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The Clarion Herald

    The seemingly increasing rapidity with which time passes, after one has reached a maturity of years, greatly illuminates the biblical view of the brevity of life, as experienced in this present world. It is likened to a "vapor" that becomes visible for a moment, but then vanishes into the atmosphere, (Jas. 4:14). It is like a flower that appears one day in radiant beauty; the next day it withers and dies, (Isa. 40:6-7). The days of our earthly pilgrimage are further likened to: a shadow, a flying shuttle, a handbreadth and a speeding messenger, (I Chron. 29:15; Job 7:6; Psa. 39:5; Job 9:25).
    He who lives for the moment -- the gratification of the flesh and its lusts -- is a FOOL! Whoever sets his heart on this present world; its allurements, possessions, pleasures, values and ways; invites spiritual disaster and forfeits any right to the blessings of the coming age. Only a fool will choose that which is already beginning to perish over what is of infinitely greater value, and guaranteed to endure for time and eternity. This present world will soon pass away
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    When Pilate had learned that Jesus was from Galilee, he quickly determined to send Him to Herod who was, at that very time, in Jerusalem.
    Herod was delighted at the prospect of seeing Jesus, (Luke 23:8). For a long time he had wanted to see Him, (Luke 9:9). Having heard of Jesus' mighty works, the depraved king had hoped to see Him perform a miracle, (comp. Matt. 12:38-39; Jn. 14:1; Mark 6:14).
    Though Herod asked Jesus many questions, the Master did not speak a single word to him. There was ample reason. Jesus had not forgotten treatment of John the Baptist, (Matt. 14:1-12). The heart of this wicked king had once been deeply moved through the faithful preaching of this "man sent from God"; but, he lacked the courage to do what he knew was right. In a drunken stupor Herod made a rash promise that compromised the very life of the great prophet. Conscious of his wrong, his pride would not permit his admission of a mistake. And he ordered the murder of the Baptist who had been so very faithful to him.
    Jesus had refused to see Herod

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The Clarion Herald The Clarion Herald

on a previous occasion. Later, when Herod sent the Pharisees to Him with a threat against His life, Jesus had sent him a message of scathing rebuke, (Lk. 13:32-33). He now refuses to speak a single word to the puppet-king; He has nothing to offer one who has sealed his heart against truth and right. And the silence of Jesus is always a most solemn thing. It is a virtual CONDEMNATION of both his accusers and inquisitors.
    On this occasion Jesus faced many trying things -- with perfect composure, and without answering a word. The chief priests and scribes accused Him vehemently. Herod and his body-guard treated Him with contempt. Mocking Him, they dressed Him in a gorgeous purple robe (kingly attire) and returned Him to Pilate. This indicated that Herod did NOT consider Jesus politically dangerous.
    Thus, he renounced jurisdiction over his
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    In Matthew 27:3-10 is recorded the closing chapter in the life of Judas. His life and career are NOT very well known. He has aroused considerable perplexity among the people of God for the past 19 centuries. Most everyone has a philosophy concerning him; some are far more dogmatic than is justified by the scarcity of evidence on which their philosophies are built. Thus, there is need for an honest weighing of the evidence that IS available.
    Judas was a man from Kerioth-Hezron, about 12 miles south of Hebron. "Iscariot", is not his surname; it describes the place of his birth. He was the son of Simon, (John 6:71; 13:2, 26). He was chosen and ordained to be an "apostle" by Jesus Christ, (Matt. 10:4).
    Jesus recognized in Judas, as in the other eleven whom He chose, the potential for divine service. He wanted Judas, with the others, to be with Him; He desired their fel1owship (Mk. 3:14). Along with the others, Judas was sent forth as the bearer of a divine message. Through his relationship with Jesus extraordinary power was available to him -- the power of working miracles, and of casting out demons "in Jesus' name", (Mark 3:15). He was one of the original "pillars" in the church -- the SPIRITUAL HOUSE that was built by Jesus Christ. Who can really imagine the Son of Man DELIBERATELY USING DEFECTIVE MATERIALS in the very institution that was designed to reflect His own holiness and glory to a sin-darkened

