proclaim the gospel should live of the gospel", (vs. 14); this is their labor. The workman is "worthy of his meat" and the laborer "of his hire", (Matt. 10:10; Lk. 10:7).
The principle of one's responsibility to share his material goods with those who minister to his spiritual needs is clearly illustrated in I Corinthians 9:7-13. Those who are called of God to preach His word are to be so liberated from the necessity of secular
employment that they may devote themselves to the study and ministry of the word and to prayer, (comp. Acts 6:4).
To the Thessalonians Paul wrote that he and Silas might have been burdensome to them, as the apostles of Christ, but chose to forego their "rights". "Being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us", (I Thes. 2:6-8). Later he wrote to that same church: "Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labor and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you: Not because we have not power, but to MAKE OURSELVES AN EXAMPLE unto you to follow us", (2 Thes. 3:8-9).
And, though Paul always encouraged the liberal support of a faithful ministry (I Tim. 5:17-18), he refused to exercise his own right to claim it at various places - lest it be a hindrance to the progress of the gospel. He did not insist on the full exercise of his rights in the gospel. His concern was for the edification of the brethren and the glory of God!
Paul and Barnabas also waived their "rights" to lead about wives as they fulfilled their gospel ministries. And Paul urged his own example, in this also, upon the unmarried at Corinth. Because of the distress of the time, he felt that the unmarried would have far greater liberty to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the master's service.