    The "undoing" of Judas was by a slow process. There was apparently a time when his heart thrilled at the words of Jesus. After the apostolic-group was called to follow Jesus, Judas was entrusted with the treasury. Tempted to lust for THINGS, he began to pilfer --taking money from the treasury - which he might-well have intended, at the first, to repay; but he never did.
    Dishonesty and deceit are evident in Judas' complaint of waste when Mary anointed Jesus with precious ointment, (John 12:3-6). He did not REALLY care for the poor, but, if that money had been given into the apostolic treasury, he could certainly have found a use for it.
    The greed that had developed for material wealth was manifested immediately following the anointing incident; Judas went to the chief priests and asked: "What will you GIVE ME, and I will deliver Him unto you?" (Matt. 26:14-15). And, finally, we note his actual treacherous betrayal of Jesus, (Lk. 22:47-48).
    One thing must be made clear concerning this man. The scriptures NOWHERE picture him as being "a devil"; or even "an enemy" FROM THE BEGINNING. Jesus DID KNOW, from the beginning, who would betray Him. But the opportunity before Judas, at that time, was just as bright as for any of Jesus' other disciples. And, by such a slow process of degeneration as Judas followed, ANY child of God MAY SIN just as grievously as He!
There can be little doubt that

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Judas' disappointment in Jesus played a significant role in his fall. He had expected an important position in the Kingdom that Jesus promised to establish. But he tired of waiting; he could not understand why Jesus did not manifest the Messianic strength that was surely His in restoring Israel to a position of glory in the earth. Nor was Judas the last of Jesus' disciples to become frustrated and impatient by the necessity of waiting for the things on which they have set their hearts. We must understand that even impatience is an avenue whereby Satan may invade the citadel of OUR HEARTS as surely as he did that of Judas!
    The ULTIMATE cause of Judas' treachery was the fact that "SATAN ENTERED INTO HIM" -- taking actual possession of his life. Such a tragic thing has happened again and again in the lives of the Lord's own people, (I Pet. 5:8-11). Nor must we ever imagine ourselves too clever, or too strong, for him; our only safety is in constant dependence upon Jesus, and constant consciousness of His nearness to help.
    However one may attempt to explain the situation, Judas appears to have been SURPRISED and shocked by the actual condemnation of his Master, (Matt. 27:3). Did he understand, at the time he agreed to lead the chief priests to the Master, that he was actually contributing to the murder of his best Friend? Could it be that, reasoning as a man, he expected Jesus to both defend Himself and assert His authority as the REAL KING of the

Jews? Is there any evidence that Judas ever wanted an end put to the ministry of his Master? Did, he try to save Jesus -- once he realized the seriousness of the situation? What was the response he received? Was he the kind of man who, in spite of his covetousness, could USE the money for which he had betrayed to death the most loving friend a man ever had? What dramatic action did he take concerning the money?
    The loss that Judas suffered by the tragedy of his suicide was irreparable. By wrong decisions he lost 1) Any opportunity to receive forgiveness for his terrible deed; 2) The privilege of sharing in the "inheritance", glory and rulership of the coming Kingdom of God -- as promised by the Lord to His faithful followers; 3) The privilege of nearness to Christ in the age to come; and 4) His own soul -- bankrupting himself, spiritually, for all eternity.
    One Thing must be made quite clear: Judas WAS RESPONSIBLE for his own action; he was NOT forced to do what he did by some DIVINE DECREE made before he was born. It is, further, evident that Jesus DID NOT, in Judas, choose a lost man and appoint him to the office of apostleship MERELY TO FULFIL THE SCRIPTURES! He is specifically said to have been "given" Jesus, by the Father, (Jn.17:12). His loss was from the "fold"; even this was not by divine decree, but because Judas had gradually established a pattern of living that could lead only to ruin. He was the "son of

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perdition" because destructive ways and attitudes characterized his manner of life.
    When it is said that Judas went "to his own place" it simply means that, by wrong decisions, he forfeited the "high calling" that belongs to those who are "in Christ Jesus". Nor is it clear that EVEN THIS was deliberate; no one really MEANS to ruin himself for time and eternity. But it is still a serious thing to allow Satan a foothold in one's life.
    Whoever considers himself above the possibility of such a sin as that of Judas had better WATCH OUT!


-- with its lusts and deceptive allurements; "but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever", (I John 2:17).
    Has the attitude of YOUR heart (and the deeds of your life) been such, in 1979, that God could "declare righteous" (justify) -- thus, laying up treasure for you in heaven, (Matt. 6:10)? Or, has your heart been so set on the distractions of this present world that 1979 has been a total spiritual loss?
    BEWARE OF SPIRITUAL BANKRUPTCY! It is a definite POSSIBILITY for ANY child of God. Some will walk in "nakedness and shame" in the age to come -- all because of a perverted sense of values which led to foolish decisions in this life, (Rev. 16:15).
    If YOU have never trusted in Jesus, YOU are CONDEMNED ALREADY, (Jn. 3:18)! Your only hope is to

"plead gu1lty" admit that the sentence upon YOUR SIN is just. Repent (turning from your iniquity), and cast yourself upon God's mercy. He has given His own precious Son to DIE IN YOUR PLACE, and suffer the penalty of your sin, in order that you may be offered FREE and ETERNAL DELIVERANCE from the guilt and penalty of your sin. And He will enable you to BE and DO all that He expects of you as His own dear child.
    Isn't it absurd to reject such a gracious offer?
    Why not be honest with yourself, and with God RIGHT NOW?? Acknowledge your sinful wretchedness and unworthiness of His grace. Ask Him to save you -- on the merits of His Own Dear Son. Truly yield the control of your heart and life into His hands. And trust Him to save you COMPLETELY!
    It is not necessary, or wise, to spend ANOTHER WASTED YEAR; nor even A DAY!


Plunged in a gulf of dark despair,
    We wretched sinners lay,
Without one cheerful beam of hope,
    Or spark of glimmering day!

With pitying eyes the Prince of
    Beheld our helpless grief:
He saw -- and -- oh amazing love!
    He ran to our relief.

Down from the shining seats above
    With joyful haste He fled,
Entered the grave in mortal flesh,
    And dwelt among the dead.

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Oh! for this love let rocks & hills
    Their lasting silence break,
And all harmonious human tongues
    The Saviour's praises speak.

Angels assist our mighty joys,
    Strike all your harps of gold;
But when you raise your highest
    His love can ne'er be told.


    For the past several years we have invited letters from the readers of the CLARION HERALD during the month of January. It is a joy to hear from you at ANY time, and some have been quite faithful to remember us without any reminder. (This appeal is not for those who have written in recent months.)
    It has been our privilege to continue this ministry for almost 10 years. It is becoming increasingly difficult, but, we feel that it is more needful now than ever before. When so many are yielding to the pressures of a self-seeking, pleasure-mad society -- forsaking the way of truth and righteousness -- there is desperate need for the sounding of a Clarion call "to salvation, sobriety, watchfulness, fidelity and brotherliness in view of our Lord's return". Such a call we will endeavor to send forth as long as God permits.
    We earnestly covet your prayers. We are encouraged by your letters. And we are deeply grateful for those who are willing to share in the fellowship of this ministry by their loving liberality. -- the Editor

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subject. Pilate might do with Him as he thought best. By the exchange of mutual courtesies, the rift between the two Roman leaders was healed.
    The case of Jesus was not yet settled. Pilate lacked courage to implement his conviction (the first step toward his ultimate ruin), and Herod simply DID NOT CARE.
    Rather than hastily pass harsh judgment on these two men of authority, it might be best that each of us honestly inquire: Am I always bold and courageous to do what I know is right? Do I always stand faithfully with my Lord -- bearing His reproach? Do I REALLY CARE enough to get involved? Or, have I often denied Him just as surely as Peter? and betrayed Him, as Judas?

    "Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways and see; and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and you shall find rest for your souls", (Jer. 6:16). "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls", (Matt. 11:26-29).
    Whenever we set out to chart our own course in life everything ends in trouble, the only way to real soul-rest is through a faith-abandonment of ALL into the hands of the One Who died to set us free from the dominion of sin. Once we yield all to Him, He comes to manifest His very life and divine power through our yielded bodies. Thus, it is not necessary for us to seek victory over self, sin - and the world. Abiding in Christ, we find that the victory is ALREADY HIS. So we may rest IN HIM as, by faith, we enter into the victory that He has already won.
"Lord, I believe a rest remains,
    To all Thy people known,
A rest, where pure enjoyment reigns
    And Thou art loved alone.

A rest, where all our soul's desire
    Is fixed on things above;
Where grief, & pain, & fear expire,
    Cast out by perfect love.

This is the feast of saints on high,
    But I may taste below;
And sweeter tastes God will supply,
    As into Christ I grow